Friday, September 27, 2024

Is Eating Spicy Food Good For Heart Health? 12 Benefits of Eating Spicy Food

Food is love and life. Good food = Good mood. Due to globalization, our food habits have changed abundantly. Nowadays, all sorts of spicy food are prevalent across the world, and each region customizes it according to their needs or taste. Due to the high availability and growth of a variety of spices in countries like India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc. you will find most of the day-to-day food very spicy. Their tolerance to hot and spicy food is way more than people from the western world. Did you know spicy food can help in weight loss? There are numerous other benefits of eating spicy food when consumed in moderation.

Apart from adding an aromatic flavor to your food, spices can prevent acute and chronic diseases and also contribute towards maintaining healthy body weight. Are you surprised to know that eating spicy food can aid in weight loss? Well, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Continue reading to learn many more health benefits of spicy food.

Here Are 12 Benefits of Eating Spicy Food


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1. Spices Act As Antioxidants

The whole black pepper is amongst the most aromatic spices. It is also available in the form of powder. It can be sprinkled on eggs, salads or smoothies as per the need.

Research has proven that pepper acts as an antioxidant, minimize gaseous feeling, stomach upset, ulcers by reducing the acidity levels making it highly beneficial for the gut (digestive system).

Along with spices like turmeric, pepper, there are other important ones like cloves, cinnamon, and even ginger. These have shown to reduce inflammation in the body as they are also potent antioxidants.

2. Spicy Food Helps You Burn Calories

Is spicy food really good for weight loss?

Yes, it is! Obese people who love to savor their spicy food can go ahead guilt-free. Spicy food shoots up your metabolism aiding your weight loss journey.

Several studies have shown that the main compound found in chilies called capsaicin has a thermogenic effect on food.

This means you will burn calories even after you have finished relishing your favorite meal making the overall calorie consumption less.

3. Spices Help You Cut Down Bad Cholesterol

The researches show spices are also beneficial towards your heart health as it helps cut down on the bad cholesterol LDL.

It is this LDL cholesterol that is responsible for clogging your arteries.

Even studies have shown that foods rich in spices like pepper and chilies fight inflammation further cutting down the risk of stroke.

The rate of heart attacks is lower in the regions where spicy food is a part of their cuisine.

4. Spicy Food Helps You Control Blood Pressure

One of the key benefits of spicy food is that it is good for your heart health when consumed moderately.

Spicy food can also improve blood circulation. This, in turn, keeps the blood pressure under control.

But how do spices help improve heart health? Basically, after consuming spicy food, the body’s temperature rises by increasing the blood flow. This helps the heart pump faster positively.

Spices like peppers, chilies, turmeric strengthen the blood vessels as they are a rich source of vitamins A and C.

5. Chilies Fight Against Cancer

Furthermore, several studies have shown that consumption of curries with chilies minimizes cancer capabilities. They obstruct the cancer cells from growing. In some cases, they also destroy the cancer cells without harming other healthy cells.

Countries like India and Mexico have been identified to have a lower risk of cancers due to traditional eating habits with spices.

Yet another benefit of spicy food is that the risk of prostate cancer can also decrease eventually.

6. Spices Can Prevent Ulcers

Spices play a significant role with regards to food digestion. This is because they increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which helps improve the blood flow accelerating the digestive process.

Spicy food also kills bacteria like H. pylori which can be a cause of stomach ulcers.

7. Turmeric Helps Reduce Bone Degeneration

Turmeric, also known as the Golden Spice, is widely known for its medicinal uses. Spices like turmeric are very beneficial in reducing inflammation of joints and even bone degeneration.

Curcumin in turmeric helps in reducing pain associated with arthritis.

8. Spicy Food Helps To Cure Sinus Problems

If you still have this question – is eating spicy food good for health, continue reading.

Even when we suffer from cold or flu, spicy food is proven to be beneficial, as it clears up the nasal passage.

If there are symptoms of sinusitis, then it surely helps in reducing the inflammation around the sinuses as well.

9. Spicy Food Benefits Your Mood

Pungent spices like chilies and pepper have been found to improve mood fluctuation by boosting the level of hormones like endorphins and serotonin which are known to be mood enhancers.

These spices also help in getting better sleep, memory.

10. Spices Can Help Deal Respiratory Illness

A hot spicy soup containing pepper in it can act as an expectorant which means it clears the mucus around the lungs.

Pepper has been very beneficial for asthmatics and even people suffering from respiratory conditions.

11. Spices Can Make Increase Your Lifespan

People who want to live longer must start consuming spices in their daily diet.

A study conducted by China Nation Center for Diseases and Control Prevention has proved this to be true.

In this study, they observed a group who consumed spicy foods daily for 6 to 7 days; they found that there can be a reduction in overall mortality rate by 14 percent.

But as we know, studies are not perfect and cannot guarantee a 100 percent outcome, but they observed that spicy foods could reduce the risk of medical conditions like cancer, stroke or other heart-related problems.

12. Cinnamon Is Gold To Control Your Blood Sugar Levels

If you are looking to control your food cravings, then spicy food can also prove to be your savior. It helps to regulate your blood sugar, spices like cinnamon has shown excellent results.

The University of Georgia conducted a study on different spices like basil, oregano, mint, cilantro and red cloves. The study observed that these spices are helpful in controlling blood sugar levels.

Concluding Thoughts,

Spicy food can be a boon for people who are used to it. But those who don’t prefer spicy foods can start slowly and have it in a lesser quantity to get the benefits.

Including spices like turmeric, pepper, cinnamon, cloves to your daily food items can have significant benefits. Moreover, these spices will make your food tastier and would help control cravings.

The people who have a habit of eating sweets, desserts post-dinner or lunch have observed that their desires plummeted because of spicy food comprising of all the spices discussed above the reason being they are so high on aroma and flavors that they numb the taste buds and prevent you from gorging on those sugar-loaded desserts.

As we have discussed earlier, there are numerous health benefits of eating spicy food, and it undoubtedly plays a vital role in the eating habits of many by contributing to their wellbeing.

Foods rich in spices can also make you drink more water which otherwise we forget to drink. With the usage of these spices, there are too many recipes available on the internet, and with the help of these recipes, there are several ways to prepare and customize the food according to one’s culture and tradition.

Do you like spicy food? Have you used spicy food to aid weight loss?

What are your thoughts on these health benefits of eating spicy food? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, subscribe to our free newsletter for more interesting content.

Enjoy more interesting reads below!

Shekhar Bali
Shekhar Bali
Shekhar Bali works in the health and wellness domain for the past ten years. Currently working as a freelance wellness coach, he helps his clients with their fitness goals by improving their lifestyle and enhancing their self-esteem. Shekhar loves to educate people about health and wellness by writing articles as it gives him an outlet to share his thoughts on the subject.

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