Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss and Belly Fat

Close your eyes and say the word “Ayurveda” what exactly comes to your mind? I am sure you can imagine smelling some aromatic oils, the smell of medicinal ayurvedic herbs. Are ayurvedic herbs, food, and diet beneficial? Ayurveda has many herbs for weight loss.

Yoga poses and people sitting in a meditation forum could also be your thoughts. Also, you might think about the ayurvedic diet and ayurvedic medicine. Did you know Ayurveda is also beneficial for weight loss?

When you imagine Ayurveda immediately, yoga and meditation come to your mind. Do you think an Ayurvedic diet and certain herbs aid in weight loss and belly fat?

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Well, let’s find out! You’ll also learn about Ayurvedic food for weight loss and Ayurveda herbs that can also naturally help you cut down belly fat.

Origin of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is known to be one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine.  It has a holistic approach to healing.

India is the land of Ayurveda, and around 5000 years ago, Ayurveda got discovered. It is a Sanskrit word that means life’s sacred knowledge. Sanskrit is the ancient language of India.

Ayuh means life or longevity, and Veda means spiritual wisdom.

In India, Ayurveda enjoyed a phase of prosperity because of its abundant Vedic studies.  The knowledge was profound at the time of pre-independence.

However, Ayurvedic teaching had to go through a lot of struggle.  It was there for almost a thousand years. The reason for this was since India got invaded by many countries.  The most prominent country which invaded India was the British Empire.

Despite this struggle, the Indians who practiced Ayurveda maintained its significance.  They continued with the teachings.  They made sure that it should be alive.  Once India attained independence from the British Empire in the year 1947, the struggle ended.

Even in modern times, the Ayurvedic herbs and ayurvedic medicine are beneficial.  It also helped the elderly to come out of depression and feelings of loneliness.

Elements – Part of Doshas

There are five elements in Ayurveda recognized as nature’s building block.

1. Earth

This handles the physical constitution of the body. It includes the bones, teeth, and tissues considered as Earth elements. Moreover, it also connects to the nose and the sense of smell.

2. Water

It comprises the liquid state of the body, indicating changes or instability. Water contributes to fluid metabolism in the body. Other water elements are blood, lymph, and fluids.  It connects to the tongue and the sense of taste. Moreover, it is a dominant element in Kapha Dosha.

3. Fire

The fire element is for digestion and perception. Associated to the eyes and thus sight. The fire element is dominant in Pitta Dosha.

4. Wind (air)

The wind element in the body is part of the respiratory system and is needed for all energy outflows. It binds with the skin perceiving the sense of touch. Additionally, it is the dominant element in Vata Dosha.

5. Ether (space)

The element Earth contributes to stable structures in our bodies. They are bones, flesh, skin, tissues, and hair. The element of ether represents the space where everything takes place.

Furthermore, it relates to hollow or empty areas in our bodies, like skin pores, the ears that perceive sound. Together with the air, this element forms the Vata Dosha.

Types of Doshas

Ayurveda consists of 3 “doshas,” which are part of the five elements.  Known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, these are Sanskrit names.

There shouldn’t be an imbalance between the doshas and elements to live a fulfilling life. Doshas are nothing but our body types, according to Ayurveda.

Nobody is born with only one dosha or its element. Everybody has a combination of at least two doshas with their elements. We will discuss in detail these elements and doshas as we go ahead.

  • Vata

Related to sleep quality. It regulates all movement in the mind and body. Controls blood flow, waste elimination from the body. Additionally, it also influences the breathing pattern and the thought process. Vata reflects the space and air element.

  • Pitta

This will track the body’s metabolism, controls the digestive system. It regulates sensory perceptions, our ability to differentiate between what is right and wrong. Moreover, it governs the fire element of the body. Pitta reflects the fire and water elements.

  • Kapha

It controls muscle growth, body stability and strength, balances weight, and immune system. Kapha reflects the water and Earth element.

So as we have discussed, the doshas.  The corresponding elements and imbalance between them can cause many things. So if there is excess Vata, then it can cause fear, anxiety, and constipation.  It can also lead to weak joints and other abnormal activities.

