Saturday, July 20, 2024

Why You Are So Frustrated And How To Deal With Frustration In Life?

In our day-to-day lives, we get irritated very easily. Probably the present lifestyle is stressful that leads to frustration. Perhaps you can even get frustrated by the erratic behavior of the person driving the car ahead of you. You can even get frustrated by the frequent power cuts or the never-ending traffic jam in your city. What so ever may be the reason, don’t you think we get frustrated very easily? Every small thing can disturb our ‘precious’ peace of mind.

If a dress does not fit, we get frustrated, if we get fewer marks or poor performance in one of the exams we get frustrated.

Are we really frustrated coz of a lack of opportunities, or is it because we have not accepted our own situation. The reasons may be huge or minuscule but what is more important is to overcome them and be frustration-free.

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What is frustration?


Frustration is defined as the irritating feeling one feels due to the constant inability to achieve goals or progress in life.

Usually, you are frustrated when:

  1. you’re upset about things the way they are in life
  2. you get the feeling of being stuck in life

Frustration makes you mad and can lead to a foggy mind. You can’t make the right decision. Your day just slips through without producing much. It sucks energy and steals energy.

Main Factors That Cause Frustration


Below are some of the main factors that contribute to frustration in your life:

  • Work
  • Family or Relationships
  • Finance


For example, if you’re not respected at work, it could lead to frustration in your daily life. Burnout during work can also be one of the major causes.

Family or Relationships

Relationships can easily be one of the significant causes of your frustration. Friends, partners, spouses, and even parents can bring distress and unhappiness leading to frustration.

Avoiding toxic people is essential for your well-being. Surround yourself with like-minded people who truly care and support you.


Financial stability can immensely help you to lead a stress-free life. Piling up too many debts, and credit card bills, can not only sabotage your youth but will also leave you frustrated in your adult life.

It is important you see the root cause of your frustration in life and take baby steps to fix it.

Why are you so frustrated all the time?

Let’s have a look at why are we so frustrated all the time.

1. Self-Doubt Leading To Stress

Most of the time we feel we are worthless and we start questioning our needs and basic convictions, values, beliefs, and perceptions.

Situations that are not in our hands stress us out. And constant stress leads to frustration. You are frustrated in life as you are not able to fulfill your dreams or miss out on an opportunity.

Things can be numerous that make your life stressful leading to frustration.

2. Biological Changes

High or low blood pressure, excessive sweating, gaining weight, or even losing too much weight can cause frustrations. When medically you are not in control of your body, you feel helpless and thus frustrated.

3. Lack of Patience

All of us are not patient anymore. We lack general patience. We can hardly wait for our turn. And when we are not able to get what we want at the right time, we feel frustrated. We don’t like to wait for anything. The question is not only to identify our triggers for frustration but also to overcome them.


Read on to find out how not to be frustrated in life and stay peaceful.

1. Be in the Present

We all think too much about the future. And we get tensed thinking about it. Focus on the present. Calm yourself. Take a deep breath and breathe out. Continue to do so and close your eyes and take control of what is going on in the present. Take an inventory of your present.

2. Be Grateful

Once you have calmed down, and are aware of the present. Make a list of the things you have in the present.

  • A roof over your head
  • Food on the table
  • Clothing and other basic necessities
  • Friends and family who loves you

Appreciate them and be grateful for your present environment. Accepting and appreciating is a huge step to cool yourself down. And in this, you would also find happiness.

What To Do To Cope-Up With Frustration In Life?

Once you are in the right frame of mind, you can focus on what to do. This is the ‘Constructive Phase’.

  1. Take account of- What is my situation? and what can I do to improve it?
  2. Write down answers so you can streamline yourself.
  3. Recharge after these exercises and get back into the game.

You need to have control of yourself and calm down if the situation is a little out of hand.

Practice yoga and breathing exercises to stay sane and avoid frustrations.

Frustrations are good to take the corrective steps. If you can control them and channelize them into productive activity, I feel frustrations are good. But do not let them overpower you so much that it takes control and not you.

Leave your thoughts below in the comments section. Do not forget to subscribe to us and stay tuned. Share this with your friends and help them stay out of frustration.

Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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