Saturday, July 20, 2024

Is Addiction to Drinking Water Harmful For Your Health?

Living a longer healthier life must be on everyone’s wishlist. And the right intake of water is the key ingredient to determine one’s health. Water has been a necessity for everyone from generations. But did you know there are disadvantages of drinking too much water? There are certain negative symptoms of drinking too much water. Read on to know how much water per day is too much.

Every child and every adult in our world knows the importance of water. If water can support life, it also has the potential to take away lives in the form of natural disasters.

All the cells, as well as organs in our body, require water to function. An appropriate amount of water consumption is required, to replace water that has been lost through sweat, urine, and breath.

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“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”
― W. H. Auden

Is Global Warming Impacting Your Daily Water Intake?

The past few months have not been easy for many people around the world. Some parts of the world like India, Europe, and the US received excessive rainfall causing flooding and destruction. On the other hand, countries like Australia face drought, forest fires, and are longing for rainfall.

The adverse effects of global warming, including rising temperatures and the shortage of rains have made things difficult for many people.

Due to this unusual heat, many people have been drinking more water than usual. In the past few days, I noticed something unusual. One of my friends exclaims she felt an urge to drink water even when she wasn’t thirsty.

She would keep drinking water until she was full. And she thought she couldn’t control the craving to drink water. Although most of us ignored this topic, it got me wondering can a person get addicted to drinking water and is it safe to consume excess water?

Is Addiction to Drinking Water Harmful For Your Health?


Even though drinking water on an empty stomach is very beneficial, overdoing it can be harmful to your body.

Everything is helpful, healthy and beneficial when taken in moderation. Addiction is a strong word. We usually associate it with something harmful like smoking and drinking (which is something that we hear very often).

Click here to learn what happens to your body when you quit smoking.

But getting addicted to water is something uncommon. At first, I felt that this question is just silly (I mean of all the things in the world who would get sick by drinking an excess of water).

But after digging around on the internet and talking to a few experts, I realized that someone can die due to over-consumption of water. There are quite a few disadvantages of drinking too much water.

The Lady Who Drinks 100 Glasses of Water a Day!

what is water intoxication

While researching this topic I came across an article about Sasha Kennedy of Essex who is said to be addicted to water. She drinks up to 100 glasses of water per day. Although excessive water consumption hasn’t affected her health, her lifestyle has been severely disturbed.

She had to use the toilet 40 times a day, gets just one hour of sleep per night due to the urge to pee or drink water, has to carry heavy bottles of water everywhere she goes. “I once quit my job because the tap water quality wasn’t up to par.

If I feel my mouth start to get dry, I have to get my next fix of water – it’s all I can focus on. People never really think anyone can drink that much until they get to know me – later they cannot believe their eyes,” says Sasha.

Drinking too much water leads to a condition called Psychogenic polydipsia.

Daily Habits To Live A Longer And Healthier Life

We all know that water consumption is essential for us all. It not only revitalizes our body in many ways but also maintains our health. But, too much water consumption can be harmful to our bodies. Drinking too much water in a short time can be fatal at times.

How Can Excessive Consumption Of Water Affect Your Health?

Here are some disadvantages of drinking too much water:

  • Excessive use of water can lead to a condition known as hyponatremia which is commonly known as water intoxication.

What is water intoxication?

Water intoxication also known as water poisoning is a phenomenon that leads to disruption in brain function due to excessive water consumption. It causes an imbalance of electrolytes in the body due to excessive water intake.

  • It is a lot similar to heat stroke where a person may experience exhaustion, headache and sickly.
  • In this condition, the levels of sodium in the blood become dangerously diluted.
  • This leads to complications such as convulsions, coma, and even death.

Yes, drinking excessive water in a short period can be fatal.

Drinking too much water has killed 14 people, new research has revealed.

Dr. Brain Dundas, in his research paper in the Current Psychiatric reports, writes that excessive water consumption can also lead to confusion, Seizures or death, Lethargy, and psychosis.

  • Apart from this, increase urination and thirst can also disrupt your regular life balance.
  • Another major disadvantage of drinking too much water that occurs is water retention.
  • Your body is unable to pass out the liquid and can’t get rid of it properly.
  • This causes water accumulation in the body.
  • This may further damage the liver, lungs or kidney.