Pitta imbalance can create traits of anger, jealousy, and inflammation.  It can also lead to migraines, difficulty sleeping, and hyperactive metabolism. An imbalance in Kapha can lead to attachment, greed.  Not ready to change, low on motivation, and can also lead to water retention.

All these doshas and elements must work in tandem, leading to a good quality of life and enhancing sleep quality.

Ayurveda empowers us to learn about these elements.

Also, about the relationship these elements and doshas have with us — the unique combination which they create known as doshas.

It also helps us to heal ourselves.  The Ayurvedic belief system states that our bodies can improve themselves.  But we have to nourish our bodies with a healthy lifestyle.

Role of Ayurvedic Medicine

In ancient times the only way out for people living in those times was Ayurvedic medicine. The best part was that these Ayurvedic medicines were part of natural ingredients.  They were herbs, plants, shrubs, tree barks.

Even aromatic oils were a part of Ayurvedic medicine.  They were useful for ailments like joint pain, swelling, and inflammation.

These oils used for body massages provided soothing relief. Ayurvedic practitioners always check for the doshas.  They look for imbalances in any of the doshas.  Based on that, they prescribe Ayurvedic medicine.

It is like how doctors conduct diagnosis in the allopathic medicine fraternity.

In Ayurveda, the main criteria for treating an ailment is to find the cause.  Then they treat the cause first-hand as opposed to looking for symptoms. Ayurvedic medicines are more focused on prevention compared to other forms of treatment.

Ayurvedic medicines also make the immune system stronger.  They help in minimizing the stress on the body, which can lead to many imbalances.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Diet Food

1. Digestion

Ayurvedic diet food is very mild on the digestive system. It is vegetarian food.  It consists of green vegetables, salads, cucumber, carrots, and tomatoes.

Ayurvedic diet is a combination of all the foods containing macro and micronutrients our body needs. Consumption of Ayurvedic food keeps the mind active and brings a lot of agility.

2. Ayurvedic Diet Makes Weight Loss Faster

The ayurvedic diet food will not make you lose weight faster; instead, it is a slow process.  But regular yoga, Suryanamaskars (sun salutation), and meditation all these activities are essential with the diet.

Because this way, the weight loss will be more healthy and easy to maintain for a long.  Don’t feel frustrated if there is no rapid weight loss.  In Ayurveda, the weight loss battle is more like a journey and not a destination, and certain herbs prove very beneficial.

3. Ayurvedic Diet Is Good For Your Mind

Ayurvedic diet food can also develop positive thoughts.  It makes us more capable of forgiving others for their wrongdoings. It teaches us not to hold grudges, hostility towards others.

Our dietary habit plays an essential role in our minds, as well.

4. Ayurveda Improves Your Food Choices

You are what you eat! Hence, it is highly vital to keep an eye on what goes inside your mouth.

Ayurveda recommends you to learn about our constitution and state of balance.  This knowledge will help us to choose what type of diet will be more suitable for you. Ayurveda believes in getting our protein sources from plants.

It shouldn’t mix up with any other animal source of protein.

Tips on Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss

Tips on Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss

Few tips are part of the Ayurvedic diet food, which can enhance digestion and certain herbs aid in weight loss.

  • Eating a half teaspoon of grated ginger with a pinch of rock salt is advisable. It stimulates the digestive system if consumed before each meal.
  • Alkaline foods help digestion and regulate the gastric juices.
  • Ghee (clarified butter) helps in stimulating the digestive enzymes making the gut healthy.
  • Sipping warm water during a meal aids digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. Avoid drinking ice-chilled water as it will slow down the metabolism. Avoid most of the time consuming iced water as it puts a lot of stress on the system.
  • Chewing the food in the right way is essential. The food gets mixed with saliva.  It helps in absorbing all the nutrients from food.
  • A cup of yogurt blended with pieces of ginger and cumin powder.
  • Along with a cup of water makes a healthy drink, post-lunch aids digestion.
  • According to Ayurveda, one should fill the stomach with one-third of food. One-third of liquid and one third should be empty.

Healthy/Unhealthy Food Combinations As Per Ayurvedic Diet

There are some food combinations that can prove to be unhealthy. Most of the time, we do eat our foods in such combinations. But it is always good to know what are the food combinations you must avoid.

