Saturday, July 20, 2024

Self Motivation

Life Is Unfair, What Can We Do About It?

Some people are born with the ability to overcome...

You Can’t Be 100% Motivated All The Time, Stop Trying To Be

We all have dry days where we feel completely...

Keep Your Eyes On The Stars And Your Feet On The Ground

"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet...

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Keep Your Eyes On The Stars And Your Feet On The Ground

"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground” is a quote...

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Why Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection?

Despite living in the 21st century, where we believe that we have risen above being biased by color, caste, or sexual orientation, society still gives a lot of importance to gender-defined roles. Where 66% of the entire workforce is...

One Bad Chapter Doesn’t Mean The Story Is Over

In the book of life, there are various chapters. A good chapter is always cathartic and can always be followed by a bad chapter of life. But unlike a book that is written by someone else, you can write...

Every Expert Was Once A Beginner – Quote By Helen Hayes

If every beginner gave up when things got tough, there would be no expert. Every time we hit a roadblock, we cannot simply throw up our hands and say, “I Quit,” you would never get past that. When you...

7 Techniques To Stop Feeling Like A Failure

Feeling like a failure? The fear of being a failure in life, the distress of losing can be devastating. The negative thought holds us back and does not let us achieve our goals. We become self-critical whenever we fail....

One Day You Will Look Back And Smile!

“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” Sigmund Freud. We all have either stood at a crossroad or would be standing at that point in life at a certain time; when...

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