Thursday, September 26, 2024

Simple Yet Effective Tips To Start Writing Your First Book

So, you want to write a book? For some, it may sound super easy to put some words together to have a wonderful result, but we really know the struggle when we’re face to face with those words. Words that sometimes don’t make sense or words that portray things differently than you wanted to convey, or words that make you feel something’s missing. Writing a book requires a lot of effort, patience, time, imagination, and love for what you’re doing.

Remember, the essential thing to write a book is the importance of reading. You can’t write a decent book if you don’t like to read. Besides, reading has many benefits that you’ll need to write that book that’s been in your head for a long time.

Here are some benefits of reading:

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  • It reduces stress
  • It can improve your memory.
  • Expand your vocabulary
  • Expands your imagination
  • It’s good entertainment

And much more!! So if you even the slightest idea of writing a book someday, then get a book to read today.

Also, you can’t be negative about yourself. To be able to write a book, you need o stop demotivating yourselves. “Oh no, I can’t do this.”, ” I don’t have time to write.” All these thoughts on your brain need to be shut. They will slow you down, and when you start writing with such low confidence, you will have just a few pages with some words, nothing more.

Now answer this question – Are you ready to write a book? If the answer is yes, then check out these tips to write your first book:


1. Find Your Cup Of Tea

You need to know what you’re going to write. Do you prefer fantasy over romance? Poetry? Adventure? Take your time to think about it. Once again, the importance of reading applies here; what do you usually read? I know that there are many questions for you to answer, but it makes your work easy to know your preferences. You don’t want to write a book about a genre that you don’t like.

2. Write Down Your Ideas

Write your ideas! Use a notebook, your computer, phone, etc., to write what’s on your mind. Then read that and think about how do you want to develop it into a book. You’ll see that if you write your ideas, even if it is the way you’ll like the book to end or a character idea, it will be easier for you.

3. Assemble Your Characters

Imagine your characters and how you want them to be based on what you’re going to write about. Write their personality, physical appearance, and built the character from there. Also, it’s important to write a backstory for your characters (even if you’re not going to write it in the book), but it is easier for you to know them and integrate into the story, and it will help you write the plot.

4. Schedule Time

Now that you have everything figured out, it’s time to develop the content. Schedule a routine that works for you. Do you prefer to write at night or during the day? And where do you feel more comfortable writing? Writing takes time, and you need to be comfortable to spend that time in the best way possible.

5. Be Your Own Critic

If you finish your first chapter, now it’s time to read it again but as a reader. Do you like what you read? The more you focus on making your writing understandable, the more people will understand you.

6. Share Your Work After Every Chapter

A good way to know if you’re a good writer is to ask someone, a family member or a friend to read your content. Don’t wait until you finish the book; instead, let them read the chapter you just finished. You need to have some feedback while you’re writing your book.

7. Seek For A Publisher

Now that you finished the book, it’s time to publish your book! It is advisable to find a publisher before you start to write because it takes some time. But with patience, you’ll get there. For that matter, you could also publish your book on kindle. Where there is a will, there is away!

Now that you know what it takes to write a book go for it! Let the world know what’s on your mind.

Comment below other tips you know to start with your first book. Share it with friends and help them be a better author. Also, do not forget to subscribe with us for new posts.

This is a guest post.

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