Sunday, July 21, 2024

How To Make Time For Self-Care? Self Care Tips For Busy Moms

Taking time for yourself as a mom can be challenging. Being a busy mom myself, I couldn’t agree more that following a schedule for self-care ideas is not that easy. It is better said than done. The struggle to embrace self-care tips for moms seems very real, even though we all know it’s essential. Making time for self-care can be a real challenge, especially for single mothers.

According to sources, the average age of new moms in the USA is 25, and in other developed countries like Switzerland and Japan, the average age is 29 years.

I have always envied those moms who have a magnificent mane, fit bodies, and up-to-date knowledge about almost everything and, on top of that, how well behaved and well versed their kids are.

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I have never understood how working moms can make time for self-care and earn the prize of ‘Best Mom’?

As a parent and especially as a mother, we put our kids first and then think about ourselves. In the daily humdrum, moms forget that unless you connect well with your mind, body, and soul, the negativity will flow in your kids too.

If a mother is aligned, more patient, more loving, then parenting becomes easy. Take a look at some of the countries that are best and worst for new moms in terms of maternal health.

Top 5 Countries For New Moms

1. Norway
2. Australia
3. Iceland
4. Sweden
5. Denmark

Worst 5 Countries For New Moms In Terms of Maternal Health

1. Afghanistan
2. Niger
3. Chad
4. Guinea-Bissau
5. Yemen

Before you learn self-care tips and ideas, every busy mom needs to keep these things in mind.

  • If you are not happy, no one could be happy in the house. Hence moms must schedule taking time for themselves.
  • Stress and lack of sleep are the two main reasons for weight gain in women.
  • Do not try to be a superwoman and cover all activities. Raising kids is a family affair. Let others chip in and let your colleagues help in the office. The best way for single mothers to distribute chores is by making kids help them.
  • Do not make your life a long to-do list. Live a little and not just survive!
  • In the end, women must learn the art of taking care of themselves when feeling stressed.

But did you know that your kids learn from you even before you start teaching them? If you as a mother embrace self-care, then your kids also imbibe it unknowingly. So for a better kid and better mommy, follow these self-care tips. Later your kids would thank you for it. These also include single moms’ tips as single mothers might often lose energy, managing everything on their own.

8 Awesome Self-Care Tips For Moms

self care tips for mom-alignthoughts

Have a look at the best eight self-care tips for moms.

1. Include Some Form Of Workout In Your Daily Regime

Did you know that working out secretes happy hormones that enhance your mood? Dopamine, aka the happy hormone, is released while you exercise. The brain also releases stress by secreting endorphins when you work out. Therefore, working out makes you less stressed and happy. And we know that a happy you mean a happy family.

So stop procrastinating! Shake up your daily list of things to do and squeeze in some sort of exercise. Choose any outdoor activity where you can even get your kids involved. They can enjoy the outdoors and stay active. Take up yoga sessions in the park, go cycling, or try Tai Chi.

You can even buy a home workout DVD to work out at home.

The key is not what to start but to start anything and stick to it. You would love the results of the exercise and feel the difference emotionally only if you are consistent.

Fun Ways To Motivate Kids To Play Outdoors

2. Early Mornings Are Great For Busy Moms

Taking time for yourself as a mom, especially in the morning, can seem almost impossible. I admit that being a mom, you have a lot of things to do, and if you get to sleep a few minutes extra, it seems like heaven. But imagine yourself enjoying the morning drink that energizes you without rushing into some chore.

All this can happen if you can get up 15 minutes earlier than usual. So go and create a morning routine.

Try some form of meditation in the early morning when everyone is still asleep. You can have this time to yourself to unwind and relax before the day starts. Early morning just before all your family wakes up is the best time to spend with yourself!

3. Don’t Ever Feel The Guilt

taking time for yourself as a mom

Even when the world around you tries to ride the ‘mommy guilt,’ you should know that if you are irritated, your family would be too. So don’t feel guilty that you want to do something that does not involve your kids.

Not holding guilt or letting go of things is very crucial for single mothers as they may be emotionally disturbed at times. Let go of the guilt or negativity and surround yourself with happy people.

Stop sacrificing and exhausting yourself! Do not let your energies get low. So start taking time for yourself as a mom first by letting go of any guilt.

4. Pamper Yourself

Self-care is not selfish! Taking care of yourself is more important than you think.

In our jam-packed schedules, we often forget to look after our physical appearance. We need to take care of our skin from head to toe if not for anyone but to feel good about ourselves.

Take a salon appointment once in a while and pamper yourself. Get a head massage, a mani-pedi, and a facial to rejuvenate your skin. I always believed that a visit to the salon is a mini-vacation for the skin.

