Sunday, July 21, 2024

12 Essential Things To Do If You Are Feeling Depressed Or Bored

When you feel depressed, your self-esteem is at its peak low. You think that you’re worthless and incapable of achieving your goals. Sometimes you even believe taking medicines isn’t helping so much. A study by Harvard suggested that two-thirds of people suffering from depression also experience anxiety. If you’re experiencing all these symptoms of depression, it might be challenging to even get out of your bed. But in these tough times, above all, what will help you is yourself. Here are ways to stop feeling depressed in life. By the end of this article, you will end up learning so many things to do when you feel depressed or bored. So relax, you guys!

Feeling down or depressed in certain situations is sadly common. We are living in a digital era, where probably tinder unites more couples than real marriages do. It has become way more comfortable to connect and communicate online.

The digital life is taking over everything we do, creating a void in all our real-lives. With hundreds of people prone to loneliness and depression, probably real-life connections are on a decline, making us victims of mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and stress.

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And in situations like these, it becomes challenging to hold your self together, smile and be happy all the way.

What To Do When You Feel Depressed or Bored?

What To Do When You Feel Depressed or Bored

Here are the essential things you must do when you are feeling down or depressed.

1. Get Out Of Your Bed

The first and foremost habit to cultivate especially when you are depressed is getting out of your bed as soon as you wake up. Getting out of the bed may be the toughest part when you are feeling depressed. But it is very important you get out of your bedroom and come to that part of your house where you feel positive and energetic.

2. Create A Morning Routine, You Deserve It!

The way how you spend your time in the mornings can decide how your day could be. So, create a healthy morning routine and start doing things that you like.

Fighting depression can be challenging. But you can still redeem yourself with a morning cup of coffee or following a morning routine. Yes! It’s true. A healthy morning routine can be the solution to everything in the world.

Just find the most peaceful corner of the house and prepare yourself to spend your first few hours of the day peacefully. You can follow such a routine for a week and see what magic it does to your mind.

When depressed, you can include these things in your morning routine:

  • Meditating for at least 10 minutes
  • Doing some home workouts
  • Drinking water with honey in the morning
  • Having green tea, coffee or other healthy alternatives to boost your mood
  • Get clean
  • Plan your day
  • Set short-term goals

3. Face Your Fears, go ahead and write or draw your heart out

When you’re depressed, it might be hard to express yourself to someone. But venting out what is in your mind, is essential to curing depression. You might feel better when you write out what you feel. Nobody could judge you or hurt your feelings. Hence, writing your heart out is an effective way to face your fears and kill depression.

I also have this habit of writing when I feel worked up and down. I write anything at that time. I tend to write short stories or even poems in the form of facing my fears. It makes me feel relieved and free. It feels like leaving behind a massive weight from my head.

So the next time you feel down, just run towards your pen stand, pick a sheet of paper, and start writing.

If you are not comfortable with writing, you can even draw if you want to. It’s just about releasing your stress and expressing your thoughts and fears on paper.

4. Play With A Child, Or Your Pet

Have you ever thought of playing with a child or a pet when you are drained and stressed? There is no other stress buster, which is more effective than this. Forget everything else, close your files and other stuff, step out of the house and play outdoors with your kid.

Children and even pets instantly lighten your mood and bring a smile to your face. You might just feel young and energetic again.

I always do this with my niece. She is my absolute stress buster. Try this way once and then resume your work. I bet you will thank me later for this.

5. Start A Healthy Diet

A study suggested that people following a Mediterranean diet had a 30% reduced risk for depression. By following this health pattern, those who already had depression showed good results within 12 weeks.

This indeed tells us something, your eating habits can easily influence your mood and be responsible for how you feel. When you are depressed it is likely that your mind will fall into the trap of eating junk or too many sweet dishes.

But you have to overcome this urge by taking small steps towards healthy eating.

For example, pop in some green tea when you feel low or depressed. The high amounts of antioxidants in green tea can also lighten your mood and make you feel better.

Other healthy foods for depression are:

  • Nuts, especially Brazil nuts
  • Foods with Vitamin C like berries, lemon, citrus fruits, etc.
  • Fatty fish
  • Vegetables like carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, and broccoli.

6. Read A Book

Read a book alongside. Even if you are not too much into reading. It’s a personal experience. Reading opens your mind for positive.

You don’t have to opt for thriller and mystery books. Instead, try reading something light and humorous. It will automatically change your vibe. You’ll feel much better after reading comics per se.

7. Play Music

Listening to some of the heart touching and delightful music can do wonders and make you feel better when you are depressed. You have no idea what music can do for your mind, body, and soul. It creates space in your mind and also releases happy hormones.

Like I mentioned previously, keep it light. Do not listen to all those sad songs when you are feeling down. Instead opt for some peppy, motivational, positive, and soothing songs which can refresh your mind and soul.

Thanks to human inventions. Plugin your earphones and get lost into your world. It’s pure heaven!

Feeling depressed is just a feeling like any other. Not permanent at all!

8. Sleep Like No One’s Watching

One of the vital reasons for depression and stress to retain for longer is disturbed sleep.

So, if you are considering to end depression and enjoy your life as before, you need to follow good sleeping habits.

I do a therapeutic thing whenever I feel down in the dumps. I sleep. Not for hours, but yes, a small nap is essential. It will make you forget the world. It is just you and your thoughts.

And trust me, when you wake up after a nap, you feel nothing like before. You’ll feel something new and energizing.

9. It’s Time To Talk With Someone You Trust

When you have tried all these things, the effective thing to do when you feel depressed is talking to someone you trust. Tell what and how you feel, or ask them to help you out.

Another thing you can do is hug your loved ones. And No, I am not joking. Hugging creates an emotional attachment and makes you feel vulnerable for a while.  So take a nap or hug someone when everything seems to fall apart.

10. Pop-up. Read Your Old Chats

There another thing on my mind. It might sound bizarre and weird, but it is a sure shot therapy. Open your chat box and read your old conversations with a friend or your lover or anybody who’s dear to you.

Doing so will make you think about the time you had that conversation. This will create a shift in the mind, and then your brain stops thinking about the current situation. And guess what, you will find yourself laughing and smiling while reading them. This has happened to me a lot of times.

It is like going back in memories. Good memories! Nostalgia is good to relive those moments and get out of depression.

11. Step Out Of Your House

You know what, just step out of the house. Feel the sun, take a stroll, enjoy the nature, walk into the woods, and take delight in the outdoors. Feel the positivity, smile because you exist and just think of the moment as a temporary phase in your life. After all, nothing can stop you my friend, not even depression.

12. Talk To A Counsellor

The best possible solution to depression when you are facing it too often is talking to a counselor.

Psychological therapies or counselling sessions are highly recommended and can be beneficial to help you come out of depression permanently.

Seeking Help for Depression:

For confidential emotional support in the UK, contact 116 123. It is open 24-hours.

You can also try calling 111 out of hours in the UK. The helpline information is sited from the NHS website.

If you’re in the United States, call 911 for emergencies or this 24-hour crisis center to seek help for depression.

People in other parts of the world can also seek help from their respective authorities, above all, from friends, and families.

Stay on the positive side by aligning your thoughts. If you find this article helpful, share it with a friend who is fighting depression. And help them feel good about themselves. Subscribe with us for more such awesome content.

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