Friday, August 30, 2024

Most Impressive Renewable Energy Projects Powering Our World

With an ever-increasing demand for renewable energy sources, several world leaders are looking forward to implementing renewable or green energy projects to fight climate change and promote a greener economy. Climate activists like Greta Thunberg are constantly reminding us to act on climate change, and countries worldwide are pushing for renewable energy as an alternative for the different types of non-renewable energy sources currently in use. In her Instagram post, she writes, “We had 32-degree celsius 200km above the Arctic circle, 34.3-degree celsius was recorded in Banak, Norway, the highest temperature ever measured above 70N in Europe”.

Besides, the Paris Agreement was signed by world nations to combat climate change.

Several types of renewable energy projects have been put into place to achieve this. In addition, new technologies help these projects to provide energy on a larger scale.

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Here’s a glimpse at the most impressive renewable energy projects in the world. Some of them might be from your country, yet unaware of them. But, before we deep dive into that, let’s have a quick look at the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Goals Of Paris Agreement On Climate Change

The Paris Agreement is the legal settlement adopted by 196 parties at COP 21 in Paris to battle the fight against climate change or the Global Warming issue.

The agreement emphasizes taking robust actions by different countries to restrict global warming to below 2.

Here’s a brief goal of the Paris Agreement on the climate change issue:

  • To accomplish long-term temperature goals and a climate-neutral world by mid-century.
  • To bring all nations together to undertake the necessary measures to fight climate change.
  • For reducing the Greenhouse gas emissions to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • To provide financial aid to the vulnerable countries for adapting to the effects of climate change.
  • The Paris Agreement supports minimizing any loss or damage related to the adverse impact of the ongoing climate change.

What Is Renewable Energy?


Renewable energy is produced from renewable sources, i.e., rain, sunlight, wind, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

Producing renewable energy is better than other ways of making energy, like the burning of fossil fuels. In addition, renewable energy also controls air pollution and improves the environment significantly and is one of the main reasons for many countries focusing on green energy projects.

In 2017 renewable energy represented 17.5 % of the energy consumed in the EU, on a path to the 2020 target of 20 %.

The Examples Of Renewable Energy

Some of the common examples of renewable energy and its sources are:

1. Solar Energy

Solar energy refers to the power that is derived from the Sun. In solar energy, the solar panel collects the Sun’s heat, which further generates electricity.

2. Wind Energy

Wind energy refers to the power acquired by the force of the wind to produce electricity.

3. Hydropower Energy

When energy is captured through moving water, it is termed “Hydropower Energy.” This type of energy converts kinetic energy from water into electricity.

4. Geothermal Energy

The energy that is procured within the sub-surface of the earth is known as Geothermal Energy.

5. Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is generated with the help of living organisms like plants.

These are renewable energy forms the countries use frequently.

World’s Most Impressive Renewable Energy Projects


Three-quarters of global greenhouse emission is an outcome of creating energy by burning fossil fuels. Furthermore, research from OurWorldInData confirms that the burning of fossil fuels contributes to immense air pollutions.

Many countries have joined hands to carry out renewable energy projects for improved environmental sustainability to curb this global issue.

1. Tengger Desert Solar Park in China

We have to agree that China is very impressive when it comes to technology. The Tengger Desert Solar Park renewable energy project signifies how China can be a leader in technology and innovation.

According to the International Energy Agency, China manufactures more than 60% of solar panels worldwide.

Therefore, the solar capacity in China is second to none; it is the biggest in the world, thanks to its commitment and the resources available in the country.

For years China was dependent on other sources of energy, and solar energy was considered expensive. But in 2012, the government turned the tables and gave solar energy a top priority.

The country vowed to spend more than 360 billion dollars on renewable energy sources. The project has already created over 13 million jobs while being implemented.

China hopes to be drawing more than 20 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. But currently, solar power meets one percent, meaning they have a long way to achieve their objectives.

To help them out, China is utilizing the many deserts in the country. Many are building large-scale facilities all over the country, including the largest solar park globally, Tengger desert solar park.

The great wall of solar, as commonly known, covers more than 43 kilometers squared.

How Much Energy Does It Generate?

This mega project comprises more than 20 integrated photovoltaic power plants that generate more than 1500 megawatts more than any other solar project in the whole world.

2. Ivanpah Solar Facility in the United States

According to National Geographic, the Ivanpah Solar renewable project is the largest solar panel thermal plant worldwide.

