Saturday, July 20, 2024


Can You Really Tell If Your Kid Is Lying?

Cognitive psychologists say that lying is a social behavioral...

When Do You Actually Become an Adult?

The idea of adulthood, its roles, and responsibilities are...

How to Help Your Teenager With Low Self Esteem?

Today, low self-esteem in adolescence is a common issue....

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Why Family Is Not An Important Thing, Family Is Everything?

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. Home is where the heart is. And the...

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How Should Parents Handle a Bad Report Card?

A bad report card is the biggest nightmare not only for students but also for the parents. In a world of competition, it is challenging for an individual to compete, survive, and emerge victoriously. For a child, the struggle...

How to Build a Bridge Between Parents And Teachers?

Parenting and Teaching are two very similar jobs. The primary objective of both these jobs is to mold young minds into something great. Therefore, parents and teachers must always be working together. Regular school communication with parents is needed....

How to Deal With Toxic Family Members And Come Out If Needed?

Do you feel a toxic vibe in your family? You make many choices, but you don't get to choose the family you are born in. Also, you get the opportunity to fly the nest, at least not until you're...

Why Is It More Than Important To Take Care Of Your Parents?

Did you know that in some states, it is a legal requirement to financially support your aging parents if they are not able to take care of themselves? This might differ in other parts of the world, for instance...

Things To Sort Out Before Buying A Home – Process Checklist

Are you planning to buy your first home? Contrary to popular belief, buying a new home can become a liability rather than an asset. The real estate market can be a boom when you purchase and collapse when you...

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