Sunday, July 21, 2024

12 Ways to Transform Your House Into a Smart Home

Evolution is a continuous process through which humans learn how to make their lives safer, healthier, and more comfortable. Now that we do not have to spend every moment worrying about food, shelter, and safety; we are able to focus on arts, science, philosophy, literature, and music. The evolution of humankind can be closely observed with the development of our homes. We gradually moved on from caves to isolated dwellings made of primitive materials. And we are now paving our way to houses with an inbuilt smart home automation system in the modern age.

Individual homes became more extensive, with rooms assigned for eating, sleeping, bathing, and recreation. Ancient palaces were followed by medieval strongholds, beautiful Victorian villas and modern high-rise blocks of apartments, and contemporary villas.

This transformation, in short, shows how people tried to make their homes smart according to the possibilities of each era.

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As per the statistics, it is predicted that the number of smart homes will exceed the 350 million mark by 2023.

A smart home is where you enjoy time with family without having to do too much manual work. A smart automation system enables you to maintain, clean, and secure the home automatically with little to no man-hours put in.

What Is A Smart Home Automation System And The Benefits Of It?


Smart home automation refers to the connection of all your home devices to a single controller. This controller can be operated by the user irrespective of time and place. Home automation system doesn’t restrict its users to control the smart devices manually. Instead, apps or voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant do the tasks.

A very typical example of home automation would be the place Tony Stark aka the Iron Man, lived. He was always surrounded by a smart home automation system through which he could just command and get things done.

Benefits of Smart Home Automation System

  • Turning homes with a smart automation system allow users to control electronic appliances remotely without leaving their important work.
  • Furthermore, with the help of house automation, people can remotely monitor their security camera that ultimately leads to better safety and security.
  • Smart home automation systems are customized according to the users’ personal needs.
  • Lastly, house automation is convenient for energy saving. For instance, home thermostat devices can regulate your home temperature as per the user’s preferences.

Smart Choices For A Better Life

Thus, creating a smart home is not about being cool or keeping up with trends.

The first people who used a heated bathtub did it for convenience, not for the local fame in their neighborhood. The same can be said about the adoption of washing machines and fridges.

At present, we call them necessities for a decent life, but when they were novelties, all these items were considered “smart” home improvements (they used the term “novelty” back then).

Similarly, all the smart gadgets that look like coming out of a Sci-Fi movie today will become usual amenities for any home a few years from now. The sooner you adopt them, the sooner you can enjoy a better life, taking advantage of all the technological advancements available to you.

But what kind of changes should you make to transform your house into a smart home? Here are our suggestions!

12 Ways To Turn Your House Into a Smart Home

1. Use a Smart Lock for Your Front Door


Keeping your house safe from an intruder should be your primary concern before you think about how to decorate and furnish it.

While security systems and locks have become more complex over the years to guarantee maximum safety, no lock using a key is never truly safe. This is because a key, no matter how intricate its design is, can be copied.

What if the only thing which could unlock your front door were your mobile phone? Well, that’s precisely the concept behind smart locks. Once the lock system is installed at home, it is paired with your smart mobiles and those in your family.

You give the command to lock/unlock from the phone, and your house is safe.

Just remember that your smartphone now controls the safety of your home, and make sure you do not lose it.

2. Wi-Fi Video Doorbell

Who’s at the door?

In the past, you had to look through the peephole of the door.

However, in recent times, you go to the intercom unit and look at its display. But Wi-Fi-enabled video doorbells enable you to see who is ringing at your door directly on your mobile phone screen.

You can also use the mobile phone to unlock the door for close friends and relatives, without leaving the kitchen or the living room.

Advanced video doorbell systems have motion detectors embedded in them and can detect and alert you when someone is at the door before they press the doorbell button.

3. Smart Thermostats

A smart thermostat can program itself to create a comfortable temperature in your house with minimum energy consumption. This is a brilliant way to live your life, considering the ever-increasing energy prices and the need to use the planet’s resources responsibly.

With a smart thermostat in your home, you will enjoy the perfect temperature and see your electricity bills decreasing at the same time.

4. Smart Alarms for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide

Smoke and gas detectors are mandatory for each home – not only because your home insurance company demands it, but because it is the only way to protect your family from a potential tragedy.

Smart alarms connect to the internet and send you an alert in case of abnormal smoke and carbon monoxide readings, even when you are away from home.

If you opt for a subscription service, the alarm will notify the company’s call center managing your alarm system, which will promptly dispatch emergency response teams to your home.

5. Personal Home Assistants

At present, you can opt between Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri. These artificial intelligence entities respond to voice commands and can be programmed to take charge of various things around your house.

