Women’s health issues are something that we need to talk about and not overlook. In the 30s, women are more matured, and they can make their own decisions. Most of them are independent, financially stable, some of them even have kids. But did you with increasing age, there are certain new health issues and problems women face? Cancer and heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death for women living in America. After the mid-30s it may just be downhill concerning your health, so it is essential to watch out for health issues in women. Read on to know our brilliant health tips for women!
Most of the modern-day women post the age of 30 are not only more confident than their school-age but also have an edge as compared to their previous generations. The reason can be many, and undoubtedly one of them is the technology era in which we live now. The things we learn today become obsolete in a couple of months, and this fast-paced life keeps the women population also up to date, focused, and equip them in fighting out most problems women face, including the women’s health issues.
Why Is Women’s Health Important?
Taking care of your health, especially for women, has always been an important aspect.
It is essential to highlight the issues, improve access to care, and effective treatment to overcome health challenges before they become a cause of pain and get expensive.
People realize that while women have many of the same diseases as men, their symptoms and treatments may not always be identical.
Out of all, addressing the female health issues and caring more for the problems women face is a priority because women are the key players in maintaining healthy families.
She is the homemaker who, if fit, ensures everyone else maintains an overall healthy lifestyle, having a balance of both physical as well as mental health.
What I believe is, talking about women’s health is very important.
What Are Some Of The Female-Only Diseases?
Female health issues that women experience are mostly unique, from pregnancy and menopause to gynecological situations. There are some conditions which affect men too. But primarily women. Because women’s health is so broad, it may be challenging to jot down all such diseases, but here’s a general overview.
Gynecological health and disorders affecting women include menstruation and menstrual irregularities, urinary tract health, and pelvic floor disorders. It also counts for conditions as bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, uterine fibroids, and vulvodynia.
Problems women face during pregnancy are:
- Pre-pregnancy care
- Prenatal care
- Pregnancy loss (miscarriage and stillbirth)
- Preterm labor
- Premature birth
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Breastfeeding
- Congenital disabilities
Disorders related to infertility include:
- Uterine Fibroids
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Endometriosis
- Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Other female health issues are:
- Turner syndrome
- Rett syndrome
- Ovarian
- Cervical cancers
- Women with disabilities, and their unique challenges, osteoporosis, and bone health, also top the list.
Most Common Women Health Issues
1. Hormonal Changes In The 30s
The hormonal imbalances occur when the lifestyle is not in place. With the intrusion of social media in our lives, leading to a more sedentary life and giving rise to certain medical disorders have come up. To name a few are
- Diabetes
- Thyroid malfunction
- Early menopause
- Obesity
Yes, you read it right; these things are happening and will continue to happen if the women in this age group are not cautious or aware of their lifestyles.
Gone are the days when women used to get married in their 30s. Now it is the millennials era where most of the women at that age like to focus on building their professional as well as personal growth. Some of them even aspire to take an entrepreneurial route.
So, it is evident that marriage, raising kids, and taking care of the family has taken a back seat.
Hormones – Play A Vital Role In Women’s Health
Hormones have a more significant role to play right from mood regulation to weight management, especially when it comes to female health issues. The two primary female hormones known as estrogen and progesterone are like two pillars in women’s lives. They also play a crucial role in women’s menstrual cycle.
Women do go through a lot of hormonal imbalance during their pregnancy phase. The entire hormonal profile becomes unsteady. It affects the pituitary gland, the pancreas giving rise to insulin malfunction, mood swings, irritability, and weight gain.
2. Stress Management
Due to the stressful life, women are living now, there can be instances where they might struggle with female health issues like infertility.
As per the research of National Women’s Health Resource Center, if women get pregnant, chances of miscarriage and other pregnancy-related health issues might also occur.
- Stress in Women – Healthy Ways of Self-Care For Women
- 15 Ways To Deal With Stress
- Common Sources of Stress
Weight gain is widespread with women in their pregnancy, along with hair loss though this is not the case with everyone.
