Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The History and Health Benefits of Ayurveda You Must Not Miss To Know!

Have you used the knowledge of Ayurveda to heal yourself? I am sure you must have! Ayurvedic remedies can help to solve many of your day-to-day health issues. Dive in to know more about the history and health benefits of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic medicines. Ayurvedic remedies have great healing power. Today, Ayurveda has become a way of life for millions due to its massive health benefits.

It is not just a healthcare system but also an integral part and parcel of almost every aspect of life. However, very few of us here are aware of the origin of this miracle.

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Thus, before we get to know the health benefits of Ayurveda, we need to know the origin of Ayurveda and how the Ayurvedic lifestyle spread across the globe.

History of Ayurveda

Ayurveda = Ayur (Life) + Veda (Knowledge or Science)

Hence, when put together, Ayurveda means the knowledge about the maintenance of your life. The true history of Ayurveda starts from the time of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.

As per the history of Ayurveda, ancient mythology contends that Ayurveda’s concept and essence were revealed by the creator of the world himself – aka Lord Brahma.

There are four Vedas, namely:

    • Rigveda
    • Yajurveda
  • Samaveda
  • Atharvaveda

Ayurveda is the proper and fancy name for Indian Herbalism. It was the study and use of herbs in India a few thousand years ago. It sprouted some 5000 years ago as a concept of combining the profound thoughts of medicine and philosophy.

Moreover, Ayurveda was probably one of the best medicine streams from the first millennium BC to the 1900s. Ayurvedic practitioners would typically devote their lives to the medicine and treatment of people to make or keep them healthy.

They also made a few concepts that helped the common people understand the functioning of the human body. To help people get more used to Ayurveda, it was incorporated into their belief system (as religion was a major part of the culture back then).

Besides, the limited knowledge of science among people during those days was an advantage to do so.

The idea of doshas was a way for practitioners to sort people into groups (hot vs. cold, emotional vs. calm, etc.) to make it easier to treat them, just like classifying people today by blood type, gender, etc.

Moreover, Ayurveda believes that disease results from the increase or decrease in the level of ‘Thridoshas,’ i.e., the Vatha, Pitha, and Kapha.

These are present throughout the body and responsible for functions like:

  • motility
  • power
  • oxygen transport
  • digestion
  • development of body
  • metabolism
  • and sustenance of life.

Furthermore, these are some of the best ways to map the human body. Several Allopathic practitioners also believe the same.

Astanga Ayurveda

The practical tenets of Ayurveda are divided into eight sections or branches. These eight sections are called “Astanga Ayurveda.” These sections include:

  • Internal medicine
  • Surgery
  • Organic medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Toxicology
  • Rejuvenating remedy
  • Aphrodisiac remedies
  • Spiritual healing

Ayurveda has principles and methodologies proved on a scientific basis. It is not regarded as science by many as it did not develop inside any lab.

However, Ayurveda also has its branches like any other sciences.

They are:

  • Surgery (Shalya-chikitsa)
  • Treatment of diseases above the belly (Salakyam)
  • Internal medicine (Kaaya-chikitsa)
  • Psychiatry (Bhutavidya)
  • Pediatrics (Kaumarabhrtyam)
  • Toxicology (Agadatantram)
  • Immunity (Rasayana)
  • Aphrodisiacs (Vajikaranam)

Hence, in total, eight branches are called the Ashtanga Ayurveda in the history of Ayurveda.

The Aim of Ayurveda

The ultimate aim of Ayurveda is to give guidelines for the maintenance and promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Hence, its purpose is to maintain a balanced state of Tridoshas.

Effective Health Benefits of Ayurveda

ayurveda home remedies-what is ayurveda- health benefits of ayurveda

According to some practitioners, Ayurvedic treatment is led by the detoxification or cleansing of the body. The natural process of detoxification is much more powerful than modern times’ initial modes of treatment.

Ayurvedic medicine is also gaining more prominence than ever. Moreover, Ayurveda claims to have treatment for every possible disease.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in this subject, and its popularity is spreading rapidly around the world. Similarly, Ayurvedic Home remedies and natural cures do not cause any side effects.

Here are a few remarkable health benefits of Ayurveda:

1. Ayurveda Helps Cure Diabetes

One of the key health benefits of Ayurveda is that it helps cure diabetes. In Ayurveda, Diabetes Mellitus is commonly known as Madhumeha. The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is mainly based on the changes in the lifestyle of the diabetic patient.

