Saturday, July 20, 2024

Self Motivation

Life Is Unfair, What Can We Do About It?

Some people are born with the ability to overcome...

You Can’t Be 100% Motivated All The Time, Stop Trying To Be

We all have dry days where we feel completely...

Keep Your Eyes On The Stars And Your Feet On The Ground

"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet...

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Keep Your Eyes On The Stars And Your Feet On The Ground

"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground” is a quote...

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Wake Up Determined, Go To Bed Satisfied Everyday

In this article, I want to talk about the morning after. No, not that kind of morning after. This is about waking up determined. How Can You Wake Up Determined And Go To Bed Satisfied Every Day? STEP 1: The To-Do...

Inspiring Life Quotes Of Stephen Hawking That Will Make Your Day!

"When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade" is Stephen Hawking's life policy. He is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and director of the research center for theoretical cosmology. He is none other than the living legend Stephen Hawking....

Most Influential & Heroic Women of Times’ 100 Who Are Breaking Stereotypes

Centuries ago, women fought for liberty, rights, and justice for their lives. Even to date, there are many women in the world fighting for fundamental rights. Though the world has advanced in technology and business, there are women yet...

You Don’t Have to Know Everything Before You Start Something

Have you heard about the need-to-know-everything personality disorder? Scientists call it OCPD - Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Perhaps that's the most intense form of achieving perfectionism. Nevertheless, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves as boss babes. We act...

Self Made YouTube Women Singers That You Must Subscribe

Have you ever heard a woman singing from her heart and soul? Have you ever felt a wave of emotion due to the passion she expressed in her words? It’s powerful. It’s also powerful to see a woman with...

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