Whether it’s turning off the coffee machine just before you wake up or turn lights on and off and control the thermostat.

6. Smart TV

Did you know 80% of the US population have a smart TV connection in their households?

This only shows the growing demand for smart television in the upcoming years. Furthermore, smart TV users are going to spike up to 119 million by 2022.

The statistics are pure because smart TV now has an operating system, like a computer, and an internet connection. You can control it by voice command and get access to cable and satellite TV and online movies services such as Netflix or Hulu.

7. Smart Light Bulbs


How cool it’d be to switch off the lights every time you forgot to do so after hitting the bed at night?

Well, that’s exactly what smart lights are for. Not only can you turn off lights with the help of a voice assistant, but you can also control the intensity too.

The intensity and color of light have the power to control our mood and state of mind. For example, you could never relax and fall asleep under the harsh white light in your office (and that is why companies opt for this type of lighting).

But at home, you may want to dim the light during a romantic dinner, change the hue to a warmer color while you read in bed, etc.

Thanks to smart light bulbs, you can do that and adjust the level and hue of light according to your wishes. All you need is your smartphone and a unique app provided by the manufacturer of light bulbs.

8. If This Then That App

IFTTT is an online app that helps you create a chain of events connected by cause and effect.

It started as a productivity app for managers but quickly grew popular, and people demanded more uses for it. With IFTT, you can control internet-connected devices in your home and program them to turn on or off in a particular sequence.

For instance, you can program the light to switch on in the garage 20 minutes after the coffee maker was turned on, as this is how much it takes you to drink your coffee and head for work.

9. Smart Vacuum Cleaner

The iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner has become very popular on the internet. Apart from working on its own, avoid furniture, and collect dirt from the tightest corner, small children and pets love it too.

You can find dozens of videos on YouTube showing kids, cats, and dogs taking a ride on the Roomba cleaner and having the time of their life.

10. Smart Refrigerator

Yes, there’s an app even for your fridge. It helps you control the temperature, scan the refrigerator’s contents, and get alerts when some of the products are close to the expiration date.

Now you have no more excuses for throwing away food.

11. Smart Windows

We all value our privacy, but unless we install thick curtains to make the room dark, we can do nothing about what people see through the window.

Well, not anymore!

Special window treatments in the form of transparent films allow you to give your windows a glazed, frosted glass aspect without blocking sunlight. Now those pesky neighbors won’t be able to snoop on you anymore!

12. Smart Sleep Monitor

A healthy sleep each night is essential for a long healthy life.

Many people have various sleep-related disorders they are not aware of.

The smart sleep monitor analyzes your breathing and movement patterns during the night and gives you an accurate record of the quality of your sleep. It is beneficial for your doctor and in establishing the proper diagnosis if you have trouble sleeping.

Concluding Thoughts,

We hope we were able to help you out to turn your home into a smart home. At the same time, there’s no one rule to follow while installing smart home automation systems. However, we suggest you go for smart devices that are of utmost priority.

Do you know any other devices for a smart home? Drop your comments below; we love to hear from you!

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Key Takeaways On House Automation System

  • The number of smart homes will exceed the 350 million mark by 2023
  • Turning your house into a smart home with an automation system enables you to maintain, clean automatically, and secure it.
  • Smart home automation is the connection of all home devices to a single controller.
  • You can use smart locks to ensure the highest safety while turning your home into a smart home.
  • Also, Wi-Fi-enabled video doorbells are good ideas to check who is ringing at your door directly on your mobile phone screen.
  • A smart thermostat in the home ensures the perfect temperature while saving electricity bills.
  • Furthermore, installing smoke and gas detectors help in preventing some severe tragedies.
  • You can also install a smart TV to enjoy watching online streaming services with friends and families.
  • Smart light bulbs and windows are another popular way to turning your home.
  • Lastly, the smart sleep monitor analyzes your breathing and movement patterns during sleep and gives an accurate record of sleep quality.

What is the best home automation system?

  • Amazon Echo
  • Google Nest Hub
  • Wink Hub 2
  • Samsung SmartThings
  • Apple HomeKit

What are house automation products?

Home automation products are the technology that enables users to control electronic appliances with just a controller.

How to turn your home into a smart home?

One way to turn your home into a smart home is by buying smart devices of your choice and integrate all of them into a single device for control.

Silvia Constantin
Silvia Constantin
SEO and Content writer, translator, dreamer. These are some of the words which describe Silvia. She believes in the power of words - both for good and for evil. She also believes that we can all choose to use words in a positive manner, to share information, ideas, feelings, and truth. There is nothing more rewarding than to be the instrument through which knowledge is shared among other people. From this point of view, she considers herself in a privileged position of trust, which she strives never to betray.

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