Saturday, July 20, 2024

Mental Health

Why Hobbies Are Important To Improve Your Mental Health?

Over the last few decades, the importance and awareness...

Happiness Looks Good On You – Can Happiness Make You More Beautiful?

"Happiness looks good on you"— we all have come...

Candid Reasons Why Meditation Is A ‘Must’ These Days?

Fast cars, fast food, fast communication, fast computers -...

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12 Essential Things To Do If You Are Feeling Depressed Or Bored

When you feel depressed, your self-esteem is at its peak low. You think that you're...

Latest Articles

Here’s Why Yoga Is Not Just About Physical Exercise

Yoga, the ancient Indian practice, offers a myriad of health benefits. Today, it has also made a distinctive mark across the globe, including western countries. From mental, spiritual, and physical well-being, practicing yoga or meditation can change your life...

How Dоgѕ Саn Help Rеduсе Hеаlth Аnd Wellness Рrоblеmѕ?

Did you know 74% of people love dogs more than cats? Why wouldn't they? After all, dоgѕ are man's bеѕt frіеnd! Thеу'rе lоуаl, loving, еmраthеtіс, аnd playful; probably more than any human friendship. Because of thе lоng hіѕtоrу of...

Does Switching Schools Lead To Kids Having A Higher Risk Of Psychosis?

School life is one of the most memorable times in one's life. When we look back and think about our school days, so many fond memories flash before our eyes. Memories of our friends, school teachers, the mischief, the...

10 Reasons Why Taking A Break From Social Media Can Be Good For You

Have you wondered how your life would be without social media? Ever thought, how much time do you spend on social media every day? In fact, an average person spends about two hours on social media every day, and...

Do You Face Sunday Night Anxiety? 10 Ways To Beat The Sunday Dread

Do you feel dreadful as the Sunday night kicks in? Do you feel like your stress levels spike before the workweek begins on Monday morning? If you’ve ever had these feelings, you aren’t alone. Most people struggle with Sunday...

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