Friday, August 30, 2024

How To Choose Good Products In A Supermarket?

Supermarkets may have made our life easy with everything available under one roof. But these supermarkets have sneaky ways to make sure that you purchase a lot. They trick you to fall into the ‘SALE’ trap just to keep their goods moving. Supermarket companies decide which products to promote and when. What many of us fail to remember is when we purchase from the supermarket, we are usually buying products that have been obtained in bulk to be resold and have traveled quite a distance.

Supermarkets and Hyper Bazaars are like the giants that may show the glossy picture, but in reality, they are just making a hole in your pocket. Most of the packaged goods may look attractive, but lack nutrients and flavors. We often base our purchases on appearances, price, or merely by its smell. But we feel robbed when we get home and unpack our grocery bags. A mindful shopper will tackle this with useful techniques and would be a smart and healthy shopper while saving money in the process.

How To Grocery Shop Effectively In A Supermarket?


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1. Allocate a fixed amount of cash and do not use cards

When a shopper has a set list and a fixed budget, it is always good to pay with money. You would purchase only those products that you require. You tend to buy fewer processed food and, more nutritious ones. You are inclined to go overboard while paying with the card.

It is, in fact, a universal truth that while using an abstract model of payment a person usually goes beyond the set limit.

2. Buy the right product in the right season

Plan your meal according to the fresh fruits and vegetables available during that season. Try to avoid canned or processed vegetables. The newer the product, it would taste better and is healthier since there are no preservatives added. For example, apples may be available year-round but are best and cheap from October to January. Similarly different varieties are eaten only during the summer season. Don’t go for canned mango slices which are high in processed sugar, during the winters.

3. Plan ahead

Just like the way we plan out trips, plan your visit to the supermarket too. Make homework on what items you are in need of before you leave home and stay focused. It is a time and cost-effective approach to not browse the aisles but move directly to the aisle you want to pick your items from.

Another good strategy is to buy in bulk.

Remember to buy goods in bulk that you use regularly. For example tissue paper is something you use all around the year, so buying it in bulk will help you save some bucks.

4. Read before you put it in your cart

Apart from the fresh produce, all the packaged food and beverages have an ingredient statement. As a rule of the thumb, the ingredient in higher proportion is listed first and so on. Make sure you read what ingredients your products contain and if its good for your body or not.

Especially shampoos and conditioners are known to have a long list of ingredients, and you may not be aware of them.

Under the name of “fragrances,” these companies hide hundreds of ingredients used in the product. So, it is good to have at least a basic knowledge of the ingredients that are toxic to your body.

For example, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate found in most conditioners these days is a definite NO, NO to your hair. It’s better to stay away from it.

Apart from ingredients, it is essential to note the date of expiry or validity date for your product. Some supermarkets even paste a new validity date over the expired period. So you better be safe.

5. Inquire about the purchase day

Most supermarkets have a fixed day on which their fresh farm products come in. Keep in mind, that you visit the store on the same day or next to get the best and new products before it vanishes from the aisles.

6. Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry

An empty stomach makes you purchase more. You might pick that food which is of no use. When you are hungry, you might become irrational. You have just food on your mind! Sometimes a shopper may only purchase instant food that is packed with calories and has no nutritional benefit. Hence it is a poor choice to go shopping on an empty stomach.

7. Touch, smell and look before you purchase

This habit goes for all the veggies and fruits we buy regularly. While picking out the best food for your home, make sure you touch, smell, and look at it.

  • Check if the greens aren’t spoiled from the inside.
  • Fruits and vegetables, in general, must be firm but not too firm. They should be of an appropriate size; not too big nor too small.
  • Try to avoid hybrid produce and wash your vegetables thoroughly before you cook them.

Sadly, the food we eat today passes through a lot of chemical processing. Embracing as many natural goods as possible is a healthier choice.

8. Check the expiry date

We briefly mentioned the validity dates above. The sad truth is that supermarkets stack most the perishable items reachable and right up front, and those who have more extended expiration date sits in the back. You need to check the expiration date before you put them in the cart.

9. The in-house bakery and free samples are an eye-wash

The in-house bakery items do not hold a calorie count. They do more harm than good if you are watching your weight and want to stay away from sugar. Sometimes even junk food may appear gourmet. The fragrance itself is enough to make you hungry. They attack your senses and crave more food. Branding them healthy may be dubious, and thus you should check before you purchase them.

Spend as much time as you can on reading and checking the produce. Never shop in a hurry, take your time. Nobody will question you. Remember purchasers have all the power to make use of it. Choose right for your family and you.

What are your thoughts about how to wisely shop in a supermarket?

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Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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