But it is highly recommended that women should involve in aerobic exercises. Non-weight bearing exercises like cycling or swimming are beneficial since they are less stressful for the body in the pregnancy phase.
3. Nutrition Is Vital For Women’s Health
Women should be educated to focus on why is a women’s health essential and thereby take initiatives to curb the same by eating a well-balanced, healthy diet that is low in saturated fats, consume lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid processed and junk foods. Women who take oral contraceptives may also be prone to the risk of high blood pressure.
A general suggestion for women is to perform a breast examination at least once a month on their own. They need to be vigilant about anything unusual as if they notice any lumps.
4. Depression – A Silent Menace For Women
Depression is also becoming prevalent among women in their 30s. Women popping anti-depressant pills has become like eating chocolates.
According to the study, out of 5, at least three women suffer from depression. Women nowadays are only looking at quick fixes for everything, and depression is no different.
But there are ways to fight such problems women face like depression naturally. Regular exercises, yoga, and meditation are the few ways to come out of depression naturally.
Also, they need to distract themselves from depressive thoughts by deliberately thinking about something pleasant, happy moments that they had relived in the past.
Lifestyle Changes Women In 30s Must Start For A Healthy Living
Does a sedentary lifestyle worsen this situation by putting a blanket on the fact to why is women’s health important?
So, it is a must for women in their 30s to get involved in some physical activity like strength training, aerobics, Zumba, yoga, or any sport they would prefer.
When physical activities become a part of their lives, the hormones too breathe easily and do their job the best way possible.
In the present generation, most of the women in the 30s are earning and lead a busy life. They have many things to do, which messes up the entire hormonal balance.
This imbalance in hormones makes them
- Irritable
- Short-tempered
- Unable to focus at work
- Give less time to the family
with weight gain being typical amongst problems women face.
1. Start Being Active In Your 30s If Not Already
If, at the age of 20, women were physically active and followed a healthy lifestyle, then there are chances that they will continue such lifestyle even after that. The present generation of women, as already mentioned above, is not willing to settle or have a family in their 30s.
Some women willingly marry in their 30s, but they often end up with some medical condition while they are in their childbearing phase.
Pregnant women can suffer from
- Iron deficiency
- Gestational diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Depression
- Anxiety
2. Watch Your Weight
The World Health Organization estimates that more than 1 billion people are overweight, with 300 million meetings the criteria for obesity. According to the study, 26% of nonpregnant women ages 20 to 39 are overweight, and 29% are obese.
Obesity negatively impacts women’s health issues in many ways. Overweight or obesity not only increases the relative risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease but also has a higher risk of lower back pain and knee osteoarthritis.
Depending on one’s BMI, a woman of 30 who isn’t very active needs 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day.
Therefore, it is essential to find ways to balance the amount of energy one takes in with the amount of energy one can burn.
But, have you ever thought, is there too much pressure on females to have perfect bodies?
3. Iron Deficiency In Women
An essential component of hemoglobin, along with the protein in red blood cells, carries oxygen from the lungs. And transports it throughout the body, is in the form of iron. Lack of iron causing anemia leads to the non-production of enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells, thereby leading to a deficiency of hemoglobin.
While this can occur in all genders, such female health issues are at a higher risk for iron deficiency in their childbearing years because of the loss of blood during menstruation.
According to the study, the recommended daily dietary allowance for iron for most 19-to-50-year-old women is 18 milligrams (mg), 27 mg per day for pregnant women, and about 8 mg of iron per day for Adult men.
4. Risks Of Miscarriage
Miscarriage is a spontaneous pregnancy loss before the 12th week of pregnancy.
Estimates show that around 10% to 20% of confirmed pregnancies can end in miscarriage, making it a widespread affair.
While cramping or bleeding can sometimes be a symptom, women experiencing such female health issues should consider seeing their doctor.
Although the specific cause of most such incidents is unknown, several risk factors increase the potential for miscarriage which include:
- Smoking
- Alcohol abuse
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Hormonal problems
- Trauma etc
Having a miscarriage does not mean that a woman cannot have children in the future, it’s essential to acknowledge the loss and give support.
