Saturday, July 20, 2024

Self Help

Satya Nadella’s Book Recommendations To Every One This Year

With the year coming to an end, it's time...

Life Is Unfair, What Can We Do About It?

Some people are born with the ability to overcome...

Why Smart People Do Foolish Things?

Even the smartest people in the room can act...

You Can’t Be 100% Motivated All The Time, Stop Trying To Be

We all have dry days where we feel completely...

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Here’s How Playing Chess Can Enhance Your Logical Thinking And Make You Smarter

Everyone loves playing games, no matter whether you are a young kid or an old...

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Here’s Why You Must Follow The Rules To Break Them

Rules are prescribed guides for action. When applied correctly, rules give children a feeling of predictability and regularity, encouraging physical and emotional safety. Rules aid in the direction of desired outcomes. Since there are rules for everything in life,...

Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness. Likewise, Your Life Can’t Shine Without Struggles

We all have our fair share of struggles. Whether it's school, work, relationships, health, or finances, we all come across various kinds of struggles, difficulties, and personal challenges in our lives. Unfortunately, we often view these struggles as barriers...

The Downsides of Perfectionism and How to Overcome It?

Perfectionism, when followed religiously, can easily become a weakness rather than a strength. Most organizations set organizational/personal goals and targets each year and drive their employees to deliver beyond expectations in order to earn an incentive or bonus on...

Here’s Why You Must Stop Snoozing Your Alarm?

Like every other night before going to bed, you decide to wake up early in the morning, be productive, and complete more than half of your work by noon. However, not only did you end up staying late, endlessly...

Master The Art Of Getting What You Want In Life

Did you know that only 8% of the population successfully achieve their goals in life? While the rest fail to make it in life, it's also necessary to understand that it is a daunting task to achieve what we...

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