Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Self Development

Satya Nadella’s Book Recommendations To Every One This Year

With the year coming to an end, it's time...

Why Smart People Do Foolish Things?

Even the smartest people in the room can act...

Here’s Why You Must Follow The Rules To Break Them

Rules are prescribed guides for action. When applied correctly,...

The Downsides of Perfectionism and How to Overcome It?

Perfectionism, when followed religiously, can easily become a weakness...

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Here’s How Playing Chess Can Enhance Your Logical Thinking And Make You Smarter

Everyone loves playing games, no matter whether you are a young kid or an old...

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How To Become A Morning Person And Wake Up Early In The Morning?

Do you have difficulty waking up early in the morning every day? Have you ever found yourself hitting the snooze button only to sleep again instead of wake up in the morning? Well, if you have, let us inform...

Do You Struggle To Convince Others? Learn The Secret Behind Persuading People

Do you often have a hard time convincing others? Do the words you use fail to bring impact on others? Then you might poorly use facts or opinions without leveraging the power of the duo to win the argument....

Here’s What You Must Do If You Are Bored With Your Life!

Did you know an average adult experiences boredom for 131 days a year? Since the pandemic started, most of us are working/studying from home, and getting bored out of our minds is a common issue. Being stuck within the...

Here’s How Playing Chess Can Enhance Your Logical Thinking And Make You Smarter

Everyone loves playing games, no matter whether you are a young kid or an old grandparent. Games are like a lifeline to many of us. For some of us, it is a source of income, for others, it is...

Smart Ways To Handle Criticism Like A Pro!

Do you have trouble accepting criticism, even if it for your own good? Do you feel personally attacked if someone tells you how to do things and the right approach to doing a task? Well, the truth is most...

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