Monday, April 15, 2024


Why Solo Female Travel Is Booming and How It’s Changing the World?

Solo travel is simply the act of traveling without...

Most Impressive Renewable Energy Projects Powering Our World

With an ever-increasing demand for renewable energy sources, several...

The Ikea Effect: How Ikea Has Changed The Way Of Shopping?

What's first name comes to your mind when you...

Things You Must Avoid This Year To Be Less Wasteful

Every year one-third of the food produced for human...

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Here’s How Humans Are Destroying The Earth?

Earth is the most beautiful planet in this solar system if not in the entire...

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Why The World Must Invest More In Girls And Women?

In the past twenty or so years, we have been paying a lot more attention to gender equality. Women are respected a lot more in the workforce than they used to be. A century ago, women could have never...

10 Things Left Handed People Are Good At Than Righties

Wondering what are the advantages of being left-handed? The personality of left-handers is very different from the right-handers. What causes a person to be left-handed? Read on to know more about famous left-handed artists and people. We all speak in...

The Best Green Energy Projects That Can Save Earth From Climate Changes

Whether you believe it or not, climate change is real. Ever since the industrial revolution (late 18th century – 19th century), man has increased its impact on the environment by: Using up natural resources; Generating waste; Increasing the quantity...

4 Possible Solutions to the Plastic Crisis

Did you know that plastic takes 500 years to decompose? At the mention of the word plastic, the first thing that crosses intellectuals' minds is the current ecosystem crisis that the world is facing. In the opinion of Michelle Mech...

Tropical Biodiversity: Why Do More Species Live Near the Equator?

The sheer variety and distribution of species on our planet are interesting. The closer we head to the equator, the wider the species you can find. The number of species near the poles is significantly less, compared to the...

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