As per the Ayurvedic diet pattern, let’s see what those are:

  • Fruits consumed on an empty stomach considered healthy. They shouldn’t combine with any other food.
  • A combination of bananas and milk can lead to congestion, cold, and can mess up the whole digestive system. Any sour fruit, if combined with milk, can be detrimental.
  • Milk with dates is the right combination and completely safe.
  • Consuming beans with fruits, cheese, eggs, fish, milk, meat, or yogurt is not advisable.
  • Honey, if consumed uncooked, is beneficial. According to the ancient Ayurvedic diet, cooking honey can be detrimental to health. If cooked, then the molecules do not blend. They become like glue sticking to the mucous membrane — Clogs delicate channels, producing toxins.
  • Hot drinks like tea or coffee and fruits, cheese, fish, meat, or yogurt are not recommended.
  • Combining tapioca with fruits, especially banana and mango, is harmful. Even if combined with beans, raisins or jaggery is not good.
  • Yogurt with fruits, fish, eggs, or meat doesn’t go well.

Ayurvedic Herbs – Natural Cleansers

If you think that Ayurveda is a quick fix formula, then it can be disappointing for you.  Because the Ayurvedic process is slow, but it is consistent and useful.

Even the Ayurvedic herbs are not something that will give you instant results. Since Ayurvedic herbs act as natural cleansers, they completely rejuvenate the body.

Additionally, these herbs do not produce any side effects. They usually get retrieved from genuine sources.  In the present generation, people want to try these Ayurvedic herbs. Subsequently, now they are aware of its health benefits and calming effect on the mind and body.

Ayurvedic Herbs To Lose Weight Naturally

Ayurvedic Herbs To Lose Weight Naturally

Ayurveda has some amazing remedies and herbs for natural weight loss holistically. Resources say that these herbs have proven to reduce your cravings, enhance metabolism, and help you lose weight.

  1. Ginger
  2. Fenugreek
  3. Turmeric
  4. Black Pepper
  5. Cinnamon
  6. Cumin
  7. Cardamom

It is recommended to use 14 grams of any of these regularly alongside healthy protein-rich to lose weight naturally.

Ayurvedic Herbs For Good Health

Ayurvedic herbs focus more on the entire being, which is the body, mind, and spiritual energy. Most of the Ayurvedic herbs are fat-soluble, which gets absorbed by the cells and tissues and stays for long.

Moreover, Ayurvedic herbs improve hair quality.  It is also suitable for the skin.  It has a holistic approach to enhancing these physical energies.

Some of the Ayurvedic herbs listed below:

  • Ajwain

It is useful as a weight loss aid as it helps in extracting toxins from the body. We can have it in the form of tea by boiling Ajwain seeds in plain water. It is an effective digestive and nerve stimulant heals painful joints.

  • Ashwagandha

It is useful for increasing vitality. It is one of the best anti-aging herbs. Also, Ashwagandha helps in relieving stress.

  • Brahmi

This is like a tonic for the brain and nervous system. It also aids in removing toxins and blockages from the nervous system.

Moreover, it helps with depression, improves intelligence, memory, and concentration. It is also great for hair growth. Boiling Brahmi leaves in water and having it like tea is very beneficial.  Even cooking it in milk is also a good idea.

  • Cardamom

It acts like tranquilizers, bringing clarity and joy to the heart and mind. Cardomom nullifies the acidity created by caffeinated drinks, coffee. Besides, it counteracts the mucus-forming properties in milk.

Taking it in warm milk before going to bed is very useful.  It helps to get that quality sleep due to its soothing effect on the mind.

  • Cumin

Cumin aids in assimilation enhances the digestive system and metabolism. It helps the body with nutrient absorption. Cumin can also be beneficial, especially for new moms post-pregnancy.

Furthermore, cumin helps in improving milk secretion and cleansing of reproductive organs. The usage of cumin seeds while cooking helps in the absorption of micronutrients.

  • Manjistha

This is like a blood purifying agent. One of the best blood purifying herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Furthermore, it is anti-inflammatory and clears acne. It is one of the best Ayurveda herbs for weight loss.

Manjistha acts as a cleanser for the blood and liver.

Manjisthat helps in lowering skin disorders and clearing acne. It detoxifies the blood, cleanses, and regulates liver and kidney functions. They come in capsule form, or you can take with warm milk before bedtime.

