Friday, September 27, 2024

How To Have An At-Home Spa Night?

Are you tired of your monotonous life? Do you need some me-time to rejuvenate your body and mind? Or perhaps you’re just bored spending time in quarantine. I’ve got an easy and cost-efficient idea for your problems. Spend your leisure time with a special spa session at home. It’s easy to set up a spa night at home with the below essentials. Plus, you can save hundreds of dollars by not visiting the spa center. Read on to know how to have a relaxing spa at home in the day or night.

We all have busy and stressful lifestyles as a result of working hard at our jobs trying to make ends meet, raising children and endless extracurricular activities. All these can leave you feeling burnt out, drained and exhausted.

Unfortunately, these stresses don’t just vanish. However, you can manage them by making sure that you put self-care at the very top of your priorities.

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Self-care doesn’t have to become another to-do thing on your list which could leave you anxious and nervous about where to find the time to implement. You could make it fun and simple. And a spa day is the best way to achieve this.

Cost of Spa Day

On average, the cost of a spa day can range between $80 – $120.

Of course, the cost of a day spa can vary based on several factors like:

  • the place you live
  • whether it’s a resort or a regular spa treatment
  • if you’re a member of the resort
  • what kind of services are included in the spa, etc

For instance, the resorts’ spa can be more expensive and the prices can start at $150.

You’re probably thinking to yourself. A spa day is yet another luxury expense I couldn’t afford to take on – well the good news is, it doesn’t have to be. In the long run, it is also good to DIY your spa’s at home.

You can have a spa day or spa evening right in the comfort of your own home and with little or no cost to you if you already have all the necessary products.

As a mum of 2 boys, I’ve now come to appreciate and anticipate my spa evenings because they leave me wholly revived and reenergized. Let me share with you how I go about achieving this.

At-Home Spa Day Or Night Essentials

At Home Spa Day Essentials

Here is the at-home spa day checklist for you to enjoy your spa treatment to the best.

  • Bathing salt
  • Essential oil
  • Robe
  • Scented candles
  • Calming music
  • Good reads
  • Face cleanser
  • Face mask
  • Exfoliating peel
  • Plucker
  • Shave cream
  • Body butter
  • Body cream
  • Eye mask
  • Manicure/Pedicure kit
  • Green tea or wine

How To Have An At-Home Spa Night/Day?


First of all, make sure you complete all the essential things you scheduled to do for the day. There’s nothing worse than trying to relax and thinking of all the undone chores that still await you. If it’s not possible to complete all the tasks on the day, make sure to write a list so don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.

Next, make sure to turn off any mobile devices. Turn off computers, television and anything else that could cause an interruption during your relaxation time. And also inform anyone who could potentially want to reach you at the time that you’d be unavailable. Make sure your family, especially children or parents is aware that this is your time to relax.

Gather all the spa essentials and supplies you will be needing. I highly recommend natural, aromatherapy products because of their soothing and calming effects.

If you love listening to music and have a particular genre that puts you in a relaxing mode, then, create a playlist to play during your session.

Light some delightfully scented candles and dim all lights. Do you love some chocolates or a glass of wine while in the bath? Then make sure to have these organized too.

Prepare the towels you will need and also have your pajamas ready. Now that you have everything available, it’s time to get to it.

1. Take a Shower

You’ll want to wash your hair, shave and clean your body. The key to this phase is getting clean so that you don’t worry about this during your relaxing bath soak.

2. Run Your Bath

Set the water temperature to your preference. Add some soothing, relaxing bubble bath, some essential oils, and some bath salts.

As the tub runs, put on a face mask. Then gently rub in a deep-conditioning mask on your already washed hair. This you will leave on for the remainder of your bath.

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Get into the tub and prop your head with a towel rolled-up or with a bath pillow. Close your eyes, and I recommend using some sliced cucumber or tea bags for your shut eyelids to reduce any under-eye swelling.

Since you are already clean from the shower, a soak in the bath is mainly to relieve you of any tension and relax you.

