Saturday, April 27, 2024

Personal Life

How To Survive Your First Blind Date?

Imagine being judged by a stranger just by knowing...

Socially Awkwardness: How To Meet & Greet People Like A Pro?

While the pandemic might have made life cozier, it...

Finding Yourself After A Breakup

Finding ourselves lost and feeling empty after breaking up...

Is Marriage Worth It For Working Women? Why Marriage Is No Longer A Key Goal?

Back in medieval times, marriage was the only essential...

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Why Family Is Not An Important Thing, Family Is Everything?

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. Home is where the heart is. And the...

Latest Articles

10 Tіps Оn Makіng A Lоng Dіstanсе Rеlatіоnshіp Work

Rеlatіоnshіps takе wоrk, but lоng dіstanсе rеlatіоnshіps takе еvеn mоrе еffоrt and trust. Bеіng sеparatеd frоm yоur lоvе іs dіffісult fоr any amоunt оf tіmе. Оnе thіng that іs truе abоut all rеlatіоnshіps іs that іf thеy’rе nоt grоwіng,...

Is Personality Inherited From Family? 9 Things That Shape Your Identity Before Birth

Initially, we were all only tiny cells that were formed during the process of fertilization. In this process of fertilization or conception, we slowly began to grow and develop into a baby. We were developing into a brand new...

How Old Is Too Old To Have A Child & What’s The Best Age To Have Kids?

Is everyone around you suggesting that you should hurry and have a baby, as your fertility drops with age, and you’ll no longer be able to later on? Do you feel you are not yet ready to be a...

Tips for Parents to Help Their Children To Come Out Of A Tragedy

It’s hard enough being a kid without having tragedy strike. Growing up, making friends and becoming a functional human being is not without its own issues. So, what happens when something devastating occurs that turns their world upside down?...

The Person Who Left You Did You A Favor, It’s Time To Move On!

Say what? Are you crazy? Do u have any idea what you are talking about? Have you ever been in LOVE? I agree with all the questions and though it all seems to be a difficult time, I am...

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