Age playing a significant role as the problems women face for miscarriage starts at the age of 30 and increasing between ages 35 to 40, with women over the age of 40 placed at the highest risk.
5. Cancer In Women
Cancer is one of the deadly diseases that can begin in different places affecting human beings.
While all women are at risk of cancer, some are at greater risk than others depending upon their genes, lifestyle, and the environment around them.
Some of the cancers in women are:
- Breast
- Colorectal
- Endometrial
- Lung
- Cervical
- Skin
- Ovarian cancers
According to sources, 30% of breast cancers occur within a few years in young women after having a baby.
Although these female health issues can occur at any age, why women’s health is important becomes a more significant point of deliberation as the risk goes up as one gets older.
Hence, women in their 30s need to be extra cautious about self-examination and awareness to take care of themselves.
6. Skin Care After 30
While turning 30 is a game-changer for most people, some are concerned about the aging process at one point or another. During your 30s, the hormone levels start to decrease with the rate of collagen and elastin production, also lowering constantly.
But is it too tricky amongst the busy schedule women are in today to care for your skin? Maybe not at all.
By tweaking just a bunch of easy changes in one’s skincare regime, it can actually make a huge difference.
Ditching the wipes, using gentle skin care products in the form of
- Cleansers
- Gels
- Masks
- Healing clay
- Oils
- Creams
- Emulsions
- Balms
- Lotions
during a constant morning and evening schedule.
Regular consultation with your dermatologist is a healthy habit one can have while battling the problems women face in their 30s.
7. Quit Smoking
Regular smokers are more prone to have specific health issues and get certain diseases compared to those who don’t smoke. While some health issues are noticed immediately, others may take some time to be developed.
Women beyond 30s need to be extra cautious as not quitting smoking at that age may lead to pregnancy or reproductive issues. They even have the potential to harm the baby, respiratory problems leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Cardiovascular (Heart) Issues.
And in worst cases leads to an increased risk of many cancers, such as
- Lung
- Pancreatic
- Kidney
- Liver
- Throat
- Bladder
- Colorectal cancer
8. Eat A Heart-Healthy Diet
When a person fails to prepare for a heart-healthy diet, it is like giving open invitations to the deadliest heart diseases.
Statistics say that Heart diseases are the number 1 cause of death for American women, while stroke ranks as the third cause of death.
Heart-healthy eating is a crucial way to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, especially when it comes to women over 30.
To get the most benefit for their heart, women should choose more potassium-rich fruits, vegetables, foods with whole grains like:
- Whole Wheat
- Whole Oats
- Brown Rice
- Millet
- Sorghum etc
Low-fat dairy products like
- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurt etc
And healthy protein that includes
- Seafood
- Skinless Poultry
- Lean Meats
- Beans
- Eggs
- Or unsalted nuts with primary emphasis on less added sugar food, calories, and unhealthy fats.
9. Do A Monthly Breast Exam
Cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts is Breast cancer. After skin cancer, it is the most common cancer diagnosed amongst women.
While hereditary reasons account for the primary factors for breast cancer, childbearing beyond the age of 30 leads to an increased risk of breast cancer.
A breast self-exam for breast awareness is the best way of an inspection of a woman’s breasts using their eyes and hands. It is to determine if there are any changes to the look and feel of their breasts.
Although self-breast exams haven’t been shown to be very useful in detecting cancer, doctors still believe women must be familiar with their own breasts, and hence recommend it as a standard practice amongst women over 30s.
10. Pay Attention To Bone Density
Osteoporosis and conditions of low bone mass, leading to an increased risk of bone fracture, are widespread in women, mostly post the late 30s, when bone loss is accelerated. At the same time, most people think that the topic of bone health and osteoporosis is meant for the elderly.
Studies say that of the approx 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, 80% are women.
While osteoporosis is commonly observed in older people, it can at times affect women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s with low bone density.
