Saturday, July 20, 2024

Mental Health

Why Hobbies Are Important To Improve Your Mental Health?

Over the last few decades, the importance and awareness...

Happiness Looks Good On You – Can Happiness Make You More Beautiful?

"Happiness looks good on you"— we all have come...

Candid Reasons Why Meditation Is A ‘Must’ These Days?

Fast cars, fast food, fast communication, fast computers -...

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12 Essential Things To Do If You Are Feeling Depressed Or Bored

When you feel depressed, your self-esteem is at its peak low. You think that you're...

Latest Articles

How Different Types of Hormones Influence Your Health and Happiness?

Have you wondered anytime if you suddenly feel happy for no reason? There is this feeling which makes you think that ‘today is the perfect day’. This is due to the different types of hormones secreted in your body....

How Gratitude Can Counter Uncertainty And Help You Be Happier?

Staying grateful amidst a pandemic can be challenging. The uncertainty adds up to the anxiety and stress of the consequences of Covid. However, research shows showing gratitude can help you balance the stress and make you happy. Be grateful!...

What Are The Social Isolation Effects And Symptoms? Innovative Ideas To Overcome Social Isolation

Social isolation is increasing, and so does loneliness. A lack of brotherhood is one of the leading causes of social isolation. A feeling of community or inclusiveness is crucial for human well-being and happiness. More than a quarter of...

Here’s A Bitter Truth You Need To Know Today: ‘A Successful, Stress-Free Life Is A Myth’

If you want success but you don’t want stress, chances are you will never be successful. What does success look like to you? Success looks like different things to different people, but generally, everyone thinks of success as some magical...

12 Essential Things To Do If You Are Feeling Depressed Or Bored

When you feel depressed, your self-esteem is at its peak low. You think that you're worthless and incapable of achieving your goals. Sometimes you even believe taking medicines isn't helping so much. A study by Harvard suggested that two-thirds...

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