Are you considering quitting smoking? You should follow through with that as there are many benefits of stopping smoking. Have you ever wondered what does smoking do to your heart? In fact, what happens when you quit smoking? Are there any major benefits of quitting smoking hour by hour? Read on to know why is smoking bad for you and what happens after you quit smoking. We have also explained what happens when you quit smoking on a timeline basis. It’s time to get enlightened!
Cigarettes are potent and full of toxic chemicals that are, simply put, lethal. Cigarettes can kill you. Smoking carries so many negative consequences on health that it is a wonder that anybody engages in it.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, accounting for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or about 1 in 5 deaths.Â
By 2030, if the trend continues, the number of deaths will rise to eight million. Every day, 3,200 Americans under 18 will light up their first cigarette. Of these, 2,100 will go on to become full-time smokers.
The effects are dire. Even though the withdrawal symptoms are a terrible experience, where you may face dizziness, headaches, mood swings and strong cravings for nicotine, the alternative is far worse.
Have you wondered what smoking does to your heart/lungs?
Smoking cigarettes hurt your heart and lungs. As per research, smoking increases heart rate. Additionally, it also tightens major arteries and can cause an irregular heart rhythm. All of these make your heart work harder.
Smoking also increases inflammation. Your blood pressure also increases. As a result, the chance of heart attack is higher.
It is better to experience these withdrawal effects than to put yourself at risk of the dangers associated with cigarette smoking.
To understand the benefits of quitting smoking, you must first identify the changes that go through a former smoker’s body after they give up smoking cigarettes. So here’s the timeline of what happens when you quit smoking.
What Happens When You Quit Smoking Timeline?
1. Within an hour of your last cigarette
Yes, indeed there are some real benefits of quitting smoking hour by hour.
Within an hour of your last cigarette, the rate of your heartbeat lowers. It may take only minutes for your heart rate to decrease to normal levels.
2. Half a day after your last smoke
So after a few hours after quitting smoking, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood starts to go down. It will be replaced by oxygen, which will have you less likely to be short of breath.
3. Two days after quitting
One of the benefits of quitting smoking after 48 hours is a unique and interesting one. Your taste buds and sense of smell will start to function better than they have in a while.
These two elements are usually deterred by the damage to the nerve endings, which is brought about by smoke to your lungs.
4. Between two weeks and two months
The risk of succumbing to a heart attack drops significantly.
You are experiencing the below benefits:
- better blood flow,
- more oxygen,
- improved heart rate,
- less breathing when walking/running,
- and cleaner lungs.
5. From two to nine months
your lungs and sinuses will slowly clear out any congestion. You will breathe better and have a more peaceful sleep. You may not even need to engage in Ambien abuse to rest for the night.
6. After spending a year without cigarettes
You will be significantly less likely to experience a heart attack or any heart disease.
7. Five years after giving up cigarettes
You will no longer be at an increased risk of suffering from a stroke.
8. Fifteen years after giving up cigarettes
Your lungs and heart will be revitalized. Your risk of getting lung cancer, high blood pressure and clotting of the blood vessels will be similar to anyone who has never smoked a cigarette.
Giving up cigarette smoking may improve your health. But what are the real benefits of quitting smoking?
The Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Wondering what happens after you quit smoking? Let’s have a look at some of the best benefits of stopping smoking.
1. Overcome Addiction
The first key benefit of quitting smoking is overcoming addiction. You will no longer be bound by the unhealthy compulsion to smoke another cigarette.
Moreover, you will not need to hide from those you love or mask your breath with mints. You will be freer as a result of the burden that has been removed from your lie.
2. Boost Your Immune System
Quitting smoking will result in a timely boost to your immune system due to increased blood flow. You will also have much more energy due to the increased reach and quantity of oxygen in your blood.
As a result of this, you may be less likely to fall ill and experience minor conditions such as the flu.
3. Nerve Endings Begin to Revitalize
You will experience reduced nerve damage as nerve endings begin to revitalize following an end to your smoking habit. This way, you may develop improved senses of smell and taste.
Your overall dental hygiene will improve as well. There will be no more bad breath, high risk of oral infections or yellowing teeth.
4. Quitting to Smoke Can Improve Your Sex Life
The major benefit of stopping smoking is it improves your sex life too. Smoking may cause erectile dysfunction and female sexual dysfunction in men and women, which are characterized by lower libido levels, reduced stamina, and reduced orgasm frequency.
5. Improves Health
Quitting smoking will also reduce your risk of getting lung and esophageal cancer, albeit in the long term. It will also reduce your risk of experiencing heart failure and other cardiovascular conditions.
Quitting is not easy. You may need to visit a doctor to get the best advice on how to quit. But there are many benefits of stopping smoking. Let’s have a look at what happens after you quit smoking.
What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
- Like other drugs, quitting cigarettes carries withdrawal consequences.
- You may experience headaches, vomiting, and nausea from the nicotine dependency.
- As circulation increases around your body, you will experience a tingling sensation on your arms and legs.
- Additionally, you may experience a sore throat, coughing and other flu-like symptoms arising from the lungs’ efforts to clear out the congestion.
- You may experience an increased appetite, which may also result in weight gain. You may substitute your nicotine addiction with food.
- Also, you will crave nicotine so intensely that you might be unable to stay on the path to quit. The cravings are one of the biggest challenges people experience when they try to quit.
- You may experience constipation, due to your body’s reduced levels of nicotine.
- Similarly, you might be more prone to irritability and anger and may express your frustration to those around you.
You could also suffer from depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Having eliminated one substance that causes the secretion of endorphins, you will likely be engulfed in a depressed state for long periods.
You could have trouble concentrating initially, which may make it difficult to communicate with those around you.
Final Thoughts,
Smoking is difficult to overcome, but has great rewards should you choose to do so. While some suggestion has been made that vaping is a better option, both have a high nicotine content that will result in dependency.
Vaping is not approved as a tool to help you overcome smoking. You must understand that vaping also carries a detrimental risk to your health. Globally, tobacco causes six million deaths per year. That’s one death every five seconds.
If you feel that vaping helps you quit the addiction, I would recommend its use, but on the condition that you understand that it also has certain unpleasant traits and may lead to dependency on nicotine.
You may choose these methods, as you desire. It does not matter which way you choose to quit smoking, as long as you make that decision.
Key Takeaways On Why Smoking Is Bad For You
- Cigarettes are potent and full of toxic and lethal chemicals.
- Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death.
- Secondhand smoke increases the risk for stroke among nonsmokers by 20-30%.
- Children and teens have an increased risk of heart disease as adults because of breathing secondhand smoke.
- Smoking affects the vessels that supply blood to your heart.
- It may cause sexual dysfunction.
- The first benefit of quitting smoking by an hour is the decreased heartbeat rate.
- Other positive things happen after you quit smoking as your heart rate reduces to normal levels, your taste buds and sense of smell will start to function better, etc within months.
- After you quit smoking, you will no longer be bound by the unhealthy compulsion to smoke another cigarette.
- There will be a timely boost to your immune system after you quit smoking due to increased blood flow.
- Another major benefit of stopping smoking is reduced nerve damage as nerve endings begin to revitalize.
- Smoking is difficult to overcome, but has great rewards should you choose to do so.
- You may need to visit a doctor to get the best advice on how to quit.
It could be the difference between just living and living healthy.
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