It’s therefore essential to have a close look at the bone density as it helps assess an individual’s fracture risk and potential to benefit from the treatments apart from having a combination of aerobic exercises with a calcium-rich diet.
Quick Health Tips For Women In Their 30’s
1. Add Fibre In Your Diet
In the 30s, regulating blood sugar levels and metabolism fiber is essential. To monitor the weight, having a balanced diet rich with fruits and vegetables is a must.
2. Try To Boost Up Your Metabolism
The metabolic rate is one of the major concerns for women when they hit their 30. It is very important for women to plan their diets to keep their metabolism high.
3. Pay Attention To Your Hormone Functioning
A drastic change in hormone functioning is widespread among women in the 30s. It is hence recommended to take care of your hormone functioning.
4. Go For Pap Test And Pelvic Exam
It is suggested to have regular pelvic exams and Pap tests.
Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer, while the pelvic is to examine your cervix and vagina and check your uterus health.
5. Sit Pretty On Strong Bones
Bone health problem is commonly associated with older women now affects women in their 30s as well.
Having vitamin D rich food coupled with Calcium is highly recommended to take care of your bones.
Concluding Thoughts On Women’s Health Issues
Most of the married women ignore their own health and only focus on their families. For them, the family is their priority, but women should pause and make health their priority and work towards achieving a healthy lifestyle.
Single women have many distractions, which doesn’t allow her to think about workouts. Some of them like mobile phones, social media, late-night parties, and the list goes on. But single women should also try to incorporate some exercise, in between going for a party, and ensure it is not at the cost of their health.
A healthy get together and spending some quality time with friends is excellent and recommended. Their bodies crave for hormonal balance, and this can only take place when the lifestyle is positive.
So the best possible suggestion a Wellness Coach could give to all the women in their 30s is to start exercising. If you feel exercise is not fun, then pick up your favorite sport with a healthy eating pattern.
When you turn this into a ritual, soon it becomes a habit, and this habit will turn out to be an investment for you. This habit will help you in your old age and will make you physically independent so that you can lead a happy life.
Do write about your experiences if you are a woman in the 30s or what were the challenges you faced when you were at the age of 30.
Key Takeaways On Women Health Issues
- Women just like men can encounter several diseases in their adulthood, but their symptoms and treatments may not always be identical.
- Pre-pregnancy care, Prenatal care, Pregnancy loss (miscarriage and stillbirth), Preterm labor, Premature birth are some of the problems women face during pregnancy.
- Hormonal changes, stress, depression, loss of nutrition are some of the female health issues which needed to talk about.
- Taking care of skin, weight, giving extra attention to bones, avoiding alcohol, and smoke are some of the habits women in the 30s should adopt for a healthy life.
- It is suggested to have regular doctor check-ups, taking protein and fiber-rich foods, and taking special care of the body.
FAQs On Women’s Health Issues
What Are The Problems Women Face In Their 30s?
Some of the health issues women face in their 30s are:
- Lower possibility for pregnancy
- Iron deficiency
- Losing bone mass
- Lumps in breasts
- High blood pressure
- Fatigue
- Obesity
What Happens To Your Body In The 30s?
- When you hit your 30, your body begins to lose bone mass; you experience your sexual peak, chances are you experience depression more compared to men.
- These are some of the changes leading to health issues women experience in their 30s.
Do Your Hormones Change In Your 30s?
- Yes, the hormones change in the 30s. After the age of 30, it started to reduce.
What Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance Can Be Seen In Females?
Some of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in females are:
- Fatigue
- Weight gain
- Irregular periods
- Irritation
- Dry skin
Does Your Body Shape Change In Your 30s?
- Yes, due to pregnancy and other hormonal changes, women’s body shape can change significantly in their 30s and sometimes lead to female health issues.
- In the 30s, it is very common to gain weight, loss of bone mass is high, and the body tends to lose lean tissues.
- Therefore, the body shape changes as you age.
What Is The Average Weight For A 30-Year-Old Woman?
- The average weight for a 30-year-old woman is 170.6 pounds. You must also consider the BMI to predict if you are overweight.