Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ethics That Every Parent Must Teach Their Kids

Ethics and values define who we are. Ethics help us to separate right from wrong. While values help us determine what is essential. Ethics are imparted and learned by children but how to live your life based on these ethics is taught by our values. Ethics may sometime constrain us, but a person’s values are what motivate us to do better.

As parents we would like to raise our kids with values and ethics; hoping one day when they have grown up and become responsible adults these ethics would help them be a better person in the real world.

With the right parenting, they would not misbehave or manipulate. The important thing is to be consistent to make sure they turn out to be responsible adults. We all know that the unethical behavior is trending in the society. But the best way to teach our kids morals and ethics is through live example and situations.

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According to studies, children who have parents expressing genuine interest in their daily activities show better grade proficiency. Whereas permissive parenting leads to problematic behavior in children leading to selfish kids. In Canada alone, almost 25% of kids are raised using an overly permissive parenting style.

Giving them a stable environment when their social scene is aggressive and they feel exposed. Acts like youth drinking, shoplifting, cheating, stealing, promiscuity are influencing our kids at a very young age. As parents, we need to be not only vigilant but also to guide them and teach them to do the right thing.

The following ethics must be taught to your kids to make sure they grow up to be sensible, well-balanced adults.

Ethics That Every Parent Must Teach Their Kids

ethics that every parent must teach their kids-alignthoughts

1. Honesty

Teach the children never to lie. Always tell the truth. Kids observe their parents and thus it essential that the elders imbibe the same quality in themselves too. Avoid deception!

Lying would lead to a complicated web of lies and thus explaining the same to your child would be difficult. If and when you find your child lying, the best way to deal with it is not to react explosively. Instead, indirectly help them find a way to confront, and later appreciate them for their effort.

Teach them that being honest might not be easy or comfortable all the time, but it is always desired.

2. Responsibility

Teach your child to be responsible for their own self. Their doings is what shapes them. So they should face the consequences accordingly. Using self-control in a situation, where you can lose your temper easily will help your kids to be responsible.

Even if you lose temper, make sure you explain to your children that it was not very good behavior and you feel sorry for it. You must bear the consequences of your acts. Being accountable for your actions is a great way to imbibe responsibilities.

The kids would learn to submit their work on time and not get into unnecessary altercations if they learn to be responsible for themselves. When parents teach their children the ethics of responsibility, they grow up to be meticulous and dependable, whom people can trust.

3. Justice

Once the kids learn to be responsible for their acts, the next step is to make amends, even when you know you did wrong. Making a mistake is human nature. One must apologize for their wrongdoings. But a further step should be to do something about your mistake.

For example, if your child says foul words to his classmate, guide him to not only say sorry but to do something helpful to make amends. The kids need to understand and identify their feelings. Making amends send a great message to not only being responsible but also to compensate for their mistakes. It helps build a better peer relationship.

4. Consideration

My two boys fight all the time. They tease each other and hit. One day I just sat them down and asked them why do they fight and how their fighting upsets me. As it turns out, they both wanted to play together. The younger one wanted to learn, while the elder one did not have the patience to teach. But they agreed on trying to help each other out and not to trouble me so much. They considered my state and their playtime to decide.

Kids need to listen to each other and coolly decide on one thing. Another thing they were happy about, me not yelling at them as I knew they were treating each other well. Express gratitude, forgive and help others are all signs of compassion.

 5. Love and Care

Just like a plant that needs water and sunlight to grow, the children need love and care. They are affectionate by nature, but if we do not reciprocate the feeling, it soon fades away. Let your child see you expressing affection for others in your life. Do small, trivial things for them, so they know they are loved. To be able to show their love is the greatest gift for them.

Children are a reflection of their parents. Make an excellent impression for them so that they have a great role model.

Let them know that you stand with them and for them. Share your beliefs and paint an accurate picture. Do not confuse them with your own wavering behavior. Take a clear stand. Question them in a way to refine their thinking and stretch their moral development.

Kid’s development is an ongoing process, but these ethics will become a foundation for their future. Nurture them and hope that the children will learn these ethics when they grow up.

How do you teach your kids with ethics? Do you follow any of the above ways to help your kids grow ethics? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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