Sunday, July 21, 2024

What Science Says About Luck And Four Principles For Being Lucky

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. People have this false notion of what luck looks likes. Some may think people are born lucky. But that is not the case. Although yes luck does exist, people have the ability to make their luck and own it. We all walk a different path in life. On this path, we are all victims of surprises and unexpected events. Some events can be quite pleasant and enjoyable. They are the moments when we are offered a new carrier opportunity or work on something we are passionate about. But unfortunately, not all happenings in life are happy and shiny.

There are also stressful and chaotic times in our lives, when our entrepreneurship spirit, as a businessman, had disappeared, or our business had lacked the right ingredient to succeed. In those unsettling and unfortunate times, we often have this habit of thinking that maybe we are not one of those people who were born under a lucky star.

What Does Science Say About Luck?

We create this illusion in our minds that luck is simply not our friend, and luck is not in our destiny.

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However, there are studies conducted by researchers which prove that luck is actually hidden in our own attitude.

A positive attitude that keeps us open and ready for grabbing new opportunities and new chances. Therefore, according to them, luck is “born” within our minds. Not in a random probability.

But, Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology, explains that luck isn’t something that could happen to everyone, even though they consider themselves to be lucky. Instead, he indicates that luck is a concept that we cannot measure. To confirm this, Wiseman has conducted two studies.

In the first study, he observed people who acknowledged themselves as lucky and those who identified themselves as unlucky. Then, he asked them to read a newspaper. In the newspaper, he wrote: “Tell the experimenter you have seen this and win £250.”

The second study also surveyed people who identify themselves as lucky and people who categorize themselves as unlucky. They were also given a newspaper, but they were also asked to look through the newspaper and count how many photographs were inside it.

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Both studies concluded that the people who characterized themselves as being unlucky didn’t see the advertisement in the newspaper and only succeeded in counting the photographs in 2 minutes.

Quite the opposite from them, the lucky ones were fortunate. They were more likely to see the advertisement and could also see the message: “Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper’’.

This message was written on the newspaper’s second page, but the unlucky ones didn’t see the message or read it. Their main focus was on counting the photographs and nothing else.


Revelations Made From The Studies

Furthermore, the studies conclude, unlucky people were described to be more anxious and nervous. It was revealed that they tend to be less social and less open to new opportunities. As a result, they are more likely to miss many life opportunities. For example, they could miss the “golden” chance of finding a good job just because they only focus on finding a specific type of job. Or, they could fail to find new friendships just because their only priority is finding a love interest.

On the other hand, the lucky people were described to be slightly more different and opposite from the unlucky ones. They were defined as more extroverted and more relaxed people.  These people did not focus on only one thing but were willing to experience and learn new things. People listen to their intuition and inner gut—those who can create their own path of great opportunities. And are not afraid to open and grasp those opportunities when they arrive.

Additionally, in an article for The Telegraph, Wiseman states-“My findings have revealed that although unlucky people have almost no insight into the real causes of their good and bad luck, their thoughts and behavior are responsible for much of their fortune.” He studied luck for more than 15 years.

For all these years, he conducted thousands of interviews and hundreds of experiments. But as they say, “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations,” and this road of conducting studies and experiments finally led Wiseman to his beautiful destination famously known as “The Luck Factor.”

4 Basic Principles For Being Lucky

In his book “The Luck Factor,” Richard Wiseman shares four principles for being a lucky person. They are :

Principle 1: Maximize Your Opportunities

Lucky people are curious beings. They aspire to learn new things and are eager to taste new experiences. And they know deep down that experiencing a new thing in life can lead them to experience an amazing opportunity.

Hence, lucky people are also brave in nature. Unlike the unlucky ones, they have extroverted personalities. It means that they tend to be more communicative and more willing to build new relationships with people: risk-taker or chance seekers. Whatever people may call them, they still have luck on their side.

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Principle 2: Listen To Your Own Intuition 

Lucky people closely listen to their intuition and gut feeling. Their intuition or the inner voice has the last word in decision-making.

Trusting their own gut helps them in bringing effective decisions. It could be anything from choosing the right carrier to a perfect life partner. Nevertheless, contrary to the unlucky people, lucky people also take more time to boost up and nurture their intuition.

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Meditating or just clearing their minds develop a healthy approach to deal with different difficulties and problems. And, by developing a healthy mind, we are becoming happy and lucky people.

