Saturday, July 20, 2024

How To Survive At A Job That You Extremely Hate?

Our career is the most significant part of our lives. However, I have often heard people complain and grumble about their workplace and hating their job. If you are wondering how to love your job or at least not hate it, continue reading!

Most of us spend a significant time in our lives working, and eventually, our workplaces become our second home. It is not uncommon that we spend more time in our offices than in our homes. Hence, the trend has now changed from work-to-live to live-to-work among millennials.

However, unavoidable commitments like mortgages and bills force us to go to work.

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“Work without love is slavery.” –Mother Teresa.

Nearly 80% of American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. One of the biggest reasons for job dissatisfaction is when you feel rejected. Surviving a job you hate can be stressful and annoying.

Studies also found that nearly 79% of employees quit their jobs due to a lack of appreciation at the workplace. So, it’s always a good idea for leaders in the workplace to show encouragement to their team.

Read on to know the main reasons why your employees hate the job and may eventually leave.

7 Reasons Why Employees Start Hating Their Job

How To Survive At A Job That You Extremely Hate-AlignThoughts

1. Workplace Politics

Workplace or office politics is one of the most common things that happen regularly in offices worldwide.

A study conducted by Bridge by Instructure, Inc., a talent management company, shows that almost 53% of the employees feel that being a part of office politics can help them get rewarded without much hard work.

Office politics is one of the many factors which is greatly responsible for employees’ hatred and demotivation.

Unfortunately, office politics is surely something that you cannot escape. Many companies have certain rules concerning office politics, which makes it bearable and makes the environment workable.

However, if the politics get out of hand and begin to affect your professional and personal life, you begin to disgust your job.

2. Underpaid and Overworked

Another factor for an employee to hate their job is when the ratio of work to pay is highly equal.

As per statistics 1 in 3 employees is forced to work overtime, on holidays and even sometimes from home during their leaves.

However, many times, these employees are not paid for their overtime work. In some cases, employees receive low salaries. We must have also come across many companies who haven’t paid salaries to their employees for months.

When the pay to work ratio is equal, employees may find satisfaction in what they do. Contrarily, it can be one of the major reasons employees begin to dislike their jobs.

3. Unfair Treatment

Another reason why employees start hating their job is because of the unjust behavior of their seniors. Each employee deserves to be treated in a fair and just manner.

When you are treated unfairly and denied opportunities and promotions that you are eligible for, you may start developing animosity towards your job.

37% of the employees state that they didn’t receive the credit and appreciation for their performance due to favoritism.

The employees with certain physical disabilities are the biggest victims of unjust workplace treatment.

As per a study by the website Career Builder, it was noted that around 44% of workers with disabilities reported they had experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in the workplace.

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4. Bad Boss

Another reason for someone to hate their jobs can be because of their seniors. Nobody likes to feel bullied at their workplace, and everyone deserves to feel safe and respected.

However, if your seniors and your boss is continuously insulting and degrading you, you automatically start feeling disgusted to work in the same place as them.

As per statistics, 3 out of 4 employees have reported that their boss is the worst and most stressful part of their job.

Bad bosses can also affect an employee’s productivity at their workplace. 44% of employees state that their boss has either verbally, emotionally, or physically abused them.

5. Fake Promises

Nobody likes to be cheated. If you have been working with someone who has always promised you a big appraisal or promotion but never delivered, you very well know how it feels.

It is heartbreaking when you fail to get the due credit even after putting your heart and soul into what you do. Even after talking to them and asking for what is rightfully yours, all you are left with is a false promise.

Two researchers from the London School of Economics and the Durham University Business School found that employers stand to create a chain reaction of problems at their companies by breaking promises made to their employees.

6. No Social Life

Life is a race, and money is time. Because of this, many employees have lost their social life. Employees are always racing against time, trying to achieve impossible tasks, fighting impractical deadlines. Public holidays don’t even exist for many.

33 percent of people have stated that they work on an average Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.

Many people spend most of their lives traveling. They are overloaded with work. This makes it difficult for them to spend some quality time with their loved ones. Most of the time, you may not have time for yourself.

When employees cannot maintain a work-life balance, it is very much feasible that they end up hating their job.

Did You Know that according to the OECD Better Life Index, the Dutch enjoy the highest level of work-life balance? They have an impressive rating of 9.4 (out of 10).

7. No Growth

Working in a place where you don’t have any future can drive you crazy and make you feel miserable and useless. When we join an organization, we all aim to climb higher on the ladder of success.

However, if you are stuck in the same place for a very long time, you begin feeling lost and eventually begin hating what you do.

A dead-end job begins sucking out all the enthusiasm from you.

10 ways of how constantly thinking ‘I Hate My Job’ affects you:

  1. Mood swings
  2. Feeling depressed and anxious.
  3. Stressful
  4. Irritated and frustration
  5. Stomach Discomfort
  6. Losing Temper Easily
  7. Falling sick often
  8. Withdrawal
  9. Lack of motivation
  10. Problems in relationships

How To Survive At A Job That You Extremely Hate?

Many a time, quitting your job may not be an option on the table. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, you may be stuck at your miserable job. Here are eight ways you can survive at your miserable job.

