Sunday, July 21, 2024


How To Survive Your First Blind Date?

Imagine being judged by a stranger just by knowing...

Socially Awkwardness: How To Meet & Greet People Like A Pro?

While the pandemic might have made life cozier, it...

Finding Yourself After A Breakup

Finding ourselves lost and feeling empty after breaking up...

Is Marriage Worth It For Working Women? Why Marriage Is No Longer A Key Goal?

Back in medieval times, marriage was the only essential...

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Signs That Your Partner Doesn’t Understand You, Even If They Love You

Every relationship under the sun has problems. Sometimes love is not enough. That’s hard to...

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Things You Should Do Immediately After BreakUp

Different people deal with grief differently. Whether in teenage or young adulthood, your heart must have been broken once. It’s not that uncommon and it happens to everyone. “It's been 10 hours 32 mins and 25 seconds since we...

How To Fall And ‘Stay’ In Love Forever?

Love is an abstract emotion which we all go through at every stage of life. And if my understanding of human psychology is bang on 100% then you thought about the love of your life first, the moment you...

Your Life Deserves More Than Just Breakups and Patch-ups. Here’s Why!

Being single can be a real heart-breaker, especially if the breakup was not your idea! It is quite easy to get carried away with the 'what ifs' and 'I should have.' On the other hand, a patch-up with a...

15 Celebrity Divorces And Their Reasons For Separation

Being in a relationship could be the most beautiful phase of one's life. But once you decide to drift apart, the whole divorce process can be a cumbersome and uncomfortable experience. Read on to know some of the top...

Is Crying Good For You? Do People Who Cry Often Become Mentally Strong?

Since your childhood, you have been taught not to cry. And parents even teach their kids that crying makes them look ugly and weak. It's not a sign of being heroic. Unfortunately, that is incorrect. We must welcome others...

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