Friday, August 30, 2024


Lagom: The Swedish Lifestlye For A Well-Rounded & Balanced Happy Life

Have the Scandinavians cracked the code to a happy...

Sometimes The Most Productive Work You Can Do Is ‘Relax’

Haven't we all reached a point where not doing...

The Psychology Of Cartoons & The Benefits of Watching Cartoons For Adults

Do you know the psychology of cartoons? It's more...

10 Super-Easy Cocktail Recipes To Prepare At Home

Do you want to beat the summer heat? Here...

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The Psychology Of Cartoons & The Benefits of Watching Cartoons For Adults

Do you know the psychology of cartoons? It's more than just colorful characters and good...

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40 Amazing Binge Worthy Netflix Shows You Can Start Watching Now

I've done it all, cleaning the house, at-home spa day, and following a workout routine at home. But I still end up getting free time in this lockdown period. If you're anything like me these days you might end...

How To Have An At-Home Spa Night?

Are you tired of your monotonous life? Do you need some me-time to rejuvenate your body and mind? Or perhaps you're just bored spending time in quarantine. I've got an easy and cost-efficient idea for your problems. Spend your...

Do Tattoos Fade, Can Tattoos Be Removed Permanently?

You probably pass by people with tattoos every day and may wonder: are they permanent or do they fade? Once someone decides to get a tattoo, will they have to live with that design for the rest of their...

10 Reasons Why You Should Read Every Day

Reading books is one of the most beautiful hobbies one can embrace. No, I’m not talking about the Kindle books. I am referring to the real books, the ones you could hold, feel, and smell. The actual books possess...

Why Are Salt and Pepper On Every Table?

Have you ever counted how many holes does a salt or pepper shaker has? Why are salt and pepper so important and found on every table across different cuisines in the world? What is the superstition about passing the...

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