  • Neem

It is a potent blood purifier and detoxifier in Ayurveda. Best for wound healing, skin damage, especially from the sun.

Neem is also useful for all skin and eye disorders. It is beneficial for joint and muscle pain. Moreover, neem oil is easy to apply to the affected areas and can do wonders for your health. It is one of the medicinal oils you must have in your home.

  • Shatavari

It has some fantastic benefits, like increasing female vitality. Shatavari is the best among all the Ayurvedic herbs as it helps in rejuvenation. It gives proper nourishment to the female reproductive organs.

Additionally, it is available in the form of pills and powder. Even having it with ghee or cooked in milk is beneficial and, most of the time, preferred this way.

  • Turmeric

We all know about turmeric; its usage is widespread while cooking. Turmeric also acts as a blood purifier. Furthermore, it improves complexion, circulation, and food for the skin. In Ayurveda, turmeric can also be used for weight loss.

Moreover, turmeric works as an anti-inflammatory agent and is an ideal remedy for treating acne. Additionally, turmeric balances all the doshas.

It also balances the Pitta dosha the most because of its blood and liver cleansing properties. Therefore, try to add turmeric into your daily life in any form.

Note: To make the most of Ayurvedic herbs, make sure to consume them with healthy fats. They are ghee, coconut oil, butter, or whole milk as they are fat-soluble herbs.

Concluding Thoughts on the Ayurvedic diet,

In conclusion, Ayurveda teaches everybody how to live a peaceful life and befriend whoever you come across. If practiced daily, it can make our lives more organized and simple. Moreover, Ayurveda and its herbs can also help with weight loss.

Ayurveda helps us start our day with a healthy routine involving yogic practices and meditation. These practices are an integral part of the Ayurvedic process. We also know about the fantastic benefits of yoga and meditation provides us. Thus, learning different yoga poses, which are part of Ayurvedic teaching, brings positivity.

Hence, I would encourage you to learn about this amazing science and practice Ayurveda. The best thing you can do is start with yoga and meditation. However, it is crucial to learn these techniques only from an experienced practitioner.

Key Takeaways On Ayurveda And Its Benefits

  • Ayurveda is known to be one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine.
  • As per history, Ayurvedic teaching had to go through a lot of struggle.
  • India is the land of Ayurveda, and around 5000 years ago, it was discovered.
  • Ayurveda is very beneficial for weight loss as it has many herbs for weight loss.
  • There are five elements in Ayurveda recognized as nature’s building block: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Ether.
  • Ayurveda consists of 3 “doshas,” which are part of the five elements.  Known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, these are Sanskrit names.
  • Ayurvedic medicines were also part of natural ingredients. They were herbs, plants, shrubs, tree barks.
  • Similarly, Ayurvedic medicines are more focused on prevention compared to other forms of treatment.
  • The ayurvedic diet consists of vegetarian food, which is very mild on the digestive system.
  • Moreover, the ayurvedic diet will not make you lose weight faster; instead, it is a slow process.
  • In Ayurveda, the weight loss battle is more like a journey and not a destination.
  • Ayurvedic diet food can also develop positive thoughts.
  • Moreover, it believes in getting our protein sources from plants.
  • The Ayurvedic weight loss process (with herbs and diet food) is slow, but it is consistent and useful.
  • Similarly, Ayurveda herbs for weight loss do not produce any side effects.
  • Apart from weight loss, Ayurveda herbs also improve hair and skin quality.
  • In conclusion, Ayurveda teaches everybody how to live a peaceful life and befriend whoever you come across.
Comment and Share

So what are your thoughts about Ayurvedic medicine? Would you embrace an Ayurvedic diet using Ayurvedic herbs to lose weight or belly fat? What methods of Ayurveda do you follow for weight loss?

Do you feel they are beneficial? Let me know in the comment section. Read more on health and diet here:

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Shekhar Bali
Shekhar Bali
Shekhar Bali works in the health and wellness domain for the past ten years. Currently working as a freelance wellness coach, he helps his clients with their fitness goals by improving their lifestyle and enhancing their self-esteem. Shekhar loves to educate people about health and wellness by writing articles as it gives him an outlet to share his thoughts on the subject.

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