Saturday, July 20, 2024

History of Human Evolution And List of Species That Existed On Earth

As set out by Paul R. Lawrence and Nitin Nohria in their 2002 book Driven: ‘How Human Nature Shapes Our Choices’, they are the drives to the history of human evolution and modern humans.  There are six stages of human evolution. Now let’s quickly learn more about the history of human evolution and the list of species that existed on earth.

Below are the basic survival factors that any species needs:

  • get (receive scarce goods, including intangibles such as social status);
  • bond (form connections with individuals and groups);
  • comprehend (satisfy our curiosity and master the world around us);
  • and defend (protect against external threats and promote justice).

These drives underlie everything we do. I agree with this. This following content is my way of trying to comprehend the world around me.

How did we come into existence? What is the history of human evolution? To help you answer this, here is the list of homo sapiens that existed before the birth of human species, which eventually led to the existence of human species.

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Below is the list of species that existed on earth before the birth of modern humans.

List of Human Sapiens That Existed Before Modern Humans

1. Homo Heidelbergensis

Lived on Earth between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago.

2. Homo Rudolfensis

Lived 1.9 million years ago. This species falls under the hominids.

3. Homo Habilis

Existed on Earth between 2.4 and 1.4 million years ago.

4. Homo Floresiensis

Lived in Indonesia between 95,000 to 17,000 years ago.

5. Homo Erectus

This is an extinct species of early human which lived about 1.9 million years to recent 143,000 years ago.

6. Homo Neanderthalensis

Neanderthals have the closest similarity to modern humans. They lived about 600,000 to 30,000 years ago. The interesting part about this species is that only 0.12% of their DNA is different from modern humans.

7. Homo Sapiens

The fossils of homo sapiens were found in Ethiopia dated around 160,000 to 40,000 years before modern times.

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Beginning of Human Evolution of Modern Times

The beginning of human evolution was started in Africa. The first pieces of evidence of human evolution were called Neanderthals.

Moreover, these Neanderthals have a similar feature of modern humans. Around one million years ago, they started moving out of Africa, into Europe.

These types of hominids are going to evolve on their own in distant lands from Africa. In the end, they will surpass, taken over by another group, who are better evolved.
As per communication and thinking, they will enter into the Homo sapiens which depicted the history of human evolution and the list of species that existed on earth.

The Era of Neanderthals and Homosapiens – Part of Human Evolution

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens had similar anatomical features. They used the same tools but Homo sapiens overtook them in the area of brain development. 

At this point, nobody thought that they are the ones going to be the most advanced and capable creatures on the planet.  This is a clear example of a chronicle and history of human evolution which was spellbound.

As the evolution went on, the homo sapiens got weaker physically, and stronger mentally. The stand out feature, I would say, was the ability to pass the knowledge, as they evolve.

Take the example of animals, each generation, learn to hunt, kill, then die. The next, from scratch. It is so amazing to see how humans discovered so many things like fire, electricity, etc. Additionally, it passed on to the next generation and the future generation as well.

Communication is the flagship feature of modern humans hence a part of human evolution.

History of Human Evolution Based On Geography

Now comes the evolution based on geographies.

Humans, as the researches suggest, moved out of Africa. Then they moved into the middle east. Further Asia, India, up to Europe. Then central Asia, Russia, Bearing Strait, and into the Americas from there. 
So, as they moved out of Africa, considering Europe, which is more mountainous and cold. Whereas Africa was plain, dry and hot. This is when we started adopting to different climatic geographies.

How Human Evolution Affects Biological Factors?

In Europe, we needed a way to absorb vitamins, as exposure to the sun is less. So, our skin adapts, loses some of its elements, turns lighter, to absorb more vitamins.

But again, we should always understand that evolution involves loss of lives, a lot. I mean, in thousands or sometimes millions. Because, not every regionally evolved hominid can accept change in climatic variation, geographical landscapes, and food habits.

They try to adapt, they die. 


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One such peculiar case is lactose intolerance. I have an interesting theory on this. Cows, known to be first domesticated in the early Iran region of the present world, are one of the first animals, to start coexisting with.

Now, humans cease the ability to process milk, after an initial few years of mother’s feeding so far. For whatsoever reasons, these people started taking cow’s milk.

Again a new habit cannot be accepted by many variants of modern humans, resulting in loss of lives and adaptation in the body to process milk by some.

This can explain why, there are still many people if you see across northern Europe or maybe America, who are lactose intolerant. They practically cannot process milk at all!

Whereas, Asians, noticeably middle easterners, and Indians, consume a lot of milk daily.  This was a kind of transition in the history of human evolution.

And here we are, the incredible creatures, evolving every day, passing the knowledge, turning into extraordinary survival of all time on this planet! Hail humans!!

Your thoughts,

So what are your thoughts on this incredible journey about the evolution of modern humans? Do share your views in the comment section.

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