Sunday, July 21, 2024

Tips for Renovating Your House On A Budget

Renovating an old house is like a business proposal, you need to be thorough with the budget. It is a project that you need to plan in detail. A unique project like this need to start from scratch with care. While renovating a house you must also plan the entire process effectively and with love. The decision to renovate your home is probably easy said than done. The cost of renovating a house can vary depending upon many factors like the size of the house, when was it built, and the scope of the project itself. In this article, you’ll see some of the best home renovation ideas including bedroom renovation ideas, bathroom renovation ideas, and most importantly how to renovate a house on a budget.

If you decide to hire an architect to do the entire work, you need to pay attention to the budget and the vision of what you need as the outcome of the project. The architect must inculcate your ideas into the planning.

The average renovation of your house can cost you anywhere between a typical range of $18,454 – $75,241.

Renovation Costs For Each Room

According to sources, here are the renovation costs for each room.

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  • Kitchen – $23,556
  • Bathroom – $10,349
  • Bedroom – $7,880
  • Living room – $7,264
  • Basement – $15,000
  • Attic – $49,438

So you can choose to save the costs by 5 to 10% by doing some of the work by yourself. E.g. painting the doors/windows.

On the other hand, DIY can save you some pretty good amount of bucks. You can start by dividing your entire plan into sub-tasks. Also keep in mind, the available space you wish to renovate and what items you need to decorate.

Renovating a House Checklist

If you are planning to renovate your house, you must plan properly and well in advance.

So here are some of the things that you must do before you start renovating your house. This house renovation checklist can go handy for any budget or plan. So pay attention!

  1. Inspect damaged areas like the floor, attic, plumbing, kitchen, bathroom, etc.
  2. Determine the scope of the project.
  3. Set a timeline for the project.
  4. Find contractors and get quotes.
  5. If you’re a beginner you can consider hiring an interior designer. (This option can be expensive compared to contractors)
  6. Set a limit for your total budget on house renovation.
  7. Plan a budget for individual rooms, like the laundry room, kitchen, dining room, etc. (Make sure you stick within the total budget limits)
  8. Contact the back for renovation loans if needed.
  9. Ask help from friends or neighbors who have recently decorated their houses. (Learn from their mistakes)
  10. Search for cheap products with a designer look, and collect them.
  11. Start renovating.
  12. Keep revisiting to check if you’re doing well.

Read the following tips for renovating a house on a budget and have a beautiful home of your dreams.

Tips for Renovating Your Home On a Budget

1. Divide and win

Effective planning yields excellent results. When you are decorating yourself, it is essential to focus on the whole image as well as the small parts.

When you divide the tasks the entire renovation into small chunks, it is easy to do and achieve the desired vision. And at the same time do not forget to look at the whole picture.

Picture the entire home once completed! You would not want your kitchen to look modern and the rest of the house to look neoclassical. Decide the overall goal so you can assess the requirements.

2. Make a budget and stick to it

Your dreams may cost you more than you have imagined it to be. So it is essential first to decide the total cost of renovating your house and set a limit.

You can not overestimate your expenses. And it is not recommended to underestimate your budget too. Be practical and try to save as much money as possible while shopping.

3. Research before you shop

Once you step out to research the things you need, you would be stunned by the number of option.

More surprising is that there are stores where you can buy the same wall clock that you like at a cheaper rate.

You need not spend on the supplies that come from a high-end shop. Instead, if you do your research correctly, you would find many thrift stores and second-hand furniture shops.

Stores like Ikea and Dollar Store could give more options at a much lower price.

Make yourself a smart shopper by doing proper research.

How To Choose Good Products In A Supermarket?

Once you have planned out everything and done your research, your next target should be actually to get your hands dirty.

Let’s look at some of the most important places you need to redecorate in your house for an awesome look and feel.

Ideas for House Renovations. How to renovate your home on a budget?

1. Replace the entrance


how to renovate a house on budget


how to renovate a house on budget

To update your home, you need to make your entry more appealing. Invest in a new door or give it a fresh coat of paint. Change its hinges and doorknobs.

If you want, your house to look more open, color the door in one or two shades lighter than the rest of the house.

2. Create open spaces with white paint

tips for house renovations

If you want to make your room look airy and spacious, choose lighter shades of wall paint, furniture.

White paint works wonders, as it gives an impression of a bigger space.

Be minimalistic! Let the curtains be paneled one to create a more dramatic look. The pleated fabric gives a more traditional look for your house!

3. Storage closets need to be de-cluttered

how to renovate an old house

how to renovate the kitchen

If you ever want to see a home, look inside the kitchen and storage area first. While renovating, make sure you make some room in the pantry or your storage bay.

  • First de-clutter and then add some shelves.
  • Organize your kitchen closets and build shelves according to the requirement.

Outlets like Wallmart and even Ikea has good deals for storage spaces and racks.

Get the better of both worlds – good quality and a discounted rate! By following these renovation tips, you can still renovate an old house without making a hole in your pocket.

How Ikea Has Changed The Way Of Shopping?

4. Windows

how to renovate a house on a budget

Windows bring light inside your house. So, while renovating, install big windows. They make sure you have ample daylight and air circulation. It works its magic.

Install new blinds to give the windows a more aesthetic look, and they are practical too! You can also decorate small plants by your windows as an extra touch.

5. Bathroom

Here is some inspiration for bathroom renovation ideas.

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bathroom renovation ideas-3

While you’re renovating an old house, a bathroom is one of the places that can consume most of the budget. Renovating a bathroom can get expensive if not planned well. The cost of tiles, marbles, etc. can significantly alter your budget. So pay extra care on what you want to do with your bathroom.

If you need to change the fixtures, you must seek the help of a professional, don’t do it if you are not an expert.

Otherwise, a fresh coat of paint, fresh new bath linen, and some scented candles would work like a charm.

Large mirrors and good natural light can do wonders for renovating your bathroom. After all, some warm bubbles and sweet fragrance is all you need to unwind after a hectic day at work!

6. Bedroom

Here are some inspirations for bedroom renovation ideas.

small bedroom interiorsmall bedroom interior small bedroom furniture

Redecorate your bedroom with new covers and duvets. Bring in some antique set of drawers and small bedroom furniture. Add some twinkling lights or a skylight to add charm to your personal space.

Don’t overcrowd your bedroom with a lot of furniture leaving no space to move around. And don’t be shy to bring in your quirkiness into your bedroom to enjoy your resting time.

7. Balcony

home renovation ideas

If you have a small balcony, bring in some artificial grass and have some planters in a corner and turn it into your lounge area. You can enjoy a sunset or a sunrise with a mug of coffee breathing in the fresh air and a loved one to share it with.

And if you have a bigger space; have a kitchen garden and plant some real grass. Go ahead and place a small couch or coffee table and chairs to enjoy tea time with your family and friends.

Concluding thoughts on home renovation ideas,

The key to renovation or redecorating is to be innovative and imaginative. Envision the entire picture and move one step at a time. But beware it can take a toll on your emotions and drain your funds but focus on the result. “A home is where the heart is.”

A house is made a home when you make memories in it; otherwise, it is just bricks and stones. A family’s togetherness, love, and care for each other are what transforms a house a home. So in the end, after you have renovated your house, don’t forget to add some love to make it a sweet home!

Do you have any more ideas for a house renovation and tips on how to renovate a house on a budget? Let us know in the comments below! Hit subscribe and stay tuned for our monthly newsletter.

Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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