Sunday, July 21, 2024

Most Common Types of Cancer In Women And Early Signs To Watch Out

So far, cancer has been one of the deadliest diseases amongst human beings, next to Covid-19. According to a study, out of an estimated 18 million cancer cases worldwide in 2018, around 8.5 million have been women. While age, lifestyle, and habits can contribute to the factors to fight the disease, it’s essential not to overlook the early symptoms to avoid the different types of cancer. Cervical cancer used to be the leading cause of cancer death in women in the US. However, the numbers have come down in recent years due to awareness. Knowing about the early signs can help prevent developing its seriousness.  Some common types of cancer that occur majorly in females are breast, colorectal, endometrial, lung, cervical, skin, and ovarian cancers.

Let’s read more about the types of cancer, its symptoms, and how to naturally prevent it.

Types Of Cancer In Women


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The most divine gift any women own is the ability to give birth to a new life. Hence conceiving the newborn gets affected majorly by five types of cancer affecting the reproductive organs.

It is cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar. They all come under as a group referred to as gynecologic cancer. Out of these, the most common types of cancer in women are ovarian and breast cancer.

Types Of Cancer And Their Types Of Symptoms In Women

1. Cervical Cancer

One of the types of cancer found in females is cervical cancer. Mostly this is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) occurring in the cells of the cervix area. This one can get through intimate skin contact, such as having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus.

Other factors for the development of cervical cancers are:

  • Smoking
  • Having a weakened immune system
  • Obesity
  • Exposure to specific hormone treatments

Using condoms while having sex, staying away from smoking, or getting regular HPV vaccines are one of the preferred ways to protect against cervical cancer. Having standard screening tests is a common way to keep one abreast and do the assessment required.

Although it can affect a variety of women, the American Cancer Society broadly categorizes the following group of people who are at average risk for cervical cancer:

  • Less than 25 years: Usually not recommended to be tested.
  • Between 25 and 65 years: They are usually recommended to get a primary HPV test every 05 years or a Pap test every three years.
  • People over 65 years: They are usually recommended for a test between 03 – 05 years. However, those who tested normal or negative in the past decade may not be tested for cervical cancer. In case of a history of such illness, it is advisable for continuous monitoring if you have an account of such a condition.

People who have had a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) or people who had a vaccine against HPV should still follow the screening procedure.

It is essential to seek medical attention under every circumstance if symptoms like vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, or pelvic pain are observed. However, cervical cancer is one type of cancer that becomes the leading cause of death in women.

2. Ovarian Cancer

When the abnormal cells begin to multiply out of control and form a tumor in the ovary, then ovarian cancer takes place. This tumor can also spread to other parts of the body if it is left untreated. This type of cancer is only found in females.

This is known as metastatic ovarian cancer.

The early signs of ovarian cancer are vague and easy to dismiss. In general, 20% of this cancer can detect at an early stage.

Risk Factors In Ovarian Cancer

Certain factors increase an individual’s risk of developing ovarian cancer, including:

  • Never having been pregnant.
  • Early age of start (when emission periods begin) or late age of menopause.

Signs And Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer

During the first stages of ovarian cancer, symptoms could also be present; however, they are usually imprecise and unclear.

Symptoms might include:

  • Pelvic or abdominal discomfort
  • Enlarged abdominal size or bloating
  • Decreased appetite
  • Feel full when eating a little quantity of food.
  • Urinary symptoms (urgency and frequency)

In some women, ovarian cancer is at first suspected when a mass or lump is felt throughout a routine pelvic examination.

However, a mass isn’t always detectable within the early stages of ovarian cancer. Even once a group is detected, it doesn’t essentially mean that the woman has ovarian cancer. There are several common noncancerous conditions (such as ovarian cysts), which will cause masses.

3. Uterine Cancer

Uterine or endometrial cancer begins with the layers of the cells of the uterus with symptoms primarily like vaginal bleeding and pelvic pains.