Principle 3: Expect Good Fortune

Lucky people are optimistic and look for positives in life. They believe that good things are going to happen in the future. Their faith is their biggest strength. It gives them courage and hopes to persevere in difficult times. It challenges them to move forward, especially when they face failure or disappointment. Believing is the thing that encourages lucky people to pursue and achieve their goals, even when their chances of accomplishing them seem small. So, when we strongly believe that we are lucky people, we motivate and push ourselves to actually become the lucky ones.

Principle 4: See The Good In Bad

Seeing a positive side in a bad situation is like having an inside power. This power or ability enables lucky people to see something that not everyone else can.

It is the ability to see through rose-colored glasses while imagining the worst possible scenario that could have happened. And, this is where they bury their luck. They bury it in their own imagination.

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They know that they were fortunate with the way things turned out and know the outcome could have been much worse.

But they don’t dwell on their misfortunes. Instead, they act very constructively and take further steps to prevent those bad luck situations. Also, lucky people are sure that any bad luck in their lives will eventually create something good and have a  positive outcome in their future.

Habits To Follow To Become Lucky

Luck does exist, and there are a few habits one can develop or follow to become lucky. Some of the practices one can follow are:

Be Brave To Take Action

Lucky people are brave enough to take action whenever required. Do not restrict yourself. Don’t let your fears hold you back. Welcome the opportunities coming your way with open arms. Develop a learning aptitude.

Practice Gratitude

Instead of sulking, appreciate the things already present in life. Lucky people always express gratitude towards things present. They always display kindness and say thank you for even the smallest of help.

Pay It Forward

Successful and lucky people always want the best for others around them. They always find ways to help people around them become their best version. They like to see others succeed and always share their knowledge with others.

If lucky people have things and resources, they use them by giving and paying them forward to those who need them.

Be Positive That Luck Exist

Have faith and a positive mindset that luck exists. First, believe in yourself that you are one of the lucky ones. Then, as Richard Wiseman said, make your own luck. To do that, one needs to have an open and positive mindset.

Concluding Thoughts

Luck is a feeling that is present in all of us. People can feel it deep down in their hearts. One can also listen to it murmur in their consciousness. It is a small but very significant piece of us. For some people, it is a piece that one can trigger or activate with success.

But, for some, it is a piece that needs a little dose or push of faith to live and function properly. Therefore, people can activate this piece of luck by having real faith in themselves. This includes having faith in their unique abilities,  skills, and talents. Having faith is indeed a compelling gift. It gives one courage. Courage to take risks and explore the unknown. And, by taking risks, one can explore their chances of being lucky.

Let us know what luck means for you. And if luck exists, in your opinion. Share it in the comment section below. Do not forget to subscribe to us to read more such relatable content.

Key Takeaways On Does Luck Exist

  • According to Richard Wiseman, luck does exist.
  • He conducted experiments to prove his theory.
  • Later on, in his book The Luck Factor, he mentions ways people can make their own luck.
  • His studies reveal that lucky people are often extroverts in nature. 
  • Whereas, on the contrary, unlucky ones keep to themselves and are introverts.
  • Richard Wiseman, in his book, unveils four basic principles for becoming lucky and make their own luck.
  • Maximize Your Opportunities: Lucky people are curious and always are open to learning new things and opportunities.
  • Listen To Your Intuition: Lucky people always listen to their gut feeling and intuition. 
  • Expect Good Fortune: Lucky people are optimistic and have a positive mindset towards life.
  • See The Good In Bad: Always look for the good things in bad ones. 
  • Lucky people always see and focus more on the good. It allows them to look for solutions and lead a stress-free life.
  • There are a few habits one can develop to become lucky.
  • Be Brave To Take Action: Take actions and risks wherever possible. Never restrict or hold yourself back.
  • Practice Gratitude: Always express gratitude for all that you have in life.
  • Pay It Forward: Always use your knowledge and resources to help others around you.
  • Be Positive That Luck Exist: Have a positive mindset that luck exists and you can make your own luck.
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  • Researchers Explain What Your Habits Say About Your Personality.

What Does Luck Mean Scientifically?

Many studies have discovered what a person perceives as “luck” has less to do with probability and more to do with psychology; “luck” is simply one’s own good attitude that keeps one open to new chances or detecting patterns in random acts of opportunity.

Can Luck Help Us In Life?

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Luck is one of the many defining factors that help our life. But if people believe they are lucky, they are more likely to do their tasks more effectively and efficiently.

Ljupka Janevska
Ljupka Janevska
Ljupka Janevska is a freelance writer at AlignThoughts with a focus on Science and Technology. When not working, she can be found spending time in nature, exploring new innovations, and reading books.

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