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Who are the most common victims of water intoxication?

Water intoxication is often found in people with a rigorous lifestyle like soldiers, laborers or people in sports. Due to their heavy activities, working conditions and environment, they are bound to consume more amount of water may be consciously or unconsciously.

In the 2002 Boston Marathon, almost 13% of the marathon runners were diagnosed with water intoxication. Out of these, 0.6% of the people showed critical cases of water intoxication.

Another place where water intoxication is very common is rave parties. The high amount of drug usage affects the sense of thirst and normal brain functioning. Psychiatric patients (schizophrenia) have also shown signs of heavy water intake in a short span.

How Can You Make Sure You Are Consuming The Right Amount Of Water?

symptoms of drinking too much water

1) Know-How Much is Too Much

When it comes to how much water you should consume every day, various opinions are depending on your size, weight, and activity.

However, most of the experts suggest that each person should drink around 2 liters of water daily. Low water intake can cause dehydration which can cause further health issues.

2) Check for Symptoms

Be on a lookout for cues of water intoxication. Symptoms of drinking too much water are:

  • light-headedness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • cramping
  • muscle weakness
  • excess urination
  • mental confusion
  • headache
  • and sleepiness

3) Visit a Doctor

If you continuously feel thirsty or have an urge to drink water, go to the doctor. It can be a symptom or an indication of an underlying problem.

E.g., Feeling thirsty often could be a sign of diabetes. Similarly, dehydration, dry mouth, and anemia are some other causes of feeling the urge to drink water frequently.

4) Check Your Pee

Moderate the color of your pee. If it is yellowish, it usually means your body is not getting enough water. But if you go to the washroom very frequently and have a clear pee every single time, it is a symptom of drinking too much water.

Pee Chart

You should get the hint that you are consuming more water than usual.

5) Monitor Your Fluid Intake

You also need to monitor how much fluid you consume every day in the forms of other beverages. Water is also one of the main ingredients in many food dishes. Have a fluid balance.

There are various apps to track and monitor your daily fluid intake and help you stay on the right track.

Concluding thoughts,

Water intoxication is something that you can tackle and avoid easily if you take corrective measures at the right time. Make sure you also monitor the fluid that your young ones especially infants are consuming. Pets too are vulnerable to this problem so have a lookout on them too.

10 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Key Takeaways 

  • Water has been a necessity for everyone from generations.
  • All the cells, as well as organs in our body, require water to function.
  • There are certain disadvantages of drinking too much water.
  • But getting addicted to water is uncommon.
  • Someone can die due to the over-consumption of water. Drinking too much water has killed 14 people, new research has revealed.
  • Excessive use of water can lead to a condition known as hyponatremia which is commonly known as water intoxication.
  • In this condition, the levels of sodium in the blood become dangerously diluted.
  • Water intoxication is often found in people with a rigorous lifestyle like soldiers, laborers or people in sports.
  • Psychiatric patients (schizophrenia) have also shown signs of heavy water intake in a short span.
  • Pets too are vulnerable to this problem so have a lookout on them too.
  • Each person should drink around 2 liters of water daily.
  • Symptoms of drinking too much water are light-headedness, nausea, vomiting, cramping, muscle weakness, excess urination, mental confusion, headache or sleepiness.
  • Excessive thirst can be a symptom or an indication of an underlying problem.
  • Moderate the color of your pee to know if your hydration level.
  • Also, monitor how much fluid you consume every day in the forms of other beverages.
  • Lastly, educate others to know how much water per day is too much. Each body is different and you must learn to notice the signs what your body says.

Your thoughts,

Have you ever suffered symptoms of drinking too much water? How much water do you drink per day? Share your thoughts on this article in the comments below. We publish fresh content every day. You can hit subscribe and stay tuned for our bi-weekly newsletter.

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Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth is a full-time teacher and a writer with a keen interest in lifestyle and music. Watching her favorite sitcom 'Friends', and singing are the hobbies that she enjoys the most. Not to mention, she also loves writing and expressing her thoughts to the world around her.

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