Although the exact causes of uterine cancer aren’t known, risk factors include:

  • Changes in the hormonal balance
  • Obesity
  • Abnormal stages of menopause
  • Estrogen therapy
  • Hereditary factors, etc.

How to avoid this type of cancer in women?

  • Being proactive with a pelvic exam
  • Pap test
  • Ultrasound
  • Biopsy considering taking birth control pills
  • Maintaining a healthy weight with treatment options like Hormone therapy, Chemotherapy, etc.

4. Vaginal Cancer

Vaginal cancer is one of the types of cancer in women, which happens once cancerous cells grow in your vagina.

Several kinds of cancer can unfold to the canal from in different places; however, cancer that starts here is rare.

Vaginal Cancer Types In women

There are two types of vaginal cancer in women:

1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

It happens once cancer forms in the flat, thin cells that line your canal. This type spreads slowly and tends to remain near to where it starts. However, it will go to different places like your liver, lungs, or bones. Older women are possible to get this form. Nearly are all new cases are in women ages sixty and up.

2. Adenocarcinoma

This kind starts in glandular cells within the lining of your are, which make mucus and alternative fluids. It’s additional likely to spread to different areas, including your lungs and the lymph nodes (small organs that filter harmful things in your body) in your groin.

Vaginal Cancer Causes And Risk Factors

There are some cases of vaginal cancer that don’t have an exact cause. However, most are joined to infection with the human papillomavirus, or HPV. This is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in females.

HPV infection most frequently goes away on its own. However, if it lingers, it will cause cervical and vaginal cancer.

Chances Are High To Get Vaginal Cancer If You

  • Are 60 or older
  • Exposed to DES
  • Drink alcohol
  • Have cervical cancer or precancerous lesions
  • Have HIV
  • Smoke

types of cancer and symptoms-alignthoughts

5. Vulvar Cancer

Vulvar cancer, or vulval cancer, is a type of cancer in women, which is a rare kind of cancer that affects the vulva, the external genital organs that shield a woman’s reproductive system.

It is possible to look in the outer vaginal lips. Common symptoms include a lump, itching, and bleeding.

Fast Facts On Vulval Cancer:

Here are some key points regarding vulval cancer.

  • Vulvar cancer affects the external genital organs of a woman, most typically the outer lips of the vagina.
  • Symptoms include a lump, itching, and bleeding, and pain.
  • Early diagnosis will increase the possibility of successful treatment dramatically. However, without treatment, cancer can spread to different parts of the body.
  • Avoiding smoking and unprotected sex can reduce the danger.

Vulvar Cancer Symptoms

You might not notice any symptoms early. Over time, you may have:

  • The changed color of your vulva
  • A change in how a mole looks
  • Thickened skin on your vulva
  • An open sore
  • Itching that doesn’t go away
  • Pain, soreness, or burning
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Pain when you pee

These also can be signs of other conditions, thus check with your doctor if you notice problems.

Diagnosis And Staging

This type of cancer is only found in females. The doctor can perform a medical specialty analysis, which incorporates checking the female genital organ.

Therefore, for a lump or a mass that appears suspicious, a biopsy is essential.

The examination should include the perineal area, as well as the areas around the clit and urethra. The doctor should also palpate the Bartholin’s glands.

The Further Tests Could Be

1. Cystoscopy

The bladder is examined to determine whether or not cancer has spread to that area.

2. Proctoscopy

The rectum is probed to check whether cancer has spread to the rectal wall.

Early Signs Of Cancer And Their Symptoms

Let’s see a few of the cancer symptoms that every woman must know.

Vaginal Bleeding

  • The most common concern women battle with is vaginal bleeding – Women diagnosed with endometrial cancer experience irregular bleeding. Specifically, for women who are in their menopausal phase, if they identify any bleeding or spotting, then a need for evaluation by the doctor is essential.
  • If women who have their periods regularly suddenly experience bleeding between periods or bleeding during sex, this can be a sign of cervical or vaginal cancer.
  • The best remedy to counteract such types of cancer is regular exercise with healthier food choices; this can help you lose weight and make you stronger. But if there is a sudden weight loss, and if this weight loss is not due to exercise or following a healthy diet, this could raise the alarm, and it’s time to see your doctor.
  • Some vaginal discharge, like blood oozing out or smelly discharge, can be a sign of infection. These symptoms could lead to cervical, vaginal, or endometrial cancer. So, please see your physician and get more clarity on this.

