Fast cars, fast food, fast communication, fast computers – we want everything to be fast and more efficient in today’s life. Or is it? Is the Smartphone generation blessed because of the ease of life due to technology? Our brains are constantly bombarded with social media notifications, work deadlines, and stress, not to mention the added uncertain situations of the pandemic. In the process, what we feed our brain is a mere recipe for disaster. Not only is your mind, body, and soul dog-tired and worn-out, but also lost in the island of monotony. That’s when the power of meditation benefits us from all the mental ordeals we are forced to deal with today. The main goal of meditation is to curb all that stress and improve your overall well-being.
An escape from all the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, a dedicated time of silent reflection, a time of inner peace in a state of nirvana, are some of the healthy ways to deal with stress.
Why Meditation Is A Must These Days?
Humans are evolving every day, and with that, our lifestyle is also upgrading too at a fast pace. As a result, we work day and night to turn our dream life into a reality.
However, in the process, our psychological well-being gets tossed out of the window. That’s where meditation saves us from losing our sanity and helps us retain mental power.
Well, how? Check the following points to better understand the importance of meditation, especially in this stressful century.
1. Meditation Makes You Self Aware
Meditation is beneficial for improving productivity and awareness. The importance of meditation in the workplace is highly related to occupational success.
Research shows that 10 minutes of Transcendental meditation daily can improve focus, health, well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity, ultimately leading to a boost in the overall performance of employees in a company.
Furthermore, when practicing meditation, people become more competent in processing new stimuli. It has the power to motivate you to be productive even when you don’t feel like it.
2. It Boosts Your Consciousness
If you are aiming to live a life with purpose, then meditation is a must for you. It is the most critical tool to connect an individual with their surroundings. If you meditate religiously, you start vibrating at an advanced level of energy.
Moreover, consistent meditation practice demolishes any occurrence of negative emotions like:
- Fright
- Fury
- Desire
- Arrogance
Instead of these emotions, you’ll feel healthy and positive emotions like vigor, detachment, and enthusiasm.
This happens because when you meditate, you sit with your negative emotions and allow yourself to watch those emotions with compassion and love. Hence, you learn to deal better with bitter feelings in the process.
In fact, a study published in 2015 concludes that people who meditated were likely to show a lowered physical reaction to anger.
3. Meditation Gifts You Inner Peace
Isn’t it strange how we obsess over keeping our physical space spotless and organized, and yet we unwillingly allow heaps of negative emotions to accumulate in our minds?
If anything, you know what this does to your mind – it makes your mind turbulent.
All those unrestrained thoughts and emotions deplete our life force energy, i.e., Prana, making us feel exhausted, fatigued, and irritated.
While you cannot force your mind to get from turmoil to serenity, you can bring it to a point where it becomes still.
Meditation saves you from feeling that turmoil and calms down your mind effortlessly by bringing it to stillness.
4. Reduces Unnecessary Stress
Our brains are wired to experience slight stress 24/7, be it at work, at home, or while traveling.
What’s more saddening is that 73% of people who experience stress suffer from mental health issues. Most of us even feel stress before, during, and after sleeping.
Although stress is indeed inevitable in some instances, still excessive stress is detrimental to your well-being. Meditation induces a deep sense of relaxation, which is beneficial in soothing the restless mind.
When you take some quiet time every day to practice meditation, deep breathing and focused energy helps you transfer all your attention to that very moment.
In the process of being more mindful, you tend to forget about all the stress that constantly occupies your thoughts otherwise.
If you are unfamiliar with meditation, at least try closing your eyes and take deep and steady breaths. This can help you calm down anywhere, anytime, and you can be a pro in reducing stress in real-life situations.
What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Meditation?
Many people claim they do meditation because they believe it helps them build a spiritual connection. However, the spiritual benefits of meditation go beyond connecting with the higher power.
1. Improved Creativity Levels
If you search “guided meditation” on YouTube, you’ll be bombarded with videos that attest to doing meditation to boost creativity and focus.
How accurate is the fact that meditation can instill creative focus?
To answer that, an experiment was performed at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands. One hundred twenty-nine participants took part in the research, and they were further put into three groups. Each group was assigned the task of coming up with business ideas for drones.
Before the session began, one group had diligently taken part in a 10 minute guided meditation. In contrast, the second group did a fake meditation, and the third group started creating the business ideas instantly.
The result concluded that participants who meditate could generate better and more creative business ideas than those non-meditators.
2. Boosts Self-Esteem
Self-esteem remains a trivial issue among people of all age groups, and body image issue is one of the top factors leading to a lack of self-confidence.
A recent survey conducted on the Commons’ women and equalities committee discovered that 53% of adults felt poorly about their body image mainly due to the “lockdown bodyweight gain,” among which 58% of those were below 18 years.
