Monday, July 22, 2024

6 Reasons How Cleanliness Can Be The Key To Right Attitude

Whether you have an organized chaos or you are plain lazy, you need to read this in order to do a 180 degree attitude makeover.

Cleanliness means hygiene, being disease free. It can be your mind, body or soul. Clean space denotes an order, harmony and sanctity. A clean surrounding brings health, wealth and creative and constructive flow of energy. Declutter your mind and your heart. And let the positivity flow.

I will admit that, I am not the most organized person on this planet and my room can look as if a hurricane has just hit. But I definitely know to find my belongings at any given time. When it comes to cleanliness inside, I make sure that I flush out all the toxins from my mind, body and soul. You can’t preach cleanliness until you are fair in your dealings. Make your surroundings clean by decluttering and organizing each and everything. Wash out all the malign thoughts from your mind in order to have the right attitude towards life. Counter each and every negative thought with the opposite positive thought and bring it into motion, execute it.

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Why do we need cleanliness for a positive attitude?

I will give you six reasons.


Maintaining Cleanliness Saves Time

As I said earlier, organized chaos maybe a sign of a creative person, but when frustrated it looks like loads of trouble. You may know where you kept your important papers; but imagine the time you would save while looking for them. The time you would waste looking for those papers can be utilized for something more constructive or even creative. Time is money.

Cleanliness gives you structure and keeps you way more organized that you could imagine.

Staying Clean & Tidy Makes You Appealing

Being clean inside out, makes you confident and more attractive. If you look clean and have appealing persona along with great positive thoughts, others are drawn towards you. The right attitude and right personality makes a great impression. A clean mindset is more likeable than grunge look. A working strategy keeps you ahead of your game and thus people who work with you feel drawn towards you.

Invites positivity

If we go by Feng Shui and Vastu, dirty laundry and unclean utensils invite negative energy. Imagine what a dirty mind would invite? More negatives vibes. Just like dingy room invites germs and diseases, your mind invites horrendous thoughts. Surround yourself with clean and open spaces. Let the light flood you and your home. Serene environment invite positive vibes.

See here: Reasons Why You Are Frustrated With Life And What You Can Do About It

Being Clean Always Is A Great Exercise

Well yeah! Being clean and tidy always keeps you on your toes and makes you move. In order to maintain your surroundings you will not be idle, you would be on your feet. Similarly, in order to have a clean mind you need to exercise your brain.

Just open the faucet and let cleanse your heart and mind. Get rid of all the negativity and you will find yourself fit and fine. Idle hands lead to idle mind. And you very well know that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. So get going and revive your own self.

Read also: Ways To Recharge Your Body and Mind on Your Day Off

Keeps You Organized And Out Of Panic

Being organized keeps you ahead. Fair surroundings and pure mind will help your brain process better. You would see everything in clear light and aim to seek solutions. Once things are in place, you tend to experience less panic and that can help you make the right decision.

Leads to Self Realization

Cleanliness leads to higher level of self realization. In continuation with my above point, fair surroundings will lead you to open spaces and when you have open space you can see yourself clearer. You can access your own mistakes and help to come out clean.

It does not take much of an effort to clean yourself inside out. I have tried organizing my thoughts, prioritizing my work, even organizing my cupboards and decluttering every aspect that is an integral part of my life. Trust me, it gives you a sense of peaceful and refreshed mood , brings back the smile and of course a lot more time in order to reach your potential.

Stay clean and keep your thoughts in control. Cleanliness in an attitude, that needs no ignorance. Share your thoughts in the comments section. Also do not forget to share the article on the below social media channels. Subscribe with us for more posts and stay tuned.

Preeti Bhandari
Preeti Bhandari
Preeti B lives in Canada with her two boys, who keep her on her toes. Content writing and paper quilling are two art forms that she is passionate about. She loves to express herself through these two mediums. Apart from these, listening to music and reading books are the hobbies that take her to a different zone.

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