Saturday, July 20, 2024

15 Exam Preparation Tips To Help You Study Better

Well, one of the things that every individual hates the most in their life is exams. No matter whether you are a fully qualified Ph.D. or just a child in kindergarten, exams are hated by all. Actually, it is not the thought of writing an exam that scares people.

Instead, people hate that the time they have to spend preparing for exams. Those innumerable sleepless nights, sacrifices, skipping favorite TV shows, no fun, etc. in order to study those 5/6 subjects are the main reasons why we dread exams and exam preparation.

This may not be the exam season now, and yet I feel this is the best time to write a post on how to prepare for exams. I’ll tell you why. During exams, students may Google how to study for an exam or the best method to study for exams in a short time; but nobody has the time to actually sit and read each and every point in detail. They just end up skimming through an article.

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During exam preparation, most students don’t prefer using any modes of instrument that would distract them. And hence students stay far away from mobiles and the internet. Now since there are no exams and no study pressures for most of the examinees, this is the best time to actually sit and read through this article in peace.

Studying for an exam can be very stressful f you don’t use the right method. Let me clear one thing first, skipping your meals, staying awake for nights in a row, isolating yourself, and trying to mug up the answers is NOT the right way to study.

According to a report, 82% of students at UK universities suffer from stress and anxiety and 45% have experienced depression.

Whereas in the US, APA stated that 61% of the students reported anxiety issues, 49% depression, and 45% of students are stressed.

These issues can be extremely harmful to your physical as well as mental health. Instead, you can also look for other healthy ways to deal with stress.

15 Tricks To Help You Study Better And Crack Your Exams Easily

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Here are some tips and tricks for exam preparation that will help you study better!

1) Start from the beginning

This can be very helpful. As soon as you receive your subject curriculum or your notes, start studying. I am not telling you to study every day.

Instead, just spend time casually reading one lesson every day. Try not to skip lectures in school or college.

Pay attention to what the teacher is teaching and keep writing the keywords or key points in your book. When you go home, before going to sleep, just skim through whatever you learned in school.

Believe me, the majority of your task is achieved here. Many of the top scorers in schools and colleges use this trick. I myself have tried it out and it has been a huge help.

2) Prepare a plan

This is one of the best tips for exam preparation. When your exam is maybe two-three weeks away, prepare a study plan. Plan how much time you’ll dedicate to your studies every day. Plan your lesson schedule.

Eg. On Monday I will study the first three chapters of Marketing and Tuesday I will study the first three chapters of Management).

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3) Understand the concepts over rote learning

Rote learning is a big No-No! Trust me, if you make it a habit of memorizing your lessons word to word from your schooling days, college studies will be hell for you. Plus, I have watched people struggle to remember answers during exams because they forget that starting word/point.

The whole point of the education system is to build understanding skills in learners making them self-regulated and holistically developed.

Understanding the answers will help you to remember them for a long long time, even after your exams are over.

4) Use keywords or codes

Using keywords for questions and answers is one of the efficient tips for exam preparation. Sometimes the answers have many points and it’s difficult to remember each of them. At such times, use codes or keywords.

While studying use a highlighter or a pencil and keep marking all the important keywords. Before exams, just glance through those keywords or codes and you will be all set.

5) Solve

According to a Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) result of 2015, out of 71 countries that participated the US ranked an unimpressive 38th in math and 24th in science across 15-year-olds.

Mathematics, Science equations, and accounts are something that cannot be learned visually. You need written practice and it’s best to solve as many sums as possible.

Also, try solving past year board question papers (set the time limit and solve it like you are writing your actual exam) to get an idea of your performance. You can either evaluate it yourself (preferable as it will help you know your level) or ask someone else to evaluate it for you.

6) Take breaks

Yes! This is important.

In fact, the human brain can stay focused at its best only for 20 minutes after which productivity goes down slowly. Studies report that taking breaks can boost your productivity.

Continuously studying without any breaks will tire your mind. With a tired mind, you won’t be able to study ahead properly and you’ll simply be wasting time with your books. Take breaks after every 45 mins or whenever you feel you need one. During your break do something you love.

7) Reward system

Using rewards when studying is a great motivation factor. Set multiple targets. Promise yourself a reward after you achieve a particular target.

For instance, reward yourself, after I finish this chapter, I will eat that sandwich. Some students place chocolates at various places in their notes as a reward.

8) Study hard topics first

Focusing on the hard subjects at first is probably one of the best tips for exam preparation.

When you start with a fresh mind, you will be able to grasp the heard topics easily and finish them off. The easy topics may seem even easier once you’re done with the tough ones. Also, don’t waste time on any topics if you can’t grasp them. Just skip through it and come back to it later once everything is done.

9) Flowcharts and Concept maps

Flowcharts and concept maps are a great way to study and also to revise before the exams. Consider this, what would you prefer, reading a 700-word article or going through an infographic? Flowcharts cover the whole answer in just a few words and diagrams.

10) Stay healthy

Staying healthy during the final exams is the backbone of good exam preparation. If you ain’t healthy, there is no scope to prepare well for your exams.

I won’t say skip the junk food, but I’ll say minimize the intake. Also, don’t consume too much caffeine while studying. avoid staying up late nights to study. Get sufficient sleep. If you want to live a long life, then you need to stay healthy and follow good sleeping habits.

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11) Find the best time

Some people enjoy studying early in the morning with the chirping of birds, some prefer studying before retiring to bed at night. Find out which time suits you the best and study during those hours effectively.

12) Form your own answers

If you think the notes that your teacher has provided are too tough, why not form your own notes. The internet is here to help you to prepare your answers.

This method of exam preparation boosts your creativity and is also one of the least stressful ways to study for your exams.

If you wish, you can also get your answers checked by your teachers just to be sure you’re on the right track.

13) Alone vs Groups: Choose what suits you

If you like studying alone, do so. Don’t join study groups just because everyone else is. Some like studying among their friends as it helps to clear doubts and maybe build a sense of competitiveness.

14) Explain it to others (or maybe your ownself)

This is another amazing technique that I have been using. Act out as if you are the teacher explaining the notes to someone. Maybe explain it to your friends, peers, siblings, pet or your own reflection in the mirror.

Not only will you be able to understand the content, but it will also stick with you for a long time.

15) Stay Positive

Most importantly, have a positive attitude. If you feel stressed or pressured or just off, try meditation or listen to calming music. Keep negativity far away from you.

If you have experienced any tragic incident during your exams, try spiritual guidance or meditation or consult an expert. Talk it out so that you can move on. There are tons of relaxing meditation videos for studying on the internet, use them.

Concluding Thoughts,

Studying is not rocket science if done in the right way. There really aren’t any hard and fast rules to play by when it comes to studying.

Everybody is different, so the best way to establish a routine is to try different things and see what works best for you, and then modify your routine for maximum learning effectiveness. Don’t be afraid to take risks.

If you have any more exam tips and tricks, share them with us in the comments section. Don’t forget to subscribe to our website. Stay tuned with our social media channels to hear from us.

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Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth is a full-time teacher and a writer with a keen interest in lifestyle and music. Watching her favorite sitcom 'Friends', and singing are the hobbies that she enjoys the most. Not to mention, she also loves writing and expressing her thoughts to the world around her.

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