Saturday, July 20, 2024

10 Fine Dining Etiquette Rules to Know Before Visiting A Fancy Michelin Star Restaurant

Enjoying a meal at any Michelin Star restaurant around the world is a dream for many. These Michelin Star restaurants offer a list of reasons why dining at such a restaurant can be an unforgettable experience. However, there are few fine dining etiquettes, table manners, and cutlery etiquette for fancy restaurants that you should know before dining at one. Young adults especially nowadays are losing touch with these etiquettes. Some people even consider having a business meal as a test of character. So, we have also put together the Continental style food etiquette and the list of table manners in this article. Read on!

From their white tablecloths, delicious food to impeccable services, Michelin Star restaurants come out impressive. As a result, Michelin star comes out as a remarkable place to take a friend or your significant half to enjoy a meal together and have a perfect date.

You must follow table manners and etiquette at not only Michelin Star restaurants but any high-end dinner restaurants. Apart from this, you also need to follow certain cutlery etiquette. If you have this knowledge with you, you’ll be safe from the humiliation that comes out of your ignorance.

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What Is Etiquette And Why Is It Important?

Did you know? The word “etiquette” originally comes from the French word “estique,” which means to stick or attach.

The definition of etiquette is the set of behavioral manners and rules in a social environment that is accepted as gracious.

The importance of the following etiquette is to display discipline and poise. Having good etiquette is one of the most seen traits of successful men.

What Is Etiquette Give Example?

For example, to RSVP an invitation on time is an etiquette you can follow.

What Are The Types of Etiquette?

Based on the environment the manners are followed or observed, etiquette can be classified into the following types:

  1. Table manners or Fine Dining Etiquette
  2. Professionalism or Workplace Etiquette
  3. Communication Etiquette, etc.

In this article, we have analyzed an ultimate list of fine dining etiquette or table manners that you can consider to make sure you look like an experienced customer having a good time at the restaurant.

Basic Fine Dining Etiquette

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10 Fine Dining Etiquette Rules & Table Manners At A Restaurant

1. Avoid Arriving Unprepared

Just because you heard that a restaurant is Michelin Star is not enough to guarantee that you’ll love the place. What works for one customer is not what works for the other.

We recommend that you make a list of what you like to eat and are looking for in a hotel. It’s the first etiquette Michelin Star restaurant that you should consider.

Use online sources to learn about the restaurants in the area you want to visit. Compare your list and the hotels and come up with a restaurant that can comfortably meet your expectations.

Selecting a restaurant or a menu of your desire will keep you off the possible feeling of being dissatisfied. Don’t jump into a hotel upon arrival but rather make early preparation.

2. Early Reservations

It’s worth noting that, most of the restaurants that hold Michelin Star are busy especially during the holiday seasons.

It is one of the fine dining etiquettes that you make early reservations, especially for a high-end restaurant like the Michelin Star. Even though most of the restaurants don’t use several month reservation programs, it’s worth to reserve your table days before your arrival.

During the booking, some of the hotels will ask for the credit card information. It possibly means that, if you make late cancellation, you will have to cater part of the lost costs the hotel is most likely to incur.

Bonus Tip: You should, therefore, stay cautious when making last-minute cancellation of the service. Better, avoid late cancellation at a fine dining restaurant. 

3. Follow Fine Dining Cutlery Etiquette & Table Manners

Here is the list of basic table manners or cutlery etiquette according to the Continental style of eating (European).

The two styles of eating are broadly classified into, continental and American.

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4. Don’t Ask Stupid Questions

Learn at least the basics of fine dining etiquette to avoid asking silly questions.

You shouldn’t feel worried to ask questions if you fail to understand the restaurant’s services as this is among the vital etiquette Michelin Star restaurants observe. And this is primarily with the menu when in a new environment. It is also important that you follow the cutlery etiquette.

If you cannot understand the terms used you should always inquire to learn more about what you’re about to order. And this applies to drinks and refreshments.

You might eat something that is allergic because you did not ask the necessary questions. Your health is important, so feel free to ask questions.

5. Avoid Making On-The-Spot Orders

If you’re a vegan, vegetarian or you want a gluten-free diet, you should consider making this specification early enough. It’s advisable to present your needs at the time of booking.

In most of the hotels, you might not get served with your specific desserts if you make instant orders. The same should apply for the drinks.

And this is not the experience you want.  So, come out clear and express your demands early if you wish to enjoy the meal of your desires. This is among the basic etiquette Michelin Star restaurant.

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6. Stay Calm If The Chef Is Not Around

If you select a service from a popular chef, it means other people also need his services. It implies that, by the time of your arrival, the chef might not be around the restaurant. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel upset when you don’t find him around. Instead, you should get sited and enjoy the delicious meal.

It’s, however, part of etiquette Michelin Star restaurant to do advanced planning if you want to meet him.

In this way, you get a chance to shake hands with your chef which is a great honor.

7. Don’t Ignore the Prices

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While being focused on following the list of table manners and fine dining restaurant etiquette, it is easy to skip attention towards the prices.

In general, there are two kinds of menus available at a fine dining restaurant. They are:

  • mini-menu aka the tasting menu
  • large menu

If you want to spend less, you should follow the tasting menu. It teaches you all you want to know about your chef. At the same time, you have the chance to enjoy better services from the hotel.

