Saturday, September 28, 2024

How to Plan a Stress-Free Move? Tips & Things To Consider For A Stress-Free Moving

Are you moving to a new place? Congratulations on solidifying the where, as that’s an exciting—and often big—first step. However, it’s ‘the how’ that tends to trip people up in the next phase of this adventure. With supplies, services, and the sheer amount of time and energy the moving process can take, it’s sometimes enough to cause a bit too much of a headache to make anyone feel like celebrating the accomplishment of finding a new home right away. So how do you make moving less stressful for you? Well, choosing a stress-free moving company can be your best bet.

You know deep down that once you are all set up, you will have established a place where you, alone, can feel welcome, secure, and cozy—or a place you’ll be sharing your future work and play experiences with loved ones.

Frustratingly, there seems to be enough moving stress or anxiety weighing on you in your mind to give that part a lot of thought at this point.

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A Plano moving company recommends you:

  • Relax.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Make a smart decision in choosing over some right resources that will prepare you to make a move go easier than you might think.

For an as-smooth-as-possible experience, take to heart the advice that follows, and you’ll find yourself able to refocus on all the positive, excellent aspects that come with your move to a new home—and leave the worry behind. 

Now exhale, and let’s do some smart and stress-free moving!

Supply Suggestions For Packing & Moving

supply checklist for stress free packing and moving-alignthoughts

Here are some things you may want to have on-hand during your moving process to ensure an easier time for all involved:

  • A master list containing your plan for how this should all go
  • Packing tape
  • Plenty of boxes, in various sizes
  • Packing paper
  • Labels
  • Bubble wrap rolls
  • Basic cleaning kit
  • Permanent markers
  • Scissors
  • Basic first-aid kit in case you get hurt

Moving To A Short-Distance

  • Dolly to help you with short-distance transportation of heavy items, i.e., across a room or down a level of a building

Longer Distance Moving

  • Uhaul or another rental van (if you’re driving rather than flying) to help you transfer heavy items over a longer distance, i.e., from your former home to the new destination

Valuables and important contact info for any vendors or friends that are helping you with the move to keep on you at all times.

Handy Tips & Things to Consider For A Stress-Free Moving

stress free moving-alignthoughts

Here are the best tips and tricks to help you understand how to make moving the house less stressful.

1. Plan Well Ahead Of Time

Try to give yourself plenty of time to avoid panic situations. Pack as in-advance as you can, leaving only items most essential to your daily life out for use up until the last minute. 

2. De-clutter

Anything that you don’t use every day (like bulky off-season bedding or clothing), start there. Your daily-needed possessions can later go on top and will be cushioned that way—a bonus!

Disposing of clutter will, of course, lighten your load as well.

3. Label & Color Code Your Boxes

Also, remember those labels we had you add to your list? You may want to consider color-coding them according to which rooms you plan to house which objects.

Color coding and labeling will save you trouble when eventually unpacking at your new place. Trust us; your future self will thank you. 

And those boxes we advised you have handy? You won’t have to worry about having as many of you have large duffels or suitcases you don’t mind using for this non-vacation trip.

Don’t forget to keep items of similar categories together so you can find them later with ease.

4. Ask Help From Friends & Family

Be sure you’re asking for enough help from family and friends if you opt-out of hiring a professional moving service, so you don’t end up feeling overwhelmed. It’s also a good idea to draw up some backup plan for yourself if something goes awry.

Leaving at least a little wiggle room at every stage will help keep your head from spinning.

You never know if someone will cancel on you, the weather won’t hold up, or another unforeseen circumstance happens.

So, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

5. Expect The Unexpected

Never expect things to go perfectly during a move.

You’d be wise to plan for the worst and hope for the best so that you disappointment-proof yourself and leave the space you need for your mental health. 

6. Be Kind To Yourself

Remember, this is one of life’s milestones, so treat yourself right. You deserve it.

On the chance that you’re not moving for the happiest of reasons, you should still pat yourself on the back for being able to find arrangements in however short an amount of time for the process you’ve got on your hands. 

7. Choose The Right Moving Company

Even if you find it a bit pricey, moving companies may be the solution for you if you think this whole feat will cause you too much anxiety. Pick up the phone and compare prices online.

Many moving services will be happy to give you an estimate if you explain your needs. Just have a good idea of how many boxes you’ll end up with by the time you’re done packing everything. 

Experts in the business will often send multiple people who have done this many times and know how to transport objects in the safest, most gentle, and most efficient way so the bulk of the coordinating can be taken off your plate you don’t want extra work.

Ready? Time to Get Moving! You Can Do This

Whatever the reason for your move, if you follow these guidelines, you can bet you will be better positioned to enjoy the journey and not just the destination.

No one needs to feel enveloped in stress, and when you have the right knowledge, information, tools, and friends in your corner, you won’t have to. 

Wherever life takes you, try to stay organized and give yourself the gift of time.

If you don’t have much of that to spare and are running on tighter-than-preferred deadlines with your move, do your research and stay in the moment.

Keep calm and keep going because odds are, you can accomplish more in a confirmed amount of time than you may believe. 

Concluding thoughts for a stress-free moving,

Break up your responsibilities into bite-sized pieces and take them one at a time, always concentrating most on the task at hand while still keeping a bit of the bigger picture in the back of your head so you can stay on track.

Before you know it, this part of moving will be over, and you’ll be able to settle in and look forward to what comes next. 

Everyone deserves a home that they feel they can truly call their own. And a well-planned packing and unpacking will help you get the most out of it.

Be prepared from the get-go, and see how much happier you are in the end.

Key Takeaways For Your Stress-Free Move

How can I make moving stress-free?

The key to making a stress-free move is to stay well prepared and planned. For example, start decluttering things that you no more require. Ask help from friends and family, or even better consider taking help from a movers and packers company.

How does a moving company charge?

Depending on where you live, the moving companies charge vary from state to state. In general, the charge is a flat dollar per hour. But in certain states, the cost is different if the moving distance is more than 50 miles.

For longer distance moving, they generally charge based on the weight of your shipment or goods.

How stressful is moving?

Moving to a new city can be quite stressful. However, if you make informed decisions and know what to expect, moving can be a good experience.

How can I stay calm while moving?

To stay calm and stress-free while moving to a new place:

  • consider staying organized,
  • decluttering your things,
  • and seeking help from professionals who can share your burden with their expertise.

This is a sponsored post from NDMS. With an A+ rating, it is an affordable moving & storage company that can help you make a stress-free move. Book these expert movers, packers, and loaders, to make sure everything runs smoothly and safely at your next move.

AlignThoughts Editorial
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