Constant Fatigue

  • Do you feel fatigued all the time? Though it is natural to feel overworked sometimes or most of the time. Some amount of rest will make you feel refreshed. But if there is a constant bout of fatigue that is causing a hindrance to your work or personal life, then seeing your doctor can help.

Poor Appetite

  • A weak appetite, feeling of fullness, or bloatedness if observed, then check for these as well because changes can also trigger symptoms of ovarian cancer or other cancers that are not related to the reproductive system.

Abdominal Pain

  • Suppose you experience pain in the pelvis or abdominal area with discomfort. This includes gas, poor digestion, pressure, bloating, and cramps, then please watch out. They can be ovarian or endometrial cancer.

Frequent Urination

  • In case if you have an urge to urinate and the frequency goes high. Or if there is constant pressure on the bladder and you consume liquids, which generally happens during pregnancy, then it is natural. But if you are not pregnant, then it can be a sign of cancer.

Regular Feelings Of Nausea Or Indigestion

  • If you feel nauseated and there is a persistent feeling of indigestion, then this can also prove to be a sign of gynecologic cancer. To be on the safer side, see your doctor and get clarification on these symptoms as well.
  • Any change in bowel movements that is frequent can sign some extra pressure on the colon. This is making the bowel movements irregular. Need to watch out for any gynecologic cancer or other cancers.

Noticeable Differences In Breasts

  • If there is a noticeable change in the breasts, though, most of the time, women can detect breast cancer by daily activities like bathing, shaving, or while wearing clothes. Women need to look for any lumps in the breast or armpit. Also, it’s essential to see for any changes around the breasts, how they look and feel, or any nipple abnormalities.

Tips To Prevent Cancer Naturally


But do not panic if you have one or more of these symptoms; it doesn’t mean that you have cancer. Here are some tips that can help you prevent cancer.

  • Be physically active
  • Follow a balanced diet
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stop smoking
  • Protect yourself from the sun
  • Reduce stress

Know more about how to prevent cancer naturally.

Processed Meat and Cancer – What Are the Risks?

A research study conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer found evidence that consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer.

The American Institute for Cancer Research confirmed this study.

Overconsumption of red meat, chicken, and fish (with skin) increases the risk of cancer. Therefore, try to consume meat well balanced with fruits and vegetables. Here are some healthy diet recipes to take inspiration from.

What Is The Leading Cause Of Death From Cancer In Women?

Cancer is the second leading reason behind death for each man and woman. According to the resources, it’s estimated that 774,370 new cancer cases will be diagnosed among females, and over 270,000 females will die of cancer in 2011.

Women’s health issues seem to be a serious concern after the age of 30.

Based on previous years, lung and bronchial tube cancer are expected to be the leading cause of cancer death among females, accounting for 71,340 deaths, or 26 % of all cancer deaths. Followed by breast cancer, which will be accountable for 39,520, or 15 % of deaths.

Although lung and bronchus cancer causes the most significant number of deaths, the commonly diagnosed among females is breast cancer.

Big Question – Is Cancer Turning Into A Business?

Do you know that the word “cancer” is a business-making term? Yes, you heard it, right? Have you heard of the name – “chemotherapy”? You would have.  Sadly, when cancer has spread across the whole body, it’s hard to eradicate the illness completely.

Well, it would be great to believe that cancer is not just a money printing machine for hospitals and doctors.

Some assume that the pharma industry is suppressing the cure for cancer. According to Forbes, the drug under discussion is expected to reach $7 billion in sales globally.