Perhaps, you can have a home spa after putting your kids to sleep. Here is how you can enjoy an at-home spa at night.

Winter Hacks for Your Dry Skin

5. Invest In Your Health

One of the essential single mom tips is to invest in your health. Being healthy and available for your child is very crucial if you’re a single mother. We often put off our health unless we face some issues. While taking care of everyone, we put our health at the back burner. But don’t do that anymore.

Invest some time in your full body checkup.

  • Make sure you get your flu shots.
  • Dental exam
  • Pap smear etc.

If you are healthy, only then can you look after your loved ones and your job. Being super swamped does not mean that you would put junk in your body or would skip a meal.

Do not forget to eat a balanced, nourishing diet. Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of caffeine. To stay fresh, include more fresh veggies and fruits. You are setting an example for your kids too.

6. Pay Attention To Other Relationships As Well

single mom tips

Being a mother is just one part of your life. But for most of us, being a mother to a child is the foremost relationship. We get so involved that we often forget that we have other family members and friends too.

When you put in some extra efforts in these relationships, you would enjoy life. Catch a break. Go out with your partner or catch a movie with your friends! Just so that you can have a break and rediscover your relationships with your partner, friends, and family!

Enjoy your sex life, take a walk with your friend, or just binge on your favorite shows on Netflix.

Working moms tackle this better compared to stay at home moms. As working moms meet colleagues daily and have a life outside their home as well.

7. Catch Some zzz

A study shows that 24% of new moms get only 3 to 4 hours of sleep every night.

Alan Y Avidan MD MPH (director of UCLA sleep Disorder Centre) warns mothers that lack of proper sleep tends to increase health issues like depression, cardiovascular issues, and sometimes class 2 Diabetes.

Do not think that when everyone is sleeping, you could catch up on some work. Try to go to sleep early so you can wake up early. One must get a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep daily to feel fresh the next day.

Click here to learn the importance of sleep during pregnancy!

8. Pursue a Hobby

self care tips for mom

Stay connected to your self. Do not get stuck in taking care of your family and doing your job. In this process, we sometimes are reduced to the husk of a person we use to be.

Find a passion or pursue a hobby to keep your heart young and healthy. It’s never too late. Take joy in doing something creative, and perhaps you can teach your kids too.

Taking care of yourself is a task. It takes effort to do anything. Be the role model to your kids by taking care of yourself first. Be realistic about your daily goals and chores. Prioritize and never be afraid to seek help. You are never alone.

See this: Things to do after you turn 30!

Conclusion On Self Care Tips For Moms

Dear moms, it’s time that you stop putting yourself and your needs on the back burner. Not only can it harm your physical health but also your mental health. Take care of yourself by stepping outside your comfort zone and putting yourself first.

If you’re a new mom, your self-care routine may seem impossible. You should not be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Take the help of your partner, parent, friend,or even a counselor. For single mothers, here are a few ways you can find assistance.

Remember, you can feel healthy, look great, follow your hobbies, fulfill your dreams,and live a joyful life, all while juggling a family and a career.

Key Takeaways On Self Care Tips For Moms

  • Taking time for yourself as a mom is a real challenge, especially for single mothers out there.
  • The struggle to embrace self-care tips for moms seems very real, even though we all know it’s essential.
  • If a mother is aligned, more patient, more loving, then parenting becomes easy.
  • If moms are not happy, no one could be happy in the house.
  • Follow certain self-care tips on a daily basis to stay healthy and happy.
  • Take up yoga sessions in the park, go cycling, or try Tai Chi.
  • Get up 15 minutes earlier than usual and try some form of meditation when others are asleep.
  • One of the single mom tips is not to feel guilty that you want to do something that does not involve your kids.
  • Stop sacrificing and exhausting yourself! Do not let your energies get low.
  • Take a salon appointment once in a while and pamper yourself.
  • Invest some time in your full body checkup.
  • Also, make sure you get your flu shots, dental exam, Pap smear, etc.
  • Do not forget to eat a balanced, nourishing diet.
  • Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of caffeine.
  • You must get a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep daily to feel fresh the next day.
  • Working moms meet colleagues daily and have a life outside their home as well.
  • Have a break and rediscover relationships with your partner, friends, and family.
  • Also, stay connected to yourself.
  • Be realistic about your daily goals and chores.
  • It’s time that you stop putting yourself and your needs on the back burner.
  • You should not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  • Don’t be afraid to prioritize yourself.

Your thoughts

What are your thoughts about the self-care tips for moms? How do you manage time as a busy mom? Any single mothers who can share more single mom tips? Do you succeed in taking time for yourself as a mom? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Share with other mommies if you liked this article.

Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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