In the Ivanpah solar facility, three solar thermal plants cover about 14.2 kilometers squared, located between California and Nevada in the Mojave Desert.

The electricity generated from these can serve more than 140,000 homes in California.
There are rings of software mirrors controlled to reflect the solar light to a very tall tower at the center of the plant.

The reflection of the concentrated sunlight heats the water that is usually stored at the top of the tower and creates steam.

After creating the steam, the system works like a standard power plant. The steam is piped to the turbine and generates electricity.

How Much Energy Does It Generate?

The power plant supplies electricity to over 140 homes all over California. The project uses over 170,000 mirrors. They use it to reflect the sun, and the mirrors are angled excellently to ensure maximum sun’s reflection.

Solar thermal plants generate more than 392 megawatts. In other terms, a plant using fossil fuels to power would emit more than 400,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide every year to produce equivalent energy.

Workers Involved

The project took three years to complete employing 2300 workers during the time. The system also uses the dry cooling system, meaning it uses air instead of water for cooling purposes, allowing the system to use more than 95 percent less water than most solar thermal systems.

3. Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station in South Korea

The Sihwa Lake tidal power installation is the biggest in the world.  On completion of the project in 2004, it became operational in 2011.

Since then, the project has boosted water circulation by 200 percent. It has ten 25.4 megawatts submerged bulb turbines rotated by water that flows from the West Sea at high tide. When tides ebb, the sluice gates close; this isolates the lake to the lowest level.

Power Generated By Sihwa Lake Tidal

The Sihwa Lake tidal installation priced over 560 million dollars to construct; it generates more than 552.7 GWh of power every year. That power is enough to power a city that has over five hundred thousand residents.

This renewable energy project’s power compared to fossil fuels is over 300,000 tons of carbon IV oxide.

4. Walney Wind Farm In The United Kingdom

The spending of the United Kingdom is more than one billion euros on the project. So you can imagine just how vast the wind farm is. It stretches over an area that covers 55 square miles in the Irish Sea.

The wind farm features one hundred and eighty-nine wind turbines. Each stands about 623 feet tall, and every turbine has a capacity of 7 to 8 megawatts. The first face of the project began in 2010, and the third phase was completed in 2018.

How Much Energy Does The Farm Generate?

The renewable energy project has a total capacity of 650 megawatts that is enough to power more than 600 000 homes in the United Kingdom. There are about 280 employed in the operation and maintenance of the wind farm.

5. Three Gorges Dam in China

In 1994, this project was termed the largest engineering project in China at the onset of this project. There was no ending our list without mentioning the largest hydroelectric dam in the world. The barrier has a long history, but it finally became operational back in 2012.

The project also used about 16.8 billion pounds, and it stretches over 630 kilometers in length and an average width of 1.3 kilometers.

How Much Energy Does It Produce?

The dam can produce over 22 550 megawatts, making it the most significant power station globally. The dam power capacity to power over 30 million homes in the country.

How To Make Use Of Renewable Sources In Everyday Life?


If you want to use renewable energy sources in everyday life, here’s how to do that.

1. Install Solar Rooftops At Your Home/Office

As per the statistics, 18 million American homes on average function on solar energy.

The most common way to make use of renewable energy is by installing rooftop solar panels. Since we get free access to sunlight, we can harness the sun’s power to generate electricity for our homes and workplaces.

2. Cooking

You can use solar energy for cooking meals too. For example, you can prepare your solar cooker. All you will need is a box, aluminum foil, duct tape, pan, a cooking bag, Styrofoam insulation, and a thermometer for the cooker. Also, there’s a solar cooker readily available from authorized solar product dealers too, which you can use.

3. Plug-in Electric Cars

As per the survey studies, the stock of Plug-in electric cars has significantly spiked up in Norway.

Electric cars operate without petrol or diesel consumption, making them more environmentally friendly. Besides, the Norwegian Government has made it accessible for car owners to opt for electric vehicles by imposing tax reductions and subsidies.

As a result, this encourages the public to select travel means that don’t harm the environment.

4. Public Transportation From Solar Energy Sources

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is the world’s top leading risk factor for death.

Furthermore, another finding shows that passenger vehicles that operate on petrol and diesel contribute to air pollution.

However, utilizing solar energy for transportation purposes can significantly battle the issue of air pollution. Solar vehicles that run on the power generated by the sun are a more sustainable option to opt for daily transportation.

