Sunday, July 21, 2024


How To Survive Your First Blind Date?

Imagine being judged by a stranger just by knowing...

Socially Awkwardness: How To Meet & Greet People Like A Pro?

While the pandemic might have made life cozier, it...

Finding Yourself After A Breakup

Finding ourselves lost and feeling empty after breaking up...

Is Marriage Worth It For Working Women? Why Marriage Is No Longer A Key Goal?

Back in medieval times, marriage was the only essential...

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Signs That Your Partner Doesn’t Understand You, Even If They Love You

Every relationship under the sun has problems. Sometimes love is not enough. That’s hard to...

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How To Help A Friend Overcome Homesickness In College or Hostel?

Moving away from home to go abroad to study, work, can be a life-changing decision. You might end up in a completely new city for university or to take your dream job. Being miles away from your home can...

10 Tіps Оn Makіng A Lоng Dіstanсе Rеlatіоnshіp Work

Rеlatіоnshіps takе wоrk, but lоng dіstanсе rеlatіоnshіps takе еvеn mоrе еffоrt and trust. Bеіng sеparatеd frоm yоur lоvе іs dіffісult fоr any amоunt оf tіmе. Оnе thіng that іs truе abоut all rеlatіоnshіps іs that іf thеy’rе nоt grоwіng,...

The Person Who Left You Did You A Favor, It’s Time To Move On!

Say what? Are you crazy? Do u have any idea what you are talking about? Have you ever been in LOVE? I agree with all the questions and though it all seems to be a difficult time, I am...

Why Most Millennials Want A Relationship But Not Commitment?

Have you noticed that today’s youth seems to be running away from commitment? They connect and start relationships extremely fast, but most of them avoid walking down the aisle. Statistics show that the percentage of married youth has decreased...

How to Be A Real True Friend?

Loneliness is growing more and more with more people becoming socially isolated over the decades. Even though you might have several friends not all of them may be true to you. Several people nowadays just chill out rather than...

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