Saturday, July 20, 2024

18 Incredible Facts About The Human Brain

The human brain is by far one of the most complex organs in the human body. This is mainly because the brain is responsible for so many unique functions and how precisely the brain works is still fully not discovered by humankind.

This human organ is still a mystery and scientists are constantly studying brain patterns to gain in-depth clarity about it massive skills.

If you have watched the animation movie – Inside Out, you would have a brief picture of the activities that the brain does regularly and how it can influence your mood. Just like a computer, our human brain also has storage areas to store relevant memories.

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It has separate chambers for each kind of memory. Right from the good and bad memory, the brain saves them in different zones. You can indeed picturise it like a big data center. It is these memories that define your personality.

Almost all of the creations on this planet somehow contribute to the incredible features that the brain holds. The human brain helps you to think, question, memorize or remember, dream, solve problems, observe patterns and connect the dots, etc.

For instance, let’s rewind to the invention of gravity. If Newton did not question the falling of an apple, he must not have ended up inventing gravity. Likewise behind almost every invention and discovery is a very simple trigger of the brain’s function.

Functions of our Brain

The human brain is also holding the central nervous system which acts as the commanding unit for all the other organs of your body.

The human heart also functions by the instructions received from the brain. The axons in the brain count to over a 100,000 miles. They could easily wrap around the Earth four times.

Did you know that the brain does not sleep, even when you fall asleep? In fact, it is more active when you sleep. Were you aware of the fact that your brain keeps growing until the age of ’40s?

Oxygen supply to the brain is very critical for it to function. It just takes 5 to 10 minutes of lack of oxygen for it to result in permanent damage. 

The human brain is like a ‘spoiled child.’ Although it weighs only approximately three percent of your total body weight, the brain seems to consume 30 percent of the blood being pumped from the heart.

Studies reveal that men’s brain is comparatively 10% larger than women’s brain. But the size of the brain has no impact on its intelligence. On the other hand, Einstein’s brain was smaller than the average men’s brain size.

Did you know that you have taste receptors in the stomach, intestines, testicles, pancreas, lungs, anus, and the BRAIN???

Go ahead and feed yourself with more interesting facts about the human brain.

Here are the most interesting facts about the human brain you must know.

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The human brain is indeed a vital organ that needs care. So, do take of yourselves and stay healthy & happy! Do you know any other interesting facts about the human brain? Feel free to comment below and share your thoughts with us. 

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