Making An Impact On The Planet With Everyday Life

Renewable energy sources alone cannot suffice to fix the climate crisis, especially due to the increased levels of global CO2 emissions. We can also look into our everyday lives to make the world a better place to live in for the coming generation.

Data retrieved from: ‘’

1. Say “No” To Plastics

Plastic remains to be known as a time bomb waiting to explode, impacting the environment negatively.

A considerable number of plastic consumption consists of plastic containers at home, which can, in the long run, account for increased plastic pollution collectively.

In fact, according to the Everyday Plastic Survey, usage of plastic surged up immensely under the lockdown period.

Therefore, if we want to impact the planet and solve the plastic crisis, it is imperative to do everything in our control, starting from minimizing plastic use.

Here’s how we can use less plastic:

  • Carry jute or cotton bag for grocery shopping.
  • Use glass jars to store food and spices.
  • Make use of reusable bottles like copper or glass.
  • Discard using plastic straws.
  • Restrict buying food that comes in a single plastic.

2. Avoid Overheating Homes During Winter

Many people overheat their homes to avoid the winter chills. However, overusing the room heaters in the long haul can have multiple side effects like skin drying and burning oxygen from the air.

It can also potentially lead to asthma problems, nausea, and disturbed sleep every night.

Instead of using conventional heaters to keep your house warm in the winter, you do the following things to achieve the same result.

  • Close up your windows and use blinders.
  • Place rugs on the floor.
  • Use blankets that keep you warm when you sleep.
  • Let the sunlight enter during the daytime.
  • Drink and eat warm beverages and food.

3. Recycle Waste

The UK household produces 100 million tonnes of household waste on average every year.

Recycling is the best way to reduce and deal with this massive household waste. The sole purpose of recycling is to convert waste products into recyclable items and use them repeatedly.

Here’s how you can recycle waste:

  • Recycle your clothes that you no longer wear for cleaning furniture or use them for making covers for pillows.
  • Use discarded cardboard for storage purposes.
  • Please don’t throw away the vegetable peels and use them for making sauces, chips, and teas.
  • Separate dry waste from wet waste. You can further use the damp waste as plant manure.
  • Use newspaper to wrap gifts.

Concluding thoughts,

The crisis of climate change is alarming. Renewable energy is indeed the need of the hour as it is a clean and inexhaustible energy source. The global renewable energy capacity has doubled since 2008 from 18.5% to 25%.

During the current time, the different types of renewable energy are helping to deal with many environmental issues.

Today, hydro, wind, and solar are the three vital types of renewable energy projects. Besides, tidal energy is still in development. Thus, renewable energy has long-term certainty and energy security.

Hence, it is the answer to powering the planet while reducing carbon emissions.

Key Takeaways On Renewable Energy

  • The demand for renewable energy keeps increasing as more countries are inclining towards Green Energy projects.
  • The Paris Agreement was drawn out in 2015 with the sole motive to battle against severe climate change.
  • Renewable energy is the energy we get from sources like rain, sunlight, wind, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.
  • It minimizes air pollution and improves the environment significantly.
  • Furthermore, Solar, Wind, Hydropower, Geothermal, and Biomass— are typical examples of renewable energy sources.
  • Interestingly, there are several renewable energy projects that many countries are implementing.
  • The Tengger Desert Solar Park in China is the fifth-largest solar plant in the world.
  • This mega project comprises more than 20 integrated photovoltaic power plants, generating more than 1500 megawatts.
  • The Ivanpah Solar facility can supply electricity to over 140 homes all over California.
  • The Sihwa Lake tidal installation in South Korea generates more than 552.7 GWh of power every year and is enough to power a city with over five hundred thousand residents.
  • Similarly, the Walney Wind Farm in the United Kingdom has a total capacity of 650 megawatts enough to power more than 600,000 homes.
  • Lastly, the Three Gorges Dam in China is another impressive project capable of producing over 22,550 megawatts, making it the most significant power station globally.

How many countries signed the Paris Agreement?

Total 196 countries have endorsed the Paris Agreement to show their support to aid climate change. Out of those, 190 countries have formally signed the Paris Agreement for climate change.

Which countries haven’t signed the Paris Agreement?

As per the sources, Iraq, Iran, and Libya are yet to join the agreement formally.

What are the types of renewable energy?

  • Solar Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Hydropower Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Biomass Energy

Do you know any other types of examples of renewable energy? Let us know in the comments below.

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