Monday, April 15, 2024


Can You Really Tell If Your Kid Is Lying?

Cognitive psychologists say that lying is a social behavioral...

When Do You Actually Become an Adult?

The idea of adulthood, its roles, and responsibilities are...

How to Help Your Teenager With Low Self Esteem?

Today, low self-esteem in adolescence is a common issue....

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Why Family Is Not An Important Thing, Family Is Everything?

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces. Home is where the heart is. And the...

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Things to Sort Out Before Buying A Car – How To Buy Your First Car?

Buying a car for the first time is a big thing and there are trivial questions you must ask yourself and the seller before making the purchase. In 2017 over 17 million cars were sold, and the numbers continue...

Things To Know Before Bringing A New Dog Into Your Family

Buying a dog, or any pet for that matter is a huge commitment. It is almost equivalent to having a baby. Amidst all the excitement of getting a puppy,  here are the real things to know before getting a...

Therapists Say What Challenges Children The Most, According To Their Age

Being a mother of two, I feel that every day brings with it a challenge of a new sort. And each child faces a different set of problems. People said that raising a second child is easy because you...

What Makes Home, ‘A Hangout’? How To Set Rules at Home And Yet Have Fun?

I wish I knew the art of how to make your home a cool hangout place. There is a house in the neighborhood that is always buzzing with guests, and the hosts never get tired it. Every block has...

Ethics That Every Parent Must Teach Their Kids

Ethics and values define who we are. Ethics help us to separate right from wrong. While values help us determine what is essential. Ethics are imparted and learned by children but how to live your life based on these...

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