As the soft music plays in the background, at this point, I just shut my mind off any stressful thought and relax for as long as I possibly can, or I read a book while having a glass of wine, strawberries, and chocolates.

3. Wash Off Masks

After the lovely relaxing bath, wash off the face mask using a soft washcloth with warm water. Also, rinse off the deep hair conditioning mask.

4. Pat Yourself Dry and Moisturize

Gently dry off with a towel and moisturize with a sweet-smelling and soothing moisturizer. Wear your pajamas or loose soft clothing.

5. Facial Cleanse

Cleanse your face with your favorite cleanser, exfoliate and tone.

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6. Pluck Brows

Even though this is optional, I’d recommend plucking your eyebrows because the steam from the bath would have loosened the hair follicles making it easy to be plucked.

7. A Manicure and Pedicure

Remove any previous nail polish applied. Then soak your fingernails and toes nails in a small and large bowl of warm water respectively for a few minutes. Apply essential oils after patting dry. Clip nails, nip and push back cuticles. Apply a thin base coat, then apply two more coats between intervals and allow time to dry.

Then apply a final topcoat.

8. Drink Green Tea or Wine To End Your Spa

Depending on the day of the week, after this phase, I’ll make myself a lovely cup of chamomile tea and head off to bed after doing some deep breathing exercises.

However, I might choose to go with an extended relaxation it’s a weekend spa evening or if I organize a spa evening with my girlfriends, then after the mani-pedi, we’d make some popcorn, curl up under a cozy blanket and watch a good chick flick. Before heading off to get our beauty sleep.

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Final thoughts,

A home spa day or evening to me is always the highlight of my week. Not only because I get to spend some quality time on my own, but also because I always have the best night’s sleep after a spa evening.

The above steps are not time-consuming and can be done on any day of the week provided you’ve organized and prepared yourself in advance.

You can also have a spa evening as a couple even if you have kids. Once the kids are in bed, carry out the above steps including massaging each other with warm aromatherapy relaxing oils, and you’ll be so glad you did.

Please share your feedback with us and do not forget to click the share button to help your friends and loved ones relieve their everyday stress by having simple home spa evenings. Also, don’t forget to share and let your friends know how to have a spa night.

Key Takeaways For At-Home Spa Night/Day

  • Self-care doesn’t have to become another to-do thing on your list which could leave you anxious or nervous.
  • Self-care ain’t selfish!
  • So you can try to implement at home spa ideas with your friends or just by yourself to relieve stress and get pampered, baby!
  • On average, the cost of a spa day can range between $80 – $120 and can also go up to $200. So, in the long run, it is also good to DIY your spa’s at home.
  • Some of the at-home spa night essentials are facial masks, scrubs, steam treatments, manicure/pedicure kits, candles, calming music, robe, and bathing/essential oils.
  • First of all, make sure you complete all the essential things you scheduled to do for the day
  • If you love listening to music and have a particular genre that puts you in a relaxing mode, then, create a playlist to play during your session.
  • Next, make sure to turn off any mobile devices. Turn off computers, television and anything else that could cause an interruption during your spa.
  • Take a shower by washing your hair, then shave and clean your body. The key to this phase is getting clean so that you don’t worry about this during your relaxing bath soak.
  • Run your bath by adding some soothing, relaxing bubble bath.
  • Go ahead and add some essential oils, and some bath salts.
  • As the tub runs, put on a face mask.
  • Read a book or play some soothing playlist to shut your mind off any stressful thought and relax for as long as possible.
  • After the lovely relaxing bath, wash off the face mask. It’s now time to cleanser, exfoliate and tone your face.
  • Remove any previous nail polish applied. Then soak your nails in warm water and later clip nails, nip and push back cuticles.
  • Pamper yourself with chamomile tea or some red wine.

Enjoy reading more such interesting articles below!

Kamapala Chukwuka
Kamapala Chukwuka
Kamapala Chukwuka is a certified Life Coach based in the UK, specializing in Confidence building who empowers women by giving them the confidence they need to create the life they love and deserve. Changing lives through love and kindness is her passion in life.

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