Saturday, April 20, 2024

Self Help


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Here’s How Playing Chess Can Enhance Your Logical Thinking And Make You Smarter

Everyone loves playing games, no matter whether you are a young kid or an old...

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What Separates The Successful From The Average?

No matter which part of the world we live in, these days, all we have in common is the hunger to become successful. Humans are bestowed with a brain that has the same size, shape, and thinking pattern. Then...

How To Find And Convert Your Weaknesses Into Strengths?

Finding weaknesses or the root cause of a problem in itself can solve half the problems. SWOT analysis can help to reflect and identify potential challenges and benefits to shape both professional and personal success in life. For example,...

What Exactly Is Mind Mapping? 5 Simple Steps To Create A Perfect Mind Map

If there's anything that's beyond what we need, it's data in our minds and the world around us, leading to information overflow. We are constantly bombarded with information from our smart devices all day long. However, recording all this...

Life Is Unfair, What Can We Do About It?

Some people are born with the ability to overcome all of life's challenges, whereas some of us complain about life being unfair. Truth is, when confronted with life's adversities, some blame fate, while others emerge stronger. Al Siebert, an...

Why Smart People Do Foolish Things?

Even the smartest people in the room can act dumb sometimes. The human brain is by far the smartest among all other species on this planet. Empathetic and self-serving, extremely intelligent yet sometimes incredibly dumb, we humans are capable...

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