We all deal with breakup differently. Parting ways from your partner, whether in teenage or young adulthood, your heart must have felt heavy. It’s not that uncommon and it happens to everyone. It’s been 10 hours 32 mins and 25 seconds since we broke up and I feel like the world is closing in on me. That’s a very common feeling after one’s breakup. Perhaps you must have been together for a significant time and if it had been a very close relationship, more devastated you would be. The pain would be unbearable and you would feel broken. You analyze everything over and over again. All this would not help you in any way.
The key factor is to move on and love your life. After all there is a beautiful life awaiting for you way beyond this ocean of darkness.
What might help you is to try to move forward in your life. It might seem unachievable in the beginning. But once you surround yourself with positivity and your loved ones, it’s not that difficult at all.
There are various things that you must do immediately after your breakup so that the heartache does not give you a headache.
1) Contact, No More!
Keep your distance; do not communicate in any way whatsoever. ‘Unfreind’, ‘Unfollow’ and ‘Block’ on social media. Don’t cyber stalk your ex. Contacting will only lead to war of words (blame game) which will ultimately lead to the feeling of hurt and anxiety. Cutting all ties puts you on the right track. Whatever you do, do not tempt yourself into getting back together. If it was bad once, it can’t be good now.
That chapter of your life is over, no looking back.
2) Envelop Yourself With Your BFFs
The best thing to do just after your break up is having your best friends around you. Whenever you feel like contacting your ex call them instead. Have a movie night or a poker night. You could also plan a short trip with your dearest buddies and get out of town. This way you would take your mind off of the ‘EX’. Your friends and family are your support system, take benefit from it.
3) Let It Out
You need an outlet. There is no harm in crying. Cry, sob, wail or scream. I suggest take kickboxing classes to punch out the empty feeling in the pit of your stomach. You will relax and be fit. In order to heal you need to face them first. Don’t keep them bottled up. Deal with it in the rightful manner. Let go of all the hurt.
4) Find Your True Self
Sometimes in a relationship, you lose a piece of yourself. So, after you break up with your ex, it is completely okay to leave that piece of yourselves and carry along good memories with you. You can still rediscover your own self. Find out what you love and what you don’t. Embark upon a journey of self discovery. You had a life before that relationship too, so go and find out that person. Prioritize things, appreciate yourself. Set up goals to bring your life back on track.
5) Take Up Something New And Explore Your Life
Don’t be shy to try new things. Get a tattoo or a brilliant haircut. Go dancing or even shopping. Do something adventurous, you would feel the whole new. Be silly, be spontaneous. Enjoy your life. It’s not worth crying over someone. Life is too short to be boring, sad or worried. Earn happy experiences to cherish them all through your journey of life.
6) Don’t Deny Your Emotions
No need to shut off! Breaking up with someone does not mean, all the memories you shared with them won’t remind you of the happy times you spent togther. It’s ok to chersih them. So do not dump them into the trash bins. I agree you would not like to look at them right now, so ask a friend to store them for you. You would fondly remember them one day. All those keepsakes would bring laughter and not tears. Oh yes, only once you have moved on.
Concluding Thoughts,
It’s time to move on, but move into a happy place. Your past relationships should not bring you tears. Move on in a healthy manner in order to experience life and all its glory. Breaking up is hard but you would find a different and a better ‘you’ in the process. Don’t be stuck! ‘
Ending with a great quote from a great genius – Do not settle, Keep looking! Keep looking for opportunities to decorate your life with happiness and self love. Remember to be grateful for the other things you have in your life.Â
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