Along with diet and medication, a person is usually advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and live an active life.

Furthermore, there are simple and effective ways Ayurveda can help cure diabetes.

Juice of Bitter melon (30 ml) may be taken on an empty stomach daily in the early morning to cure diabetes. Besides, these simple recipes can also be consumed. It is considered one of the best remedies for diabetes.

2. Building Immunity

Ayurveda states the body’s power that prevents the development of diseases or resists a developed disease is called immunity. The concept of the immune system in Ayurveda extends beyond the physiological and cellular components recognized by western sciences.

Hence, boost your immune system strength by adding natural herbs to your daily diet. Ayurveda alternative medicine also promotes medicinal herbs to benefit your health.

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, many vitamins, herbs, proteins, and minerals are mixed to combat and prevent immune disorders.

3. Ayurvedic Herbs Can Reduce Stress

Stress and worry can take the life out of everyone and lead us away from a life more centered and balanced in the spiritual and non-physical. Ayurveda offers a beautiful perspective on stress management.

Scientific research shows that Ayurvedic herbs can reduce stress and anxiety, create calm and heighten alertness.

Aiding stress is one of the great health benefits of Ayurveda.

4. Ayurveda Can Help In Weight Management

Some of us are looking to lose weight, and some of us are looking to gain weight. Lucky for us, no matter what you’re looking for, Ayurveda has the power to manage your weight.

With Ayurveda, you can help lose your weight as well as gain it. According to Ayurveda, being overweight involves an inherent excess in Kapha dosha. While Kapha may not be the only factor at play in your struggle with excess weight, it is certainly an important player.

Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss comes very near to modern medicine as far as obesity is concerned.

If you are considering gaining weight naturally, Ayurveda can help you here too. Ayurveda’s weight gain process is simple and effective.

5. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most treasured and special moments in a woman’s life. However, it does represent a major change, and you have to adapt your lifestyle to meet the needs of the baby developing inside you.

Furthermore, each month of pregnancy has its unique requirements. Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman.

6. Others Benefits of Ayurveda

Ayurveda’s benefit is that it focuses on individualized treatment and improves the entire body, internally and externally. From skin to hair to stomach to feet, Ayurveda has a treatment for all kinds of problems. Ayurveda can also help induce a restful sleep with simple tips.

Furthermore, it can also help manage bloating and poor digestion by expelling the buildup of waste. Similarly, Ayurvedic remedies have many proven tricks to help keep your skin soft and radiant without spending money.

To conclude,

Ayurveda is a lifestyle you must embrace. Hence, follow Ayurvedic remedies to stay healthy. Healthy living, appropriate eating, adequate sleep, proper exercises are pillars of Ayurveda. However, self-medication for graver diseases is not advisable.

If you’re suffering from something serious, it is advised that you pay a visit to the doctor. Moreover, some supplements claiming to be approved by Ayurveda may contain toxic metals. Hence, please proceed with caution before purchasing them, especially online!

Key Takeaways On Health Benefits of Ayurveda

  • Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic medicines.
  • It is not just a healthcare system but also an integral part and parcel of almost every aspect of life.
  • Ayurveda = Ayur (Life) + Veda (Knowledge or Science)
  • The true history of Ayurveda starts from the time of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
  • It sprouted some 5000 years ago as a concept of combining the profound thoughts of medicine and philosophy.
  • Additionally, it offers a beautiful perspective on stress management.
  • Ayurvedic remedies are a solution to many of the health problems faced today.
  • Ayurvedic treatment and remedies are led by the detoxification or cleansing of the body.
  • The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is mainly based on the changes in the lifestyle of the diabetic patient.
  • Ayurvedic medicine, in brief, is a multitude of vitamins, herbs, proteins, and minerals that combat and prevent immune disorders.
  • However, consult doctors if you suffer from any serious health issues before starting these remedies.
  • With Ayurveda, you can also lose your weight as well as gain it.
  • It also prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman.
  • Healthy living, appropriate eating, adequate sleep, proper exercises are pillars of Ayurveda.
  • In conclusion, Ayurveda is a lifestyle you must embrace for a long and healthy life.
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Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth is a full-time teacher and a writer with a keen interest in lifestyle and music. Watching her favorite sitcom 'Friends', and singing are the hobbies that she enjoys the most. Not to mention, she also loves writing and expressing her thoughts to the world around her.

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