Having said that, it is worth being extra careful and look out for these symptoms. And, if they are persistent for a couple of weeks, then talk to your gynecologist and get a thorough checkup.

Concluding Thoughts

Let’s not entirely blame the medical fraternity.  We must accept the fact that cancer does exist, and most of the time, our lifestyle changes and daily habits can prevent or invite the disease.

Since cancer cells spread rapidly in our body, physicians are only left with Chemotherapy as an option to stop it from spreading.

However, this type of therapy puts the patients at tremendous risk, and most of the time, the patients do not get cured of cancer.

Now you must be wondering what the types of cancer are and how to avoid these symptoms, which can lead to cancer.  The only answer to this is by following a healthy lifestyle right from your teens.  Involve yourself in some physical activity from your school and college days. And try to continue it even if you reach your mid-30s or 40s. This is for both men and women.

However, men are also prone to cancer if the lifestyles are not favorable.

The best way to avoid all types of cancer is by staying away from excessive carbohydrate-based because it is proved that cancer cells thrive on sugars.

  • Package foods
  • Frozen foods
  • Consumption of refined flour
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Trans fat
  • And many such types of foods.

All these foods are quick fixes, but one must pay the price of ill health.

Key Takeaways On The Common Types Of Cancer

  • Cancer has been one of the deadliest diseases amongst human beings.
  • Common types of cancer found in women are breast, colorectal, endometrial, lung, cervical, skin, and ovarian cancers.
  • Every type of cancer has different symptoms.
  • Ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, vulvar, uterine are some of the types of cancer with different symptoms.
  • The most common concern women battle with is vaginal bleeding. Therefore, women diagnosed with endometrial cancer experience irregular bleeding.
  • When in the ovary, the abnormal cells begin to multiply out of control and form a tumor, then Ovarian cancer takes place.
  • Colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer are also significant causes of cancer deaths among females, accounting for a further 57,890 deaths combined.
  • Following a healthy lifestyle right from your teens is the best way to avoid the different types of cancer and symptoms, which can lead to cancer.
  • From common types of cancer and with early symptoms approx, 26% of females die every year.
  • Negligence of the early symptoms can be the leading cause of cancer death in women.
  • Because of cancer, hospitals can make a massive amount of money. Therefore, they neglect the early symptoms, which tend to be the leading cause of cancer death in women.

What Are The Types Of Cancer Only Found In Females?

The types of cancer found in females are cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar.

What Are The Leading Cause Of Death In Women?

Colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer are some of the leading causes of cancer deaths among women.

Which Are The Most Common Types Of Cancer In Females Worldwide?

  • Breast
  • Colorectal
  • Endometrial
  • Lung
  • Cervical
  • Skin
  • Ovarian cancers

Above are the most common types of cancer in females worldwide.

What Are Gynaecological Cancers?

The types of cancer that occurs in the genital part of the female body are Gynaecological Cancer. Ovarian, Uterus, Vulvar are some of the Gynaecological Cancers.

What Are The Symptoms Of Gynaecological Cancers?

Vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, or pelvic pain are some of the common symptoms of Gynaecological Cancer.

Can Teflon Cause Cancer?

Many manufacturing companies use PFOA (c8) in the making of Teflon. This chemical is unhealthy for the environment as well as for the human body. And it stays for an extended period of time. Therefore, there is a chance that Teflon can cause cancer.

Can Smoking Cause Breast Cancer?

Tar, Nicotine, Nitrosamine are the chemicals found in smoke. And these chemicals are also responsible for tissue destruction and the risk of growing cancer. Therefore, there are possibilities that smoking can cause breast cancer.

How To Reduce The Risk Of Cancer Early?

Avoiding tobacco, having safe sex, having a healthy diet, regular exercise, regular doctor checkups, and tests can reduce the risk of cancer early.

What Are The Some Cancer Prevention Foods?

Rich in antioxidant foods is good for the prevention of cancer. Garlic, broccoli, tomatoes, carrot, spinach are helpful for prevention.

AlignThoughts Editorial
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