Wednesday, September 25, 2024

How Being Busy Can Be The Reason For Your Happiness?

Are you happy doing what you like? Is your job giving you the pleasure that you deserve? These questions seldom haunt our existence as an adult. Some of our daily jobs have tied us down, we are no longer happy because of the pressure from various factors. But you can be happy too, and the reason for this happiness is being busy.

Busy people are happy when they are not rushed. The key to happiness is doing something and not just sitting idle. It can be your job or something even more meaningful when you are not bound by the time. It is indeed a fact that humans actually hate being bored. They dread the idleness.

Being busy means that you are productive and you should not feel tired and exhausted. Don’t over tax yourself; you would lose your happiness.

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Being productive has many benefits that can lead to your happiness. Read below to understand how being busy can make you happy.


1) Being busy will lead to being in control

The feeling of being in control of the situation when you are busy is indescribable. To know what you need to do in order to have command over the situation will decrease the level of stress.

Planned day is better than an unplanned one. Along with the control you would feel a sense of self accomplishment.

2) Being busy keeps you motivated

When employees face impossible and short time frames and high workloads, they become stressed and unhappy. They usually burn out their caliber.

When employees are faced with short term goals that are not bound by time, they can be highly motivated. They earn better results and better outcome when they aim to achieve these goals. The success rate is more. Employees are motivated.

Same is the case of students, when they see a gigantic course in front of them, they feel burdened but when faced with smaller units, they are motivated to go on and achieve success in their respective subject. The happiness derived from being motivated in the right direction is better than being burned out.

3) Being busy gives you a sense of purpose

When you are aware that you have a goal, you move in that direction. Being active and engaged is happiness. The brain is busy and is not over taxed. The work can be anything like household chores, gardening, going to a gym or office, or even taking care of kids. It gives you a sense of purpose. You do not feel stagnant, thus you are happy.

Waking up in the morning with a set list of ‘work to do’ in your mind, gives you happiness. You do not dread the day. You have a purpose to get out of the bed. There is a spring in your walk and you smile a lot, thus making you happy.

4) Being busy helps in improving yourself

‘Practice makes a man perfect’

You would get better by doing the task again and again. Updating yourself or learning new things help in improving yourself. In order to keep yourself abreast, you need to remain busy. Learning more and more (even a new task) will boost your self esteem.

Pushing your boundaries will definitely make you more accomplished and happier with your self.

5) Being busy leaves no time for negativity

An empty space attracts negativity. While you are busy you can’t dwell on all the negativity. Being busy makes you an optimist and they are the happy people you meet in your daily life. The focus is more on the task in hand. The brain is engaged either creatively or intellectually.

Concluding Thoughts,

The key to happiness is to maintain a balance between work and life. Most of us are not happy with our work because we feel tied down. The answer is to find the right balance. Modify, change or tweak your work in order to make it fun and not burdensome. You would find your happiness in being busy and even just doing random things.

The mantra is not to sit idle. Get out of your sofa and “Do Something”. You will ultimately end up finding an interesting hobby or discovering your own self.

Share your comments in the comments section below and let us know how do you find happiness in your life Do not forget to subscribe with us for more posts. Just enter your email id and enjoy. Share this article with your friends and family.

Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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