1. Find out the reason you hate your job

People can feel miserable for all sorts of reasons. The first and most important thing you can do is find out the exact reason you hate your job. One of the first things you can do is to reflect on why you feel miserable in your current situation.

Is it your boss? Maybe it’s a coworker? Or money? Is it the work-life balance? Or is it the workload?

Once you know the exact reason for your hatred, you may be able to find a solution and solve your problem easily.

Did You Know as many as 40% of international workers do not earn enough to live above the poverty line?

2. Understand your situation

You also need to understand why you cannot quit your job at the very moment. Maybe it is because of certain loans, and the money at your current job is too good to jump.

If you don’t have enough financial backup to quit your job, stop living from paycheck to paycheck, and try to earn more money into your savings.

Sometimes the unavailability of jobs in the market can also compel you to stay at your current job. At times you may be unable to find something more meaningful yet.

There are some situations where employees are under contract basis and cannot quit before the stipulated time. Understanding your situation will help you cope up with the idea of staying at a miserable job.

Did You Know that over a lifetime, the average person spends about 90,000 hours at work?

3. Talk to the leadership

In most companies, the direct point of contact would be an HR representative or your immediate manager. Communicating and expressing your concerns to your manager can help solve workplace issues. Having small talks at lunch or coffee breaks might resolve many of your problems without a fuss.

If the situation doesn’t allow you to directly talk to your manager, consulting with your co-workers may lead to a workaround, perhaps not a solution. Companies like Accenture have a dedicated Vajra team that helps new hires to feel comfortable and get accustomed to the new workplace.

Also, communicating with your manager can be the best bet for the below situations:

  • co-worker bullying
  • unacceptable behaviors
  • gender favoritism
  • unreasonable workload
  • any form of harassments
  • no work-life balance.

If there’s something you’d like to change, decide whether your boss is approachable and, if so, share your suggestions with them.

Communicating your problem will help your manager understand your situation and bring about a valid and just resolution.

4. Think and speak

If your problem is something that your boss won’t solve, don’t go around sharing it with each and everyone in the office. Furthermore, be careful about what you speak with your co-workers.

Don’t keep sharing your hatred about your job with every person because you never know who may rat you out and make your life more miserable. You hate your job, but the last thing you want to do is get fired.

5. Look for the positives

After all, every cloud has a silver lining.

Maybe your job is not as bad as you think. Maybe you are just associating a certain event or situation with the whole job. It would help if you started looking at the positives. It will surely help you to find some answer to ‘how to love my job?’

Each job has certain positives, along with negatives. Just shift your perspective and look at the bright side. Things may be far from ideal, but they could also be much worse. Make an effort to love your job, perhaps not your company.

Try to convert ‘I hate my job’ into ‘ I love my job.’ by finding a couple of things that you like about your current job situation and focus your time and energy on those.

6. Plan something fun

All work and no play will make you miserable, no matter what your work is. Shake things up every day at your workplace.

Plan some fun activities at or after work with your favorite colleagues. Find a way to keep a hold on outlook and keep laughing.

Moreover, find something you like that will give you a few minutes of fun among the struggle. Similarly, set small goals daily and try to achieve them. These goals can act as a source of motivation for you.

7. Make an escape plan if you belong to the ‘I Hate My Job’ club

Though you are trying to survive at your current job doesn’t mean you cannot try or look for a new job. It would help if you were proactive. It is important to make sure your resume is updated.

Additionally, apply for other jobs that interest you. It would be best if you tried figuring out what you want to do next.

However, try keeping your escape plan hush-hush and don’t reveal it to any of your co-workers. When the time is right, work up the courage and quit your job. Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci wrote the first professional resume in 1482?

See here to prepare your own resume – how to write a perfect resume.

8. Find emotional support

Lastly, if your situation at the workplace is intolerable, get help. If you feel stressed, get in touch with someone you can trust and vent out your feelings.

Finally, How Can I Love My Job?

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam aptly said, “Love your job but NEVER fall in love with your company.”

He purposely asked us not to love our companies because if something goes wrong, the company won’t think twice before replacing you. Hence, love your job because that will give you satisfaction, but don’t fall in love with your company.

  • Start your day with some motivation.
  • Remind yourself why you took the job.
  • Learn to relax and take breaks.
  • Don’t overwork or overstrain yourself.
  • Give your workspace a make-over
  • Keep yourself away from gossips and office politics.
  • Set daily goals and try to achieve them.
  • Brainstorm what you really love doing at the workplace.
  • When confused or anxious, consult a trusted co-worker.
  • Concentrate on the task at hand.
  • Be passionate about what you do.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, surviving a job you hate can be easier if you have faith in yourself. You also need to realize that this is just a temporary phase, and soon you will be out of the terrible situation.

But while you are at your current work, give it your best. And when you resign, leave your old job on a positive note. Finally, be sure to love your job and what you do, even if you do not love your company.

Do you love your job? What do you think is the best way to survive in a miserable job? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth is a full-time teacher and a writer with a keen interest in lifestyle and music. Watching her favorite sitcom 'Friends', and singing are the hobbies that she enjoys the most. Not to mention, she also loves writing and expressing her thoughts to the world around her.

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