Bonus Tip: If you don’t wish to spend a lot of money, you should avoid La Carte orders as they are expensive will add on your bill.

You should therefore not ignore the pricing model if you aim to have good deals and spend less in your dining experience in the restaurant. It’s also one of the basics of etiquette Michelin Star restaurant.

8. Pay attention to Extras

When you are in a Michelin Star hotel, you should be able to access free extras including a glass of wine. You should also have some varied bread selection choices together with oil, butter among other necessities.

However, it’s good to note that, if you make choices of your own and out of the list of the hotel’s extras, you shall have to pay for the aperitif. Therefore, if you don’t want to incur extra costs, consider sticking to the restaurant’s listed items.

Failure to do this can give you an uncomfortable experience and make you feel stupid.

It’s part of the etiquette at a fine dining restaurant that you should not ignore.

9. You’re Not Doing Any Wrong If The Waiter is Standing Close

At a Michelin-starred restaurant, the waiter will always stand around. They’ll keep a constant inquiry if everything is going on okay, and fill your glass with water when before it runs empty.

At some high-end restaurants, the waiter may even accompany you to the bathroom and will make sure to replace your napkin before your return. They also make sure to clean your table at this moment and, at the end of the meal.

As a result, there are chances to feel as if you’re doing something the wrong way. You should note that this is part of their services and therefore if it does not feel right to you, consider spending your time elsewhere.

10. Don’t Forget to Appreciate Their Services

Being a loyal customer means appreciating the good services offered to you. Make positive comments and outline areas of concern in a meaningful style. Show your satisfaction with the meal and the delicious menu.

Remember the positions of the fork and knife and how to use the cutlery on your plate to appreciate the chef for a tasty meal.

You don’t want to feel like an amateur when you claim that you still feel hungry. Such is an indication of not understanding the whole dining experience style.

Bonus Do’s And Don’ts: Simple  Fine Dining Rules For Restaurants

Here are some of the simple fine dining rules for all types of restaurants, that you must not overlook.

By following this simple list of table manners, you can avoid uninvited attention at the restaurant and spend quality time with your loved ones.

  • Hold the wine glass at the stem, not by the bowl.
  • Don’t hold the menu in your hand.
  • Smoking at a fine dining restaurant is a big NO.
  • Drinking too much is not seen as a good behavior while dining out at a fine dining restaurant.
  • Always chew your food with a close mouth.
  • Don’t pick your teeth at the table.
  • Avoid making loud noises, especially if you go in groups.
  • Don’t talk with food in your mouth.
  • Avoid stuffing your mouth with too many morsels.
  • Keep your phone on silent or vibrate mode.
  • Cut your food one piece at a time without clinking on the plate.
  • Don’t make loud chewing noises.
  • Don’t reach out across the table for something. Rather ask the other person to pass it to you.
  • Remember to use your napkin.
  • Don’t make loud noises with your utensils or cutlery. Follow basic cutlery etiquette as described above in this article.

Concluding thoughts,

Spending your time in a Michelin-Starred hotel or any fine dining restaurant gives you the experience that you always desire. Enjoy your date night or dinner time with friends in enjoyable ways by embracing these Michelin Star etiquette.

Young adults who aren’t familiar with fine dining and cutlery etiquette can follow our list of table manners and basic cutlery etiquettes.

Learn about the do and don’ts when in such restaurants. Having this knowledge with you can easily save you a lot of trouble.

Key Takeaways On Fine Dining Etiquette Rules and Table Manners

  • Enjoying a meal at any Michelin Star or high-end restaurant around the world is a dream for many. Prepare and follow certain dining and food etiquettes to present yourself well while at the table.
  • If you have this knowledge with you, you’ll be safe from the humiliation that comes out of your ignorance.
  • Firstly, make a list of what you like to eat and are looking for at the restaurant.
  • Make reservations in advance to avoid any waiting time.
  • It is also important that you follow the cutlery etiquette as well as table manners.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your waiter. However, avoid asking for silly and unnecessary questions.
  • Avoid making too many demands right from the beginning.
  • When you are in a Michelin Star restaurant, you should be able to access free extras including a glass of wine.

How to serve food in a fine dining restaurant?

If you are a waiter or server at a fine dining restaurant, it is necessary to learn some restaurant skills before starting to work. Here are some of the fine dining restaurant rules that a server must know of:

  • The server must never have closed arms in front of the restaurant guests.
  • Food must be served from the left side of the guest.
  • While presenting the dish, plates must be turned in such a way that the protein portion of the meal is facing the guest.
  • Do not hold a wine glass by the bowl, always use the stem.

What are the two cutting styles?

The two styles of eating or the cutting styles part of the food etiquette are:

  • The American style of eating
  • European or Continental style of eating

Have you been to a Michelin Starred hotel? Feel free to list some of the table manners that you feel people must follow. Share your comments below!

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Nihar B
Nihar B
With a decade of experience as a woman in tech, Nihar has worked with a range of companies from Fortune 500 corporations such as IBM, Accenture, Ericsson to H&M Group. Her diverse work-life enables her to share her knowledge to develop, grow, and succeed both professionally and personally in today's ever-changing world.

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