Practicing mindfulness can help you become aware of your inner self, and in fact, meditation can be an effective measure to improve body image issues and boost self-esteem.
According to The Body Positive, practicing intuitive self-care daily can create a positive self-image in an individual. In addition, a body-positive guided meditation can unseal and help us form a healthy relationship with our body, ultimately strengthening our confidence.
3. Inner Peace
Meditative habits such as inhale and exhale exercises can help you gain a sense of calm and promote emotional wellbeing. On a deeper level, the importance of meditation is unparalleled in achieving inner peace and connecting with your own self. We, humans, tend to occupy ourselves so much with our careers, relationships, and social media that, in the process, we start feeling a sense of disconnect with ourselves.
However, even a 5-minute meditation helps us break the cycle of constant consumption, restart our minds for better well-being.
How To Do Breathing Meditation?
Breathing meditation is an excellent source of stress reliever. Here’s how to perform different techniques of breathing meditation.
1. Pranayama
- Sit in a comfortable position and relax your shoulders.
- Start with taking deep breaths from the nose so that your belly inflates and slowly breathe out through the mouth.
- Now, fist your hand and open only your thumb and pinky finger.
- Place your thumb finger in the right nostril and breath deep with the left nostril.
- Now, remove your thumb from the right nostril and exhale while placing your pinky finger in the left nostril.
- Repeat the same process for as long as you want, preferably for 5 minutes minimum.
2. Diaphragmatic Breathing
- You can be in a position, whichever you feel comfortable in, sitting or laying down.
- Place both your hands lightly on your belly.
- Now take a deep breath on the count of four and fill up your belly like a balloon.
- Pause for 4-5 seconds, and then slowly swoosh on the count of 4. After that, you’ll be able to feel your belling rising and falling.
- Practice this breathing meditation for 5 minutes.
What’s The Ultimate Goal Of Doing Meditation?
The ultimate goal of meditation is to prevent one from experiencing all the mental distress in life while providing them with feelings of tranquility, calm, freshness, and rejuvenation.
Meditation holds unique importance for different people. Every person meditates with a different intention. For some, it’s a way to connect with the higher self, whereas others might find silence in this practice.
Whatever might be your reason, the goal of meditation is ultimately to improve your psychological well-being profoundly.
Concluding Thoughts,
We all are well aware that stress contributes to more or less every health problem that one can think of, from diabetes to heart trouble, you name it!
But, don’t forget with every problem comes a solution.
By making meditation a habit, you can start enjoying a stress-free life. Isn’t that something you’d want for yourself?
If you find this article useful, share it with your friends and family. Make this world a better place to live in. Also, comment on the benefits of meditation if you know any.
Key Takeaways On Importance Of Meditation
- Meditation benefits us from all the mental ordeals we deal with today.
- Furthermore, meditation is beneficial for improving productivity and awareness.
- In fact, research shows. Transcendental meditation daily improves focus, health, well-being, job satisfaction, and employees’ productivity.
- Moreover, daily meditation practice demolishes any occurrence of negative emotions.
- Meditation saves you from experiencing mental turmoil by calming down your mind effortlessly into stillness.
- Meditation induces a deep sense of relaxation, which is beneficial in soothing the restless mind.
- Furthermore, the importance of meditation for spiritual benefits is unparalleled.
- Many research has found the importance of meditation to be significant in boosting creativity and focus in individuals.
- It also helps one deal with a negative self-image while also providing them inner peace for better well-being.
- There is a multitude of meditation techniques one can perform for stress management.
- For example, breathing meditations like pranayama and deep belly breathing are proven methods to induce calm.
- Lastly, the ultimate goal of meditation is to prevent all sorts of mental turmoil and provide one with the feeling of tranquility, freshness, and rejuvenation.
What is the importance of meditation in our daily life?
Meditation in our daily life supports us in managing stress and mental distress effectively. In addition, meditation also aids in better sleep quality and shapes us into a person with a positive approach towards life in general.
What are the benefits of practicing meditation?
- Meditation makes one self-aware.
- It boosts consciousness.
- Induces a sense of inner peace.
- Helps manage unnecessary stress.
What are the spiritual benefits of meditation?
- Meditation boosts creativity levels.
- Regular meditation improves self-esteem by promoting a positive body image.
- Meditation helps us take that rest and reset our minds for better well-being.
Why is meditation important for students?
Students have to juggle between attending lectures and completing their assignments constantly. This constant jumping between tasks may accumulate to stressors. Meditation practice can help them holistically cope with their busy lives.
How does meditation help with my physical health?
As per medical studies, meditation has been shown to soothe heart strain and reduce blood pressure. In addition, it may